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Everything posted by Biz

  1. a bit pricey... Rick Bucklers "Gift " to his fans...12 a ticket. Hardly a gift.
  2. Just Downloaded Skinflowers What a superb track even after all these years,I wish I could jam stuff like this in Aberdeen.
  3. this is a fantastic product... that create a prodigy. Ha ha ha he rocks
  4. Baltika... Tried it for the first time yesterday,after 2 pints I started seeing double,after 2 and a 1/2 I started getting very peckish for a Kebab,after 3 I came on here and wrote unintelligable shite,so you can bet I 'll be down for another pint soon. Very tasty, just a bit on the strong side for an empty stomach.
  5. aye right... 12 to see Hooky play records. It was bad enough putting up with the embarrasing spectacle on TV, with the artists formerly known as good disgracing themselves.
  6. aye right... 90% of the programme is filler...hmmm lets guess etc etc and the bits inbetween are filled by Noel being an arse...cringeworthy stuff as bad as Chris Evans new O flip it's Sunday,just another excuse to turn off and go to a gig.
  7. Mwa..... ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  8. good... a certain cheecky fucker can rest easy tonight then.
  9. Hey Fuck This Smart ass fucking around with threads combining what,3 ? into one makes everything look out of context, yeah we can tell when they were posted by the... POSTED TODAY AT.... but you are out of line...go and work for a newspaper like the Scum.............If you want to act like BIG BROTHER do it on some other site ...I am NOT impressed, only drunk enough to be bothered. see ebay for everyone cashing in.
  10. golf claps... and a guy that looks like a hybrid of a hairy character in a kids film LIKE tHE gRINCH and a rock star dae it for me...FORE...
  11. aye but... Drunk intelligent people have the imagination to do FAR stupider things
  12. Och shite... I'm seeing in quadruple...is this some kind of record?,get on the phone to Roy Castle and The Mc Whirter brither the IRA blew up...GUINESS ...I want my name in yer book for next Xmas,barrrrp.
  13. Here ...Chiz... Fit's the name o this beer again? I ken it's 10p cheaper than Bud,and I've only hid 2 n a half pints and I'm seeing double,but ye will hiv tae tell me it's name again, acannaminenithinawizbleezin.
  14. here Chiz... Fit's the name o this beer again? I ken it's 10p cheaper than Bud,and I've only hid 2 n a half pints and I'm seeing double,but ye will hiv tae tell me it's name again, acannaminenithinawizbleezin.
  15. Fame... The opportunity to mumble incoherently and say " Ye ken " a lot on North tonight, and get yer face in the papers ,seems unresistable, maybe some local bands should try it,it's the closest they will get to achieving any worthwhile publicity....or perhaps they could write some listenable music ... for a change. I am pissed, YOU, in all probability are an argumentative teenager looking for a fight... go to The Belmont bar,I can't be fucking bothered hurting my hand on your poofy adolescent face...FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT ... and by the way I am not homophoic,I just hate heterosexuals acting like poofs,you poofy fuckers,baaaaaaarp.
  16. Nah.... Looks like you are mister poopy pants
  17. Aye right If time travel is available at Thomas Cook.
  18. New Chums For George If he died and went to heaven I bet his first stop would be to speak to Jesus about this water into wine malarkey.
  19. George Best the legend is dead Don't like football, but thought he was great in the 1970s,a bit shambolic but funny to watch,shame he died of alcoholism,but he probably had more good times in a typical week than most of us do in a year.
  20. Hmmmmm Aeon Flux Hope they don't make an arse of it like Tank Girl
  21. What's yellow and runs on a 13amp plug? George Best. A true rock n roll sportsman,partying like a bastard even after the transplant
  22. Try telling New Orleans this.... I'm sure they will dress more appropriately in future,perhaps donning a natty outfit made of a concrete bunker high in the hills
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