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Johnny Mac

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Everything posted by Johnny Mac

  1. Haha, aye.... we need some divine intervention and then some. I think we'd definately go bust if we got relegated, without a shadow of a doubt. Hoping that doesn't happen.... but no team is too good to get relegated. And lets face it, the Dons have been anything but good for a LONG time now!
  2. Campaign completed. Playing online now.... I suck. And too many people speaking Spanish in all the lobbies. I don't speak Spanish. And I keep getting blown up by mines. Bastards.
  3. WHOOOSHHHH!!!! Not in the slightest. If you sign a manager who produces dismal tactics and formations, terrible transfer market dealings, the inability to blame everyone/thing but himself for poor results..... then yes.... destined to fail. I agree. I'm putting Shearers hat in as he's a man with passion for the club and has a lot of experience. He was also unfortunate that Stevie Paterson couldn't stay sober or even make it to work on time most days and made an arse of the job up here. He might also be able to help our strikers hit a cows arse with a banjo. Brian Irvine would be good to have about the place too (as Jimmy Calderwood would say)..... a la Derek Young In all seriousness.... Rumor is Cooper/Simmie in the interim.... assisted by Hartley......
  4. Dons rule! Oh wait..... McGhee had been a dead man walking for weeks now. Feel a bit sorry for him, but it was only a matter of time. Changes are needed at boardroom level too though (along with the playing and management staff). A fresh man with fresh ideas will hopefully stabilise things and get some kind of response from the players. McGhee had obviously lost the dressing room. Along with the majority of the support. Dismal. Hopefully the snow continues and all our games are off in december..... so we can buy some new players and get some of the injured guys fit. EDIT: Oh, and we should bring back Duncan Shearer in some capacity.... assistant manager preferably.
  5. It was on neither Boxing Day or New Year's day. 9th November apparently (not that I remember, although I was at the game).
  6. Got my EP2 in this morning..... Way ouuuuttt maaaannnnnnnm, very 70's packaging. Didn't realise it was a 12" this time too. Again, will remain unopened I'm guessing.
  7. Johnny Mac


    I would actually quite like that idea. Good article. The current set-up is dire and needs changed. The proposed changes are even worse though. Plus, the Old Firm would never entertain those changes, it would be so much better for Scottish football though. End of season games are usually abysmal. In saying that, most games are abysmal right now. It'll never happen though. Boo.
  8. Working my way through the campaign.... not really played any of the other games before. Great stuff so far. Online tonight..... any other PS3 folks add me.... johnnymac58.
  9. Not for much longer I would envisage.
  10. Really enjoyed this. Was too late for Carson Wells but the other 3 bands were great! Is the guy who fronts Gay for Johnny Depp the same guy who was in the band Instruction? I thought I recognised him......
  11. Aye, I'm up for a game. Sports Village should be a bit quieter in December I'd imagine.... surely all the pesky students will be away home.
  12. I went to Musa for some grub on Friday. Was lovely.... I will definately be heading back again!
  13. You did indeed. I was trolleyed. Bedded before 10pm. Grim.
  14. I just said that. Milne and Miller must leave the club before any real change can be seen. Easier said than done though. People aren't exactly banging on the door. Although in this case the manager has to carry the can for a fair share. Some poor signings (Ifil in particular). No fullbacks. No squad depth. Yes, he has no money, but has a FAR larger budget than pretty much most of the league. Sad state of affairs down Pittodrie way.
  15. If only it was that easy..... Why do people send me logos they want EXACTLY recreated without any fonts etc.... A flattened, terrible jpeg. Magic!
  16. The buck sadly ALWAYS stops with the manager. As much as the idiots running the club are to blame.... throughout football history.... it's always the manager.
  17. It was on special offer yesterday only. Nae luck.
  18. Does anyone have the collection of Eurostile fonts? I have several of them..... I just want the normal Eurostile with the ability to make it bold...... I don't have this option. Eurostile bold (is WAY too bold) and extended just won't do the job..... sadly.
  19. At the end of the day, we lost YET again. Performances mean absolutely zip without the results to back them up. Sadly football is all about the results in our horrible league. I feel sorry for McGhee, but he has to take a big share of the responsibility, and has made some puzzling (to say the least) signings. At the end of the day, the buck stops with him (although Milne and Miller are both a disgrace).
  20. You can get the entire box set for 30 on play just now too. Well worth it.
  21. Aye, I was in around the same time and just getting score updates on the phone. It's a cool wee place to sit with a paper and a few beers in the afternoon. The football soon drove me to drink though.
  22. I think I'll just go there and forget about going to the game Glad I was in there on Saturday too when the goals were flooding in.... the beers helped take the edge off.......
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