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Everything posted by Rass

  1. Hey Chris, Welcome to our little corner of Metal Appreciation! So how did you come across us anyway man, just out of Curiosity! Big up the San Diego Massive!
  2. What other photos? if you mean from the blaze gig, we had 3 people all taking photos on digital cameras, which amounted to about 250 photos i think? (i could be utterly over exaggurating there, it was def more than 100 tho) now, i dont think anyone who is ok in the head would really be intrested in trolling through 100+ photos from one 25 minute set (and lets be honest, a bunch of photos that look about the same as each of the other 15ish galleries), so i generally try and narrow them down to about 25 max, they are a total webspace killer. oh and re:the blaze photos, i still dont know who the guy in the last photo is, a friend of mac's, the photo was just too good to leave out tho! Cheers for the feedback thus far guys, hopefully i'll be starting on some kind of slideshow for the photos soon, to make them easier to view. Does anyone have any other suggestions? any will be welcome, as the site is really due a re-haul with the approaching CD launch. So make your voice heard!!! Oh and i was thinking about some kinda area for you guys in the Interactive section, its been there for months called Children of the Atom, but with nothing in it, was just wanting to put a gallery of you guys or something anything fan-related really, please gimmie some ideas if you have any, coz i'll probably end up pulling it down otherwise. Oh yeah, and sorry that i still can't get the site to work on MoZilla or Macs, really, god knows still having nightmares about that! Sorry, ranting, but yeah, thank you for the support, and please gimmie any ideas you may have! Cheers Rass
  3. Someone told me they loved my blonde locks, then proceeded in a drunken shpiel about how she wanted to fuck my hair... hmm.... and you all thought i died my hair black because it was halloween! had quite a few weird ones, most of which escape me at present tho...
  4. Just heard Rose of Sharyn off the RR Records site, not so good..... Not so good that I have to wait a whole hour before i can get out of class to go and buy the Album! As i hoped calculated brilliance executed with precision from KsE once again. Awesome! Fuckin Ace, brings lots of ace memories back, of last summer sitting in the sun drinking beer and listening to the last album! Ahhh i wish i was there just now!
  5. YES!!!!!! sorry, i promised myself i wasn't going to get involved in the euro power-metal discussion but Midnight Sun, what a fuckin tune!!
  6. Gnarly! yeah if the blonde goes, i'll miss it, just have a horrible feeling its going to see me bald in not very long!
  7. first off, that tele is horrible, it looks like it should have the finish of noodles from the offspring's custom model, which may of redeemed it slightly, wanna cool tele? see the John 5 signature tele, that is a beast! secondly, that pic was taken a while ago, check the masks i do like the customised Bith Mick is holding, not as cool as the Warlock tho! May need to buy the KsE album very soon tho, heard nothing but good reports thus far, was going to get it wen i pickd up Subliminal Verses but someone suggested if i was to buy them togeher the new KsE may just blow Vol 3 out the water... think i'll get i today, so i might be bored of it by the 24th! Can't Fookin Wait! oh.... unlucky 13 days to go!! Carnage!
  8. yeah, thank god we have dan on board to write all the killer tunes!
  9. that was doc that said that dude but *clap*clap*applause* to doc
  10. Right, so, it's that time of year again that my manky yellow/blonde locks need the roots done, but im not overwhelmed with the thought of burning the crap out of my hair again, as it's already breaking and coming out. So what to do? Stick to the trademark "i'm not Erskine's less ugly twin" trademark Blonde? Dye it back to the old brown and wait for it to grow out, putting my time to something a bit more creative like writing solos for the new album... or dye it *insert rediculous colour here* and run the risk of it fading in about 12 minutes to a rubbish pastel colour thus making me emo.... Any thoughts? oh, and anyone suggesting cutting it will be wasting 5 minutes of their life saying so, as it is not an option....
  11. I Actually have a copy of Exile somewhere, but i'm going to be Uber-Metal and give it to my Mum! i also have about 5 copies of the run of 10 that we did of the Half Life EP, but dont waste your time asking coz we're NOT selling it!
  12. Not seen the video yet, but i've had the song for a few weeks now and i totally love it, it is a grower though, it does have a bit of a stone sour feel, but not enough to take away the whole slipknot thing. it's fuckin ace, and the bit at the beggining is awesome, very different for slipknot, all good! only 20(ish) days til the album!!
  13. erm, i guess i could say now as it looks like it probably may never happen! Sweet Amber=myself (bass/vox) Corn-Gu (guitar/vox) and Gdove-Gu(drums) + a crate of beer, in the basement one night, we wrote like 4 songs, the plan was to only do sweet amber related things when under the influence of alcohol (hence i sung etc), we also tried to get on the bill for a christmas AUBL gig 2 weeks after the first and only jam, thought it mighta been funny to see if we could of hauled something together. Seem to recall we had a very SOAD-esque song, was awesome too! WE were going to re-write master of puppets to be about chicken nuggets too.... "I want my.. SIX-PIECE...NUG-GETS!" tee-hee, i miss being that drunk!
  14. deadloss would only complain if they could hear us over thier own rukkus!
  15. what the hell is wrong with Dance of Death? you guys heard Virtual XI?
  16. As i say man, it already has a name announcement and album art coming in the next few weeks any ideas for album art?!
  17. The Almighty Fat Hippy!
  18. my personal favourites so far but if you've read lens post it's a shame it's all in vain, though i have been asked to contribute to the songwriting this time round, might just make it my challenge to include them in a song? hmmmm!
  19. (i'm glad you're happy about this mouse... what's wrong with good old 4/4 anyway?!)
  20. except for the fact it's called Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses) (stop reading the web and come into college and do work like i quite blantantly am)
  21. does anyone else actually have any serious input as to what the black atom album will be called? Or is this thread doomed to iron maiden abuse and people cleverly suggesting that we name the album after CD's that bands have quite blatantaly already released? C'mon you so called metalheads, you can do better than this!!
  22. dont get me wrong, you can get good results from exile, just it seems a bit touch and go whether you'll get treated right or not. Mark Nichol IS Exile so if he's having a bad day your going to have a bad recording experience.
  23. That is bullshit. Mark Nichol USED to make a set price before starting recording until he recorded 'Out of Exile', he wasnt aware bands actually played 12 minute songs. Basically what we payed for it made a total mockery of his pricing system so he changed it to paying 'per minute of recorded material' or something. Oh and watch yourself with mark's "flexable working hours" if he likes you, and at the end of it your going to pay him well with minimum hassle he'll be there with bells on, however if for any reason he can't be bothered, he'll prolly have to look after the kids or find something else really important to do which'll leave you standing in the cold for as long as it takes you get bored and go home. Paul, By all means go and try the place out I mean he was ok with us, great results on disc, he did push us to make a good recording. But be warned that if you stress him out or he loses intrest you may end up re-living a recording horror story like HMG's where they were basically taken for a ride for 3 months and at the end of it had to cut one of the best songs on 'Splat Metal' as Mark simply couldnt be arsed anymore and left it unuseable.
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