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Doc Ascension

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Everything posted by Doc Ascension

  1. It would be a waste of valuable time, effort and resources to "help" them. They should all be turned into what I like to call... my reverse asylum plan. We gather all the fucking chavs, neds, whatever you call them into a big boat - send them off to some cunt place like Poland or any of those shitty balklands countries and then let them see how they like having a load of useless mooching unemploable twats taking over their cities. Or kill them. All. I really mean it. Kill all the fuckers.
  2. better than cramming it in a sock... (you might need to think a while about this one... its a very well thought out comment) (if you need help figuring it out, just ask, don't mind the embarrasment! )
  3. HAMMERFALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! StormWarrior (with Kai Hansen playing an exclusive Helloween set!) no headliner for Saturday night yet... but rumours are of Iced Earth maybe even Kamelot... that would be FKiN AWESOME!
  4. yay!! someone else in the barren lands of Aberdeen who knows of this Viking invasion!! i think Nightwish are also playing this years Wacken... ...anyhoo - in other Melodic/Power Metal news - Stratovarius are back together and have their first tour date again at ProgPower 2005 in the US... good news indeed.
  5. This is a very very bad idea and no good can come of it.
  6. No thanks. I'll stick with bloodstock!
  7. I fear for your safety and that of those around you.
  8. well why is he posting 2003's lineup? All i know is that Turisas and Ensiferum are playing this year and they should not be missed... ...that is if you are going to Germany.
  9. im tempted however it means 2 things... 1) how do I fit in Rome Total War, Counter-Strike Source AND WoW ?? Impossible!! 2) No more life... ever. 3) Paying monthly - the main reason I don't play these MMORPGS! Monthly paying I not like.
  10. I live in Drumlithie where public transport doesn't exist. Out here it really is necessary to drive... public transport is physically impossible.
  11. The magic of sarcasm doesn't translate well in plain text... however I have become good at noticing it. If anyone was remotely interested in the bands Dechristianise listed at Wacken then they would be very excited at seeing Turisas and Ensiferum. So Skull, i don't know what music you like but it most certainly ain't welcomed at Wacken! BATTLE METAL!!!!!!!!
  12. actually... home recording is the best way. With a little bit of knowledge... a few mics and stuff I think thats how my first recording is going to be born... - that would be my house this sunday Mr. Scorgie.
  13. yes it is... i have several orders which should be waiting in my post box including... some LED Lazer lights from Overlockers.co.uk which i'm gonna custom fit onto my blue/silver BC Rich Warlock for lighting effects! Also some books including The fall of Carthage and a DVD... awesome.
  14. i'm sure with a little imagination you could do better than just taping the wood back on?? Superglue, plus some paint/wood filler/etc ... you can do wonders if you try!! But yes, the input jack is an easy job but I don't whore my services out for free im afraid! Too many soldering scars for that haha...
  15. worth a try... im actually after a new case - not really that one though!! Still from the outset doesn't look like such a great deal!
  16. dang... thot u were getting rid of bodies in carpet rolls .... nevermind!
  17. ok... then definately the ENGL!! Boogies are over rated.. they are good ... but have a shot of the ENGL before u do anything
  18. u've pulled some wood out? can u get a piccie of what uve done on here? I can fix the input jack no problem but the wood is a different story. But i would prefer to blowjobs as payment.. :~
  19. I think they had to change it when some of the racist white sheep started picking on the black ones. Then they went to far and started wearing bed sheets when they met in groups. Don't trust sheep in bed sheets. - But yes, changing a nursery rhyme is stupid, especially when you ruin the alliteration (sp?) which is the whole point of using the word black!
  20. That awesome new drummer in Spike Pile Driver
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