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Doc Ascension

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Everything posted by Doc Ascension

  1. fuck that - buy files and DIY it
  2. Yes i would suggest an electronic kit too - however i'm not a drummer but it seems like the sensible option!
  3. good simpsons quote. Maybe if the ball was fitted with weapons - fuck the camera the first thing i'd put on is a taser gun and a fucking chainsaw! Then i'd like to see a burglar pick that shit up! However, in its current state, it is infact useless.
  4. Good Charloote Good Charlotte Good Charlotte. I Spike song belittling these annoying dicks would be music to my ears. PS... good photoshopping!! PPS... nice weapons!
  5. Not unless the person has insanely large ears or you have rather small penises. Unless you mean metaphorically with your music then I get it
  6. im aware its quite a beast but I don't really like it for some reason - it's styling just doesn't sit right with me somehow. Can't really explain it lol :|
  7. it can be funny to laugh at totally fucked up shit sometimes. *SATIRE*
  8. Heavy workload, low repetitions for the strength.... Im gonna get me an XG Gaming Sidewinder case when they come out in march ... www.xcase.co.uk - fecking sweet ass case !
  9. big mistake Nestle...the whole idea was you could ping the tops at people using the tube! now what??? ... they will revert to tubes when the sales plummet...
  10. I am impressed.. I stated them as power metal because I wasn't aware you're knowledge of them was quite so extensive. I have heard some of the MMW stuff, and yes, I would call that emo. As would all the other people that I know who have heard it! If its not emo, kindly enlighten me - what genre would you portray the band as? -Yes Batio is a truly awesome guitarist - its just his songs aren't as good as Malmsteens. No Boundaries is a work of genius but thats the best it gets imho. ANd his "Yngwie Can't Touch This" song just makes him look like a cunt! I'm pretty sure that unleashed the fucking fury!!!
  11. I know someone who recently asked for a divorce on New Year's Eve - BY TEXT MESSAGE!! They had a big fight, and he texted her later saying he wanted a divorce, they are still currently married though. Funny as fuck - i nearly died laughing when I was told (by someone else obviously!)
  12. Eek! You like Helloween, but Hammerfall are too cheesey for you? oh dear! Keeper of the Seven Keys pt.II is fukin awesome though. Especially the eponymous song, the verse guitar riff is the nuts. However, thats about the best they have done! Hammerfall are flying the flag well for Sweden though! Also, you have to say that Germany's best power metal achievement has to be Blind Guardian? Far better than Helloween! Infact, Gamma Ray are also better than Helloween! Good call on the poster tho
  13. I must make this clear - i'm not trying to make this personal at all! Far from it, but i know ur in My Minds Weapon and have seen you talk about FFAF and so I suggest to the jury that you like emo? Both of those bands being emo innit?
  14. I'll surpass the irony for a moment - the songs are not like that at all! Its REAL shredding not just widdle, and its melodic - their solos are melodies first... listen to Valley of the Damned solo for christs sake! Just awesome songs, with awesome melodies (both guitar and vocal) and choruses to die for. All this at 240bpm with double bass kicking you in the balls and Artificial harmonics jabbing a knife in your ears? You just cant beat it! And live, its like nothing else on this earth. And I hate to say it, actually, i don't hate to say it - but Funeral for a Friend ARE emo. My mislead middle brother likes them, and by his own admission they are emo! "The red poison of your lips is where I kiss the blood from?" PLEASE matey!! Its emo through and through! Just like Dragonforce is power metal, Manowar is homo-erotic metal, Funeral are Emo! Thats how it is! And Yngwie Malmsteen is total class.. he has great songs - if you want nothing but useless widdle widdle check out Michael Angelo Batio... now he is good, but just pointless widdling.
  15. Oh come on Dan!!! Hearts on Fire is just classic! You can't beat Hammerfall.. can't wait to see them at the Stock this year - The classic rhyming fire and desire... just can't beat that! awesome! Yes some lyrics can be dump... however, they have good music to back that up - whereas emo gives you shite lyrics with a load of cumstain guitar work, skidmark bass and willy-licking drumming. That makes bum pie!!! I present to you: "We'll start a fire, and burn some bridges, and make it out of here tonight" etc. Dump city!
  16. Fucking awesome gig indeed... The Kinslayer especially!! And Ghost Love/Slaying and Wishmaster just totally slayed! Tristiana were indeed bollox, glad i didn't see the rest of their set! 3 times a charm for Nightwish indeed lol
  17. ie how many inputs/kinds of inputs/outputs etc!
  18. pics of this particular model of Fostex?? or even some info about it!
  19. Are you serious? You play guitar and you don't like dragonforce? Bit too fast for ya? This makes me realise that all Emo should be banned - it is starting to cloud the minds of man y people. Dragonforce are fucking awesome. Fucking awesome. And btw, Hanger 18 - how many solos? It seems Black Atom has closed its doors to the future of real metal!! Tut tut tut.
  20. anything by Funeral for a Friend/Taking Back Sunday/My Chemical Romance/ anything emo. All emo lyrics are absolutely diabolical.
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