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Doc Ascension

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Everything posted by Doc Ascension

  1. no definately not! Trust me... i've seen that episode like 3 times DEFINATELY fing-longer! If I'm wrong i'll eat my hat with barbeque sauce!
  2. well yes I might take you up on the offer to come check it out! Gimme a day or two to dwell on it see if I can justify it! I've been reading some good reviews bout the head... ANd wow... Maiden flag thrown into the deal! You know how to press all my buttons! But lemmie have a think! If someone else comes along though before me by all means sell!!!
  3. Reptile - i was refering to this price of this card - more than he is willing to spend! The 6600GT, scan.co.uk and dabs.com I think you could get for around 130 which is admirable! Also, if you did get them SLI in the future - you get the performance of a 300 + card for only 260!! (assuming the motherboard is compatable). But at the moment SLI is not fully implemented in most games and so you wouldn't get the huge performance increases that are theoretically possible but it will come... I assumed you were inept as you started the thread "Attention Nerds", when infact you now confess to being one hehe
  4. Mariner... its not the Fing-Longerer... its Fing-Longer.
  5. i miiigghhht be interested - tell me more about the sounds you get out of it? What styles would you say its best for - i play power metal and never thought of H&K being suited to this style? Any thoughts?
  6. it is definately the Fing-Longer device. Definately. The one where Bender gets involved in the robat mafia is quite good. Or the one where Fry owns a Gazillion dollar can of anchovies to put on pizza. Classic
  7. Wrong... I'm afraid its "What is the most common pathology found in Dundee school children"
  8. Never trust a man who wants his end of the deal first.
  9. It does indeed depend on the person - in your case you were obviously right to leave. However, I do think that many people are hasty to jump ship and leave simply because they can. Getting Highers is very important, it only takes one year and from then on your options are limitless. Leaving school early gives you one option - college or working. Once you go down that road its hard to get back to a position akin to where you could be if you did Highers. And pluis after all that hard work you get: 6th year! Which is by far the best, most fun year you get for a long time!
  10. well you could pay me to listen - that would be fairer still!! and you really can't say fairer than that!
  11. I see what you did there but thats called repetition and it's not really great. See, my one worked because the 2nd rule of comedy is timing, however, I ironically posted the word timing first - indicating poor timing. Therefore, being ironic. You however, are not being Ironic. So in answer to your question - University Challenge
  12. www.projectguitar.com There's bound to be some helpful info on that sight under the tutorials section - if not post on the forums there and ask for advice!
  13. Here's a tip - don't leave school at 16. Too late for you, but let this be a lesson to all you other 16 year olds - quit school and you will be working in Burger King trying to scrape together a college course! Jesting.
  14. Yes, grab yourself a Geforce 6600 GT - by far the best card you can get for the money. It comes in AGP and PCI-E but your probably not going to have a PCI-E motherboard sinec you are inept so get the AGP one. Also, upgrading is possible buy buying another one and having them set in SLI formation! Once SLI is fully supported of course, and you need the PCI-E version for that. Anyway... 6600 GT.
  15. Ok, now that explains why I've had a fucking TON of weird and prank phone calls lately. Tsk Tsk
  16. Um, Scorgie: Acsension before Spike Pile Driver please hehe. And kudous on the attempt at Fire/Desire in that second song, however higher/dire I'm not too hot on. And here's a suggestion for the next album title ... "Atomic Power (Metal)" 'Ave it!
  17. I like the sound of cheap drinks for performers at The Moorings Hopefully we can get a gig there soon - we are almost ready to break out and unleash the fury upon the world (starting with Aberdeen)
  18. Thats what happens when a guitar sleeps with a dirty slapper guitar....
  19. "Farting Napalm" "Fartron" "Fart Simpson" "Farting the Red Sea" "Fart in the Wind" "Fart Master" "DragonFart" just some ideas... based around a theme
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