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Everything posted by soundian

  1. Nah, just bad shielding, I imagine all satellites are digi anyway, much more data for your money and more resistant to atmospheric factors. Radio moscow (that's what we figured it was) used to be famous in my day, I had an H+H amp and the gentle strains of balalika music filled many a mid-rehearsal break.
  2. Typical sign of a scammer, joining up and their first post is somehow concerned with people parting with cash. plus the facts gleaned from other websites didn't correlate fully with what you said so I thought I'd put the mockers on it until someone contacted the band. Curious about the promoter thing, how does that work, or do you mean you're just a random promoter trying to do the Needles some good (if you are, and you live in this village, why don't I know you?).
  3. Since Cloud suggested sticking the sound desk at the back I'll reiterate the points I made before the last refit. Putting a sound desk under a balcony is a terrible idea, it really fucks with the sound. Engineers need to see the bands, as 99.9% of the time the monitors are done from FOH. (note that the lighting guys have less of a view of the stage than the sound guys from the back, perhaps a little cause and effect there as regards lighting) Engineers only had two options, run about like a blue arsed fly (impossible if it's busy) or stand back and hope for the best. Neither option is a preferred way of working for anyone. I can't see how you could move the stairs and have the sound desk at a reasonable position, putting all that fairly delicate (and aging) equipment on the bouncy castle is a non-starter.
  4. 1. Who are you? 2. What's your connection to the Needles? 3. T in the Park isn't listed as one of the five festivals. 4. If they're "billed" they must already be booked, cos they're on the "bill". 5. Strange how the original 10 bands have become 21, isn't it? Not that I'd suggest it was any kind of scam. 6. I see you joined these boards just a few hours before posting this. 7. Okay, it's a fair cop, I'm suggesting it's a scam.
  5. edit>preferences>quick time preferences>browser plugin should be a checkbox to save to disk when possible
  6. The Mill Studio Recording Studios Mill of Hirn , Banchory. Kincardineshire. AB31 5QS Tel: 01330844773
  7. :: BreatheFX phpbb2 style by InfectedFX :: PHP-Nuke theme by www.nukemods.com :: You looked at the bottom of the page, didn't you?
  8. In a geographically isolated place like Aberdeen, with the nearest decent gig over 100 miles away (sorry Dundee but...), I don't find it a tad ridiculous at all.
  9. Yeah, it's not worth it. At your time of life it's best to stick with what you know best.
  10. When did Gabby Logan become Scottish? Or am I thinking of the wrong person.
  11. Where do you live, I don't think I can wait til tomorrow. *sharpens knives*
  12. Don't worry, he won't be a problem after tomorrow. Unless he get's the Sunday Post delivered.
  13. Were you? Three strikes and your out anyway. And I'm not talking Californian law.
  14. Didn't the Egyptians come up with that idea first?
  15. Keilan, don't you mean "At what age should you stop deluding yourself that being in a band is anything other than an expensive hobby." The answer to your actual question is, quite obviously, never.
  16. What's the point of the music industry in general?
  17. It's not a local showcase, never has been and certainly wouldn't exist if it was so your comparison is not valid.
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