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Everything posted by jon

  1. They can do wonders these days, and you can get it done on the NHS if you show you're committed.
  2. jon

    Pet Hates!

    Harry Hill is a twat, but I fear the pistols of a silver starred Sheriff. To the woods!
  3. Fuck this, where's the thread about gerunds and split infinitives?
  4. jon

    Pet Hates!

    Tsk, United are the third force. Cup win, beat the Huns, currently fourth...erm, wait, let me check...
  5. Buying a dirty great penknife for this summer's jungle expedition. TESTOSTERONE HO.
  6. Fact Fans: the guy behind the Stovies vid is the same guy who made the Curators video for State Of Grace. Fame! By proxy!
  7. Thank fuck for the dog lead, Chad Kroeger memes are about as funny as a cancerous bollock.
  8. jon

    Pet Hates!

    My wee brother accidentally crushed my Chewbacca on the escalators at the Welgate Centre. I was mightily peeved.
  9. Can anyone link me to the "hoho, it looks like he's doing him up the bum" thread? I can't remember what it was called.
  10. I wish I was a little bit taller. I wish I was a baller. I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her. I wish I had a rabbit in a hat and a bat and a 6' 4" father.
  11. Quite Unmanagable In Mothercare.
  12. I had the misfortune of seeing an Ian Brown "gig" once. My ears still haven't forgiven me.
  13. Wasn't it also the case that a "wog" was a Westernised Oriental Gentleman? That would mean it was originally intended as a compliment (by the standards of the time!).
  14. Exit Through the Gift Shop was most enjoyable. I watched Hallam Foe for the first time last night. My oh my.
  15. My school band was onsessed with being Nirvana. Heady days. Great band, massive influence on me (I'm guessing I'm of the same vintage as Lucky - my mum bought me In Utero from Woolies when I was off sick from school), and still more exciting and visceral than 90% of rock music today. As for the "they couldn't play" argument, I must say I think it's complete bollocks. Writing tunes as consistently strong as Nirvana's takes real skill, and I'd always rather listen to Kurt's squall than any number of widdly metal mathematicians. Also, some of Dave Grohl's drumming circa In Utero is mindblowingly intense. He made me hate cymbal tickelers as much as Novoselic made me despise high slung bassists. Especially slap bassists. Urgh. So, yeah, Nirvana were fucking ace. All else is revisionism.
  16. A bit late I know, but I feel obliged to say GET IT RIGHT UP YOU, YOU DIRTY HUNS! That is all.
  17. I never liked the cut of that Fred guy's jib, and my distrust was compounded when he called his new band The Color Fred. Urgh.
  18. jon

    Pet Hates!

    If you intend to read Genesis, prepare yourself to read the word "begat" until your eyes bleed and every cell in your body comes to the fundamental realisation that it was written by an autistic voyeur.
  19. jon

    Favourite War Films?

    I have just gone and counted and I have 53 war films on DVD. Spot the History teacher.
  20. I have only just realised how awesome Hot Water Music are, especially Caution.
  21. Ah, you've clearly never seen pterodactyl porn...
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