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JJ 10 Easy Wishes

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Everything posted by JJ 10 Easy Wishes

  1. i too listen to steve perry - oh sherry just because. other than that. the entire hanson album with the song 'penny and me' on it. keep listening to it.
  2. i hate cheating ebay cunts. my friend bought a phone for about £150, and it turned out the bid was actually for a phone box. Didn't say anywhere in the advert.
  3. wooo i voted for the welles, which is funny, because i'm in the welles! In my opinion these 2 are the best newcomers! But i'm in one of them....can you guess which? That's right! The welles. you win a biscuit made from a traffic wardens eyes. www.myspace.com/thewelles www.myspace.com/copyhaho
  4. haha good point! at some point I shall pm these people! for now, i must go to work and serve people drinks
  5. my lord that was bad meant to be: joseph james
  6. i don't think it does christy. in other news, where the fuck are you? i can't get hold of you!
  7. him being worth 240 million does not mean he has 240 million in cash to spend. it means he owns assets (shares, property) which should he need to liquidise would be worth rather a lot of money.
  8. yep. two of them! i need to read a shakespeare play tonight. and learn stuff about the 60s in America. maybe i won't bother.
  9. aye i know! in the end i made it. its fucking delicious. really spicy. took quite a while. served on tortilla chips. oh yeh
  10. that's a good point, but i rarely eat anyway, and im junky thin. need something good. oh the dilemma!
  11. im really hungry and havent eaten all day and ive been at work and ive got lots of uni reading to do by tomoro morning. but i want to make my mexican chilli chicken which would probably take some effort or i could just make like cheese and crackers help!
  12. shant be doing that my friend. the wishes boys are in hiding but reports say that they might appear at some point in 2006. who knows? certainly not us!
  13. Muddy Waters is the only guy. I listen to him allllllllllll the time. get 'live in mississippi' - one of my favourite albums of all time!
  14. aye i fucking invented that style and then avril lavigne fucking came on the scene. and when i say came, i mean the kitchen sink. and by kitchen sink i mean have sex with you.
  15. hahahah i beat bobby from the planeteers even though I am not rock. I got 11 points. You can read it in the new fudge fanzine. so do!
  16. haha we sounded amazing at practise milner! you fucking knows it. that cd is terrible and I hate it.
  17. i really enjoyed this gig. thought 5 finger played really well, and the small amount that I saw eric euan (sorry guys, had to disappear for various reasons) was really good too. great live band. and i also had fun on stage with the welles. anyone else enjoy it?
  18. according to reports, only a few people in the world (those who were in drummonds on the evening of the 23rd of November) witnessed 10 Easy Wishes, a band made up by JJ, Adam and Tom. Eyewitnesses recorded that they played Samantha Marson and Trees On Fire whilst playing acoustic guitars and singing into microphones, but did not even take their free drink for playing - apparently due to time limitations. Exodus is only open till 2am after all. This shocking news report may be followed by louder ones in the future. Including a secret get together in a practise room tonight.
  19. i thought franz were fucking boring. thoroughly unimpressed. the singles were all rather good, but at least i could have a wee dance to them - the remainder of the set, littered with shite filler songs that you forget as instantly as you hear, was just bland. i can't really think of much good to say to be honest. i really, really wanted them to be ace but i've seen so many better bands that hail from this very city that put them to shame. editors were fucking ace however and made the gig worth paying something stupid like 25 to get in. why did i pay that? because franz are meant to be ace live. i paid something like 8 to see the futureheads play at the barrowlands a while ago and they made franz look like complete amateurs to this game. 25. the 1990s were so kings of leon it hurt, but i really enjoyed them as well. all in all, i had a good time, forgot how to use capital letters, paid stupid money for bottles of budweiser and danced to that doo doo doo doo doo song. which was nice. franz = boring editors = ace the 1990s = kings of leon me = in debt
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