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JJ 10 Easy Wishes

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Everything posted by JJ 10 Easy Wishes

  1. That's right folks, for one night only, the magnificent 10 Easy Wishes return to their home town of Aberdeen to play some songs in a special lemon tree evening. With special guests Onion Terror, and another secret support slot, the show should be lots and lots of fun and you should all come along and have fun. and dance too we looooooooove you xxx
  2. you are shit at drinking. wait til me and adam teach you a lesson. however, i teach him a lesson regularly. so i will teach you a lesson. i hate maths though, so know mahts]
  3. such a cunt. i told you i wanted to go too
  4. it's my job as a barman to make things up. that's the law. my favourite however was when i was about 9 and me and adam convinced our friend ben that there was such a creation called 'thermo bricks' we told him that they conducted electricity so they could make things light up, like a sort of lego clay thing. he took his mum all the way around town for 2 DAYS! to try and find thermo bricks for christmas. awesome.
  5. why the fuck do you drink diet irn bru? it's disgusting. get a job you student cunt
  6. hahahaha does casino actually do that? cos it sounds like something he would do. i'm still disappointed brian, but life's too short. i better get in for free though! and get a present.
  7. I fucking loved this film! i hated all the lord of the rings films because they were shit, and i refused to go and see this as well, before jonathon ross said it was the most excited he had been since star wars IV! And so I saw it and enjoyed it very much. Except i couldn't stop laughing when the giant monkey fell off the empire state building. that was really funny.
  8. indeed. we were actually dead though. this lemon tree show is a one night stand however so who knows what will happen after that! still, Drakes deserves its own award because none of those other bands will have a chance against it!
  9. #GASP# Surely not! Another gig from 10 Easy Wishes! I thought they were finished!!!
  10. That's right girls and boys! A mystery force has brought 10 Easy Wishes from outwith their secret cave where they concoct songs and mischievous doings to propel them in to the spot light once more! Thanks to all you girls and boys who kept asking 10 Easy Wishes if they would please play another show the 3 members of the band decided to say, "yes, we will, just for you". The Lemon Tree thought it would be a good idea too! So therefore, on the 3rd of March of next year (2006, I mean, silly!) 10 Easy Wishes will make your ears bleed with a proper rendition of their 3 years and over 100 and something gigs played around Europe pop surf blues punk rock loud explosion noise songs. It will go KAPOW! BANG! CRASH! Name some songs you want to hear and perhaps the band will play them! Remember to bring along any animals and toys you have because the Lemon Tree will be surrounded in animals that 10 Easy Wishes couldn't keep within the secret cave - they will miss us too much I'm afraid. Rumour has it that a gorilla might even replace Tom on drums! Onion Terror are the support band! There is another support band who shall not be named yet! It is cheap to get in! Even if you are a very poor student! All the money goes straight towards 10 Easy Wishes pimping the Lemon Tree out with things that are stupid. It will be amazingly fun because all the bands like to have fun. Super. 10 Easy Wishes will play 'The Clinic' and 'Samantha Marson' during the set www.myspace.com/10easywishes www.purevolume.com/10easywishes please come along for some fun! And we hope you enjoy it very, very, very much and are very excited to see you all again! xxxxx
  11. I like the end part of that song. that's not meant in a sarcastic, i liked it when the end came, kind of way.
  12. well well. 10 easy wishes will definitely win that award! It's only dr drakes we're up against. are 10 easy wishes still rocking? I was not aware
  13. i for one have never hung glitter. i hang tinsel! which is a different thing entirely. that joke is useless!
  14. hhhhhhhhhha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's really funny
  15. gasp! does that mean they are making a film from the shows then? for dvd? wow!
  16. why has no one voted for copy haho?!!! are there any identity mp3s online anywhere? copy haho are amazing! vote them or the welles
  17. that is magic. they will be making shit loads of having it used as an anthem!
  18. i wish wish wish wish wish wish i had gotten tickets to see any of the tuts shows. i was too late!
  19. caz can you make those boys play in aberdeen? i really want to see them! also, get the welles to support them are there any more songs going about apart from the two on their website? such a good tune. why isn't it on mtv yet? if only it was a really decent video. and also would you be able to help the welles get a gig up in your ayr university type place?
  20. fuck me i love that song. terrible, terrible video though. if only they had got me to do it.... when will people learn?
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