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Everything posted by unbroken

  1. Teabags' enjoyment of this gig was funnier than the man himself.
  2. I'll fucking be there. Hope I get to meet the band and they say hi to me, that would be LUSH!
  3. yeah it sounded great. TBH man, the bass wasn't really coming through the front of house. And whatever was, was a blend of the MXR DI and a mic on the cab.
  4. do you mean like in the next few days? or do you mean a week from now?
  5. Nah it was an Aguilar 8x10, he runs 2 Ampeg 8x10's at home. He said he would have regrilled it if it had been a metal grill. Sounded good though and it was the chocolate coloured one, Lovely! He was a good guy like, talked to him for a good 2 hours in total I think. Explained his set up. American P-Bass with Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounders (I think), into MXR Bass DI, then straight into Orange AD200B then out of an Aguilar 810. Sounded exactgly like the bass tone they have on Gutter Phenomenon.
  6. yeah he used one too huh? Boy from Don Cab used a GK 800RB as does the bass player from Coliseum.
  7. No thats the one, but you just cannot seem to get them in the UK. Same bass amp that Joe Lally from Fugazi used since the 80's. Stingray>GK 800RB = Beautiful tones.
  8. tickets are still available, but get down early to avoid any disappointment, in case there will be.
  9. I don't ever want to own another solid state amp ever. Unless its the GK 800RB, but thats never gonna happen. Full tube amps are just so much better. Heavy, and expensive to maintain, but they are all the better for it.
  10. I'd hazard a guess at it being First Band 8, second band 9 then etid at 10, but i could be wrong, so don't hold me to that.
  11. but my 300watt mesa is easily louder. Scary how loud it is infact
  12. I thought it was quite quiet, thats why i sold it.
  13. released a single, done a song on the latest fat hippy comp and just recently completed their first mini tour as well i believe. Great band. I normally hate this sorta stuff, but these guys are dead good, Really energetic and just full on.
  14. nah, the subs are there, its just that the system has this really hard limiter on it, and because the onstage sound was a little too loud, the vocals need ed to be pushed further than they should have and they were eating up all the headroom meaning that the bass and kick wasn't getting pushed out as much as they should have been. Really annoying.
  15. American Music Club - Engine Album collection is complete now. Just need to get all the cool live and tour CD's that they bring out. Yas.
  16. I just hope the sound system will take it, last night was TOUGH!
  17. i heard pre sales were at 100, but i could be wrong.
  18. I don't know what it is about them. I love the look of Fender Jaguar guitars, just don'y like the basses.
  19. this is the exact same pre amp that the ampeg svt-cl uses. Great wee things like.
  20. my opinion differs slightly. I prefer a sound where the kick drum is the "punch" and "attack" and the bass guitar is the "weight" in a live sound setting.
  21. Also, just so you know, I don't really use the graphic EQ. I have the amps EQ flat, always, and when i need a tiny extra bit of whatever, I add it with the graphic, but as I say subtlety is the key. Also, why would you remove below 60Hz? Are you talking for recording purposes or in a live setting? I only ask because you will find that most bass cabinets are tuned so that they begin to roll off below 40Hz, this is because 40Hz is the first harmonic on the E string I believe.
  22. i can carry it up and down stairs like a pizza. Nae worries.
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