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Everything posted by unbroken

  1. the point i was making was the the HH version is very versatile. Doesn't always sound like a stingray. In the position before the neck setting, its just awesome.
  2. The PA in Tunnel 2 is much smaller than that in Tunnel 1. Their are a pair of Nexo PS10's and one matching sub to go with it. A gig in this room can work as long as the band communicate with the engineer. Most of the sound should come off the stage, as generally, only the kick drum needs to be mic'ed up. When I do sound in there, I mic up the kick drum, DI the bass, mic up the guitars (but only for monitoring purposes) and then I obviously mic up the vocals. How many people are you expecting?
  3. they are pretty great, versatile, well built guitars. They are classics for a reason imo. If I were you, I'd look at the ones you get with 2 humbuckers. I have one and the sounds you can get out of them....there are just so many..
  4. make it a jimmy nail tribute act and I bet he'll be there in a flash
  5. breather resist are fucking ace. i came across my coffin shaped record of theirs the other day yas.
  6. I know he was in Kid Dynamite and Paint It Black, but thats all I know about him. Paint It Black are pretty great.
  7. I know, but now I'm all bling and no ding. Yas.
  8. from underage lassies, you would pay an underage lassie???? get some tattoos...then you won't have to pay anyone. You'll be h0tt!
  9. lets not turn this into a band naming competition.... we all know where that will go. btw, this is not meant as a dig at anyone.
  10. but then you'd be helping to pay an awful awful awful "band"
  11. same ones as always. Sick Of It All Gorilla Biscuits Champion Judge Unbroken American Nightmare/Give Up The Ghost The Hope Conspiracy The Carrier Bad Brains blah blah blah, the list is almost limitless
  12. yeah i agree with you. So many bands do it these days. Regardless of the fact that its popular there is absolutely no passion in what they do, at least from what I hear. Thats why Uncalm are a breath of fresh air, they actually have something to say. Same with Ablach (not hardcore though obviously, but they have something meaningful to say)
  13. 2 bands i have never heard of and there name escapes me. I may as well have not posted, I was no fucking use.
  14. yeah its well annoying. too many "singers" and mEtAlLzzZ guitarists.
  15. yeah me and dan are in a hardcore band.
  16. they don't look anything alike....I mean for starters, the one on the right has hair....and he doesn't look angry, more like he is pushing a bum queef out.
  17. once you get your head around how the pre amp section works, it becomes your best friend.
  18. lee is meant to be pretty good actually.
  19. +1 we need to speak about this actually.
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