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Everything posted by unbroken

  1. for the record, it wasn't me who said his band were rubbish.
  2. yeah that song is dreadful. Fuck knows what they were thinking. actually makes me cringe whenever it comes on. And yes, you are correct, it was a single.
  3. you are an idiot. Are you still in your band? Last I heard you broke up because a certain sound engineer told you that you were shit to your face.
  4. American Music Club - Bad Liquor (not even that bad a song, but its awful in comparison to the rest of their material
  5. This gig was ace. Well done to all the other bands and well done to Steve. And thanks to everyone who stuck around to watch us, seemed to be lots of you.
  6. try a blues driver to get a bit of grit, i tried it recently and was suprised that it let all or most of the low end of the bass still through. Gave me that top end grit as well which is nice.
  7. old bassist from sunset squad used an svt classic, tasker uses an ashdown evo II i believe. ONLY A VALVE AMP WILL SOUND LIKE A VALVE AMP, DON'T BELIEVE WHAT MANUFACTURERS TELL YOU.
  8. me too but GraemeC hates people
  9. moving to edinburgh then? ho ho ho, i'll be your bass player or drummer.
  10. Totally unrelated note, Edinburgh's "The Pastry King" is fast food heaven.
  11. its not meant to read like that. What it was meant to read like was, if you do love your instrument and are committed to it, then why not save up for something that sounds really great rather than something that will "do for now"
  12. check us out! Me you and Phil can have a reet wee orgy down there.
  13. You have mentioned it all above. Its just better. More goiung on and not far away from Glasgow if I want to go there ever. I don't really like Glasgow, so I don't want to move there. No job lined up, no flat lined up. But flat will be sorted soon, and I'll go there with savings and try and get a job doing some work at the festivals I think. Wouldn't mind taking a break from the old sound anyways. 6 days a week has fried my mind.
  14. I thought you played guitar??? I'm moving to Edinburgh in August.
  15. i'd be well up for this, but I'm moving. Gay!
  16. I bought my gear because I like the way it sounds. If I didn't play in a band I would still want a head like the one I have. Maybe not the cab so much because I couldn't use it in the house. But the point I'm making is that I bought it because I love playing bass. And I will hold onto this amp even if I'm not in a band at somepoint in the future. If you are really serious about playing your instrument, then spending a lot of money on something that you love is worth it. I have 4 basses at the moment, don't really need 4 do I? But I got them because I love the way they play, look and sound.
  17. as far as I'm aware, the SVT 350 is one of the better solid state ampeg amps. Krist Novaselic (sp?) used a similiar one when recording "nevermind", though i think his was the now discontinued SVT 400. He used a Gibson Ripper > a distortion pedal > SVT400 and it sounds absolutely GREAT!
  18. ocean beach is a lovely album. Drop is one of the best songs ever written. Fact
  19. i bet you'd throw your lovestick in most of the girls' directions...
  20. i remember they started this massive uproar on the old weapon forums a while back because I said that "they looked like a bunch of neds playing chuncore" and they got all their mates to come on and stick up for them. Good times.
  21. Mark Eitzel - The Invisible Man Mark Eitzel - Caught In A Trap And I Can't Back Out, Cause I Love You Too Much Baby.
  22. but the thing is, its not all for show....it sounds better. And thats why I have it.
  23. that depends....he could be a complete bellend who talks like stewie in every day life. That really grinds my gears
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