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Everything posted by unbroken

  1. yeah the people who have latched onto the hardcore thing is a right pain in the ass. There is no passion, nothing to say (which is what it was all built on) and its all just bullshit, tough guy wank. "caught in time so far away, from where our hearts really wanted to be!"
  2. peavey valveking combo. Dimebag's guitar tone on everything from Far Beyond Driven onwards is just awesome. Maxi, TOP50 back eh? lets dee it.
  3. they pop up every now and then on the web. Not as rare as a Sunn 300t. Only seen one of those for sale in a whole year.
  4. Fucking hell, yeah Alan, don't stop playing gigs. You are too good. one of my favourite local musicians.
  5. This is what Paul did for me the other week, My Photos Photo Gallery - Photo 186 of 188 by Red Hot and Blue Tattoo - MySpace Photos
  6. but the thing is people can go wrong with line pieces. You have to make sure you get exactly what you want, to the standard that you want it. I'd probably suggest Richard's...
  7. someone should buy that, seriously, the 400+ is the fucking bollocks.
  8. EBS, sorry, should have been clearer
  9. EBS are meant to be great. I have heard one in action and tbh, I wasn't blown away.
  10. Paul Slifer at Red Hot And Blue is doing my arm, and he is just awesome. His work is unbelievable. He managed to do a piece on my arm, going from wrist to elbow on my inner forearm in 2 hours. That was linework, shading and colouring. Couldn't recommend him enough.
  11. The SVT-VR heads are meant to be great, but I have heard a few shit stories about them. They are designed to look like the the original blueline SVT's but they don't sound anything like them, probably something to do with the fact that the vintage ones had Mullard valves in them. They also have this stupid "tube protection circuit" which means that you turn the amp on and it automatically clicks off standby for you, but there were A LOT of people in the states having problems with theirs as it wouldn't come off of standby AT ALL. But in saying that, apparently, its really easy just to wire passed that part of the circuit.
  12. yeah i hate when people say that too. If you like something, why is it a guilty pleasure? You like it, who cares what anyone else thinks. I fucking love Motley Crue!
  13. anybodyu played they demo for this yet? Thoughts? I downloaded it the other day and thought it was pretty great. The demo allows you to do like 4 missions as well and you get to run around a fairly large portion of the map as well. Really looking forward to it. That and Prototype, that game looks amazing.
  14. I think someone who had a faulty xbox would rather call up microsoft to get it replaced than chuck it in the bin, but I could be wrong....
  15. i vote you get the orange. or a second hand svt2 pro, or second hand mesa 400+
  16. chickenhawk - "chickenhawk" chickenhawk/with scisscors/i breathe spears - split cd
  17. "you Fascist, moving to Edinburgh, WANKER!" I think thats correct you fascist illiterate fuck.
  18. Manic Street Preachers - Journal For Plague Lovers
  19. Uncalm would have been a great support as they actually have meaning behind there songs rather than this fake bullshit "tough guy" crap. Escape Today, Departures would have been great, but I guess they play here quite a bit. PMX would have been an ace support. so many options.
  20. no offense steve, but you could have gotten way better supports for this. I'm not talking about mmw by the way, there are just way better bands who could have done this. Sunset Squad are teckle though.
  21. well I think you are wrong deal with it Do you think thats fair? because thats exactly what he did.
  22. you must spread some blah blah blah.....
  23. Isis - Wavering Radiant (bought it on a whim, and I really like it. I think they have ditched the tool direction they were taking and this album just sounds like a more focused and developed Panopticon) Nadja - Desire In Uneasiness The Arusha Accord - Nightmares Of The Ocean
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