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Frosty Jack

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Everything posted by Frosty Jack

  1. I don't think there are rules which apply to everybody as to 'when does sound become music'. When does a face become beautiful? Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so music is in the ear of the um, behearer...
  2. Oh. That explains a lot. He just muttered something about polishing a turd and stomped out. Still, we'll keep trying. We're not so bad that we have to give up playing live altogether!....oh hang on...
  3. Six??? *faints* Not a dig at anyone but ourselves for being Billy-nae-mateses, obviously
  4. Cuh... It's all about the glory! Imagine being the most popular band in Drummonds... *dreams* Actually imagine playing in front of more than three people... *dreams*
  5. I think the "Pool Team" was actually the name for the specialist squad sent in now and then to clean the toilets... *shudder*
  6. Aye, true, but for me it would just save on trips to the bar. It's like you filling your car a gallon of fuel at a time... *does crossy thing properly, but inverted for Rob's benefit, natch*
  7. 20. Don't have time to haggle. Take it or leave it.
  8. No talent required to be a 'celeb'. And winning really has nothing to do with it either, once your face has been on telly, it's what you do afterward that counts. Everything is set up by the PR agencies and the press. Look at all this guff about Peter Andre and 'Katie'. She wants to change her image as she knows she getting a bit old to be falling out of clubs flashing her bits, he wants to be famous again, so what better way to help both of them out than to have a 'romance' which will keep them both in the papers for weeks. Very useful, and entirely set up by their PR people. And his record company planned to re-release Mysterious Girl way before he even appeared on the programme. They've even got Victoria Newton and Wanker Moyles fighting over whose idea it was, thus creating all the publicity they need. It's all about who's willing to play the game the way the PR people want.
  9. A fair part of jazz is in 're-working' classics, which is not the same as covers really. The skill is in the arranging, the orchestration and the interpretation. He actually re-defines what are classics, eg he does Cole Porter, but then he also does an arrangement of Jimi Hendrix ('The Wind Cries Mary'), or Radiohead ('High and Dry)'. That's pretty skilful. But yes, he does also write his own songs. You may not like what he does, but you can't really call him 'pish'... Not while talent vacuums like the Blazin Squad are still alive, anyway.
  10. Love Cats at the Brits was pretty awful though, but that wasn't their fault. Apparently they were told to do something to relate to being a younger generation of their style of music, so they rehearsed a storming version of 'My Generation'. At the last minute their record company said it wasn't suitable and couldn't they do ooh,say, 'Love Cats' instead. So they had hardly any time to rehearse it. NB their record company have The Cure's Greatest Hits coming out next month...
  11. Ozzy supported by some heavy metal...
  12. My theory is that a lot of the winners won because they were more talented and genuine (relatively speaking obv.) than the runners up, so were voted for by the public. But because they were more genuine, they were less willing to plough through the vicious cesspit of press attention. The runners up were usually desperate wannabes who were quite willing to do whatever it took to get a spread in Heat. Davie Sneddon, Alex Parks, Will Young etc all hate the celebrity side of it, so are in the press less often. I always thought it was the non-wannabes that made these shows. Remember Anna the singing nun from BB? BB1 was good because it was more of a social experiment as it was supposed to be , now it's like a televised audition for talentless try-hards. Big Brother this year will be a disaster as they're going solely on open auditions, and are seemingly just picking interesting (i.e. most attention seeking) people straight from the queues. At least with video submissions they could always get at least one real person. The reason we see more of the losers is they will happily do anything the press want. Celebrity has nothing whatsoever to do with talent, other than an ability to jump through hoops.
  13. Hmm... The most successful girl of one of the most successful girl groups of all time...one of the best-selling singles of the decade so far... many amazing live performances...sold out tour... undeniably talented singer... now, who was she up against? Who would you say was a better performer in the last year? I'd say it was deserved.
  14. http://www.pottedheid.com/
  15. Hmm. Marks off for no bottles of wine though, remember? Still, I s'pose only God is perfect... *does cross sign thingy* "icicles, tentacles, wotsits and...no, bugger...what is it again?"
  16. Re: yep I would probably call them that too, as Steven is the only one I know, and probably most other people would be the same due to the acoustic gigs he is known for, that's all. Which one were you then? I thought they were great. Started out a little uncomfortably somehow, didn't seem to quite gel to start with. Not sure why, maybe the bass was meandering about the fretboard a bit too much for those particular songs, dunno. But the middle bit of the set when Steven sat at the keyboards seemed to lift the whole gig somewhere new. Quite summery, almost Californian sixties kind of stuff, but without sounding old-fashioned. Then back on the geetar the end of the set was notched up once again, songs in the same vein but a bit rockier. I'm presuming Steven writes some or all of the songs, but he really does seem to have a knack for flowing chord sequences that are never predictable, but always spot on. Chords that are not always what you'd expect, but once you hear where they take the melody couldn't be anything else. So a set of three thirds really, but I would say Toby's band were fantastic...
  17. I agree the production one this one is excellent, really professional sound. And I would also have to say the percussion is the only slight let down in parts. Not a big problem though. Good drums ain't easy to come by...
  18. Sounds good, do you know where I could get me grubby mitts on a copy?
  19. Might be an idea to post something to discuss in the first place? You've never once offered anything up, yet you're moaning that no-one is replying? In fact have you posted anything anywhere in the last week or so that hasn't been a thinly disguised bitch about the new layout? If you're really that unhappy about it all, send a detailed PM to Neil explaining how you think it should be changed. I thought you would be above this kind of whining, or are you just bored?
  20. Indeed. With '68 guns'!!!! Hahahaaaa *wheeze* hahahaahaaa.... 1/10
  21. He's also a serial groupie shagger, but only the ones who look like a young version of his wife Yasmin, apparently. mmmm, Yasmin... I thought the guitar solo in 'Ordinary World' was outstanding, but not in a good way, obv.
  22. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/music/3503959.stm
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