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Everything posted by PrincessHolly

  1. That's pretty funny. I haven't seen that before *hollypops is lame* Reminds me of the pisstake Spider Man comics that the link I have for isn't working.
  2. We were watching it at work going "EH?" because it had nothing to do with anything ever and will no doubt develop into the worst storyline ever. Why was she even taking the pillow from under his head anyways? Dead people can't be comfortable?
  3. Never posted in this thread before but I felt I had to today. *Goes to check she's never posted in this thread before. Hasn't. Comes back* WTF!?!?! I cannot believe everything that happened, I'm going to have to start watching all the time again. What was that all about with Steph "killing" her grandad though? Dumb.
  4. Israel's Son by Silverchair was playing at the time. A dear friend thinks that must mean I was "really going at it." But i remember very little about the actually incident.
  5. Asda, and not even one that serves food bizarrely.
  6. Having not made it last year, I'll blow my way to a ticket for Sonar.
  7. no idea, my mother watches that crap. i hope it was edith.
  8. My sister and I moved into a new flat in December and got a brand new phone number (allegedly) and ever since we get two or three calls a week for "Miss Hoe". Which I thought was someone playing a joke on me at first so I laughed and told them to fuck off. Turns out it's not a joke, we got someone's old number.
  9. It really annoys me the way critics and people (critics are not people, of course) go on about Scottish films like they're so fucking awesome because "OH MY GOD" they were made in Scotland. As if we're not capable of much. Stuff like the recent, Dear Frankie, which was, of course, critically acclaimed. I feel that everybody only thought it was so great because it's Scottish. I doubt the French were raving on about it. I may or may not have a point here.
  10. I have a My Little Pony skirt which my cousins think is appalling but I think rocks.
  11. Of course!! I love Popworld so much. Recent highlights for me were Toolbox Jury where one of the guys from Duran Duran had to rate that weeks releases with different sized tools depending on whether he liked it or not. Fierce Girl interview - Simon genuinely appeared terrified. Do Me Bad Things interview - "90 shoes? THAT's hideous." Miquita: Oh, have you ever been to...*forgets the name* Simon: *names many random places* Chessington World of Adventures? Narnia? Simon: Ah, Verbilicious... And she is! Didn't you think she was 'verbilicious'? Miquita: Yep. And she's managed to combine the words delicious, and... Simon: Verbal Miquita: Yep, so good on her. Simon: And she lives up to it, of course Miquita: What, so she's tasty and... Simon: Able to use English. Yes. She does. But the best thing ever had to be "Lemar From Afar" or when Sam and Mark (pop idol rejects) where on and the intro said "Sam and Mark. They're like the Beatles but worse. And without John or Paul... Or George." Oh I could go on forever...
  12. I, Holly-J, am a huge Popworld fan. Does anyone else love it?
  13. You missed the original...GRAVE!! I have tried this rhyming game on other members of staff but "KAREN!! Are you barren?" didn't go down so well.
  14. Sounds like it would not be the most painless thing to do. They did rock though so well done for persisting!
  15. There's a guy I work with called Dave Moles and he's my fave. And everytime I see him I say something that rhymes with Dave. I'm running out though.
  16. I'd make him say "Ink Iced" over and over while nobody gets it until he dies from the pain of everyone not getting it. Lol.
  17. That is the scariest picture of the Olsen Twins I have ever seen. I would not put my psuedo cock anywhere near them.
  18. Wes Anderson is going to direct The Fantastic Mr Fox which is just about my favourite story ever. There's also a great article on him in this months Tatler.
  19. I shot my first year film in Storybook Glen, I seem to remember thinking troll land smelt like shit, you're probably not the first. I once found a poo in the Simulator in Miami Beach. But I still went on it. I can safely say I've never pooed outside but I'm going to regale (sp?) you all with a tale of my very first year at Reading Festival. I was a mere sixteen years old. I'd just had a nose job and my parents were furious at me for going but they paid for my ticked and flight anyways. It was the first time I'd been back in the area I grew up in since moving to Aberdeen the previous October. I was very much looking forward to seeing all my old school friends. Some of those friends were camping in the camper van area with some people they knew. I went to visit them, we had some cheap booze and laughed lots. A crazy old man came running over to tell us he'd found a baby hedgehog that was trapped and urgently needed help. I was distraught. And drunk. I immediately got to to my feet and told me to show me where this hedgehog was. I also told him I was studying to be a vet so I would appear more useful when rescuing the poor thing. The hedgehog was stuck under a van so I followed the man until he stopped and pointed at it. It was dark and I couldn't see very well. I was very eager to help save the life of this poor thing. I looked closer and closer and closer still until the drunk old man turned on his torch and I realised I had my face about six inches away from a giant shit he'd just done. On reflection, I feel this man is an utter genius.
  20. Don't complain. There will never ever ever be anything on TV on a friday night that could be better that getting utterly fucked.
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