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Everything posted by PrincessHolly

  1. Anyone? I'd really like something from there but I'm probably not going until next year and don't really want to pay for delivery of a few mirrors.
  2. I think he's playing in Glasgow this week.
  3. Yeah I don't want to be the one everyone's always harping on at when it goes tits up again. No siree.
  4. When I was a kid we always had Coke in our house then when I moved in with my aunt and uncle they only ever drank Diet Coke which I thought tasted gross but eventually I started to like it and regular Coke became disgusting. Now I drink neither and find both repulsive. It's weird.
  5. I can't go because I'm working but I've seen Reuben a few times and think they're absolutely amazing. Hope you enjoy it!
  6. Wooo YAS MIN!!! I've got tickets for this and my boyfriend will be up from Essex so it will doubly great!!
  7. Oh, ok I stand corrected. I can't remember where I read it but I remember him saying that he didn't like playing James Bond as there was nothing he could bring to the role, he was given no input and that the producers were often unimpressed with his take on things. Perhaps he said that to the San Fran Chronicle then got bitter and started slagging everyone off. Who knows? James Bond appears to be rumour central right now.
  8. Yeah this is the final ever series. Channel 4 have dropped it though so E4 is the only place you can watch it, my boyfriend was livid!! This series has been amazing but quite slow I think. I'm honestly still in shock. I can't believe what's happened.
  9. Oh, yeah, I'm on Sky+ so I forgot it was on yesterday. Nate's always been my favourite character, and I didn't expect that at all. Do you have any idea how many episodes are left this season?
  10. Pierce Brosnan has said in several recent interviews that he hates playing James Bond and is glad to be rid of the role. I don't think it'll be him.
  11. Does anyone have one? How much more do they hurt than other tattoos? I'm getting some tomorrow and I'm a bit nervous.
  12. Holy mother fucking shit. I can't believe what just happened!
  13. I don't think this has actually been confirmed yet. Shooting's been pushed back even further until February because they can't decide who to pick.
  14. A similar thing happened to me at Reading. I went into a toilet, only to find a massive poo sitting right next to the toilet. What on earth is that all about?
  15. I made my own halloween cookies the other day, and I also made biscuits with a "stained glass window" in the middle made out of melted boiled sweets. I'm the bakery queen!!
  16. Hahaha Jimr has a good one! I never have scary dreams but the other day I dreamt that I was living in the 40's and my husband was at war. I lived in the hills with my son and Patrick Boo kept coming round to teach my little boy how to skim stones and then we ate jam on toast.
  17. Image of the Invisible took ages to grow on me but now I really like it. I hope I like the album. More than that, I hope someone else pays for it.
  18. I can't hate Hard-Fi! They're such a happy dancy band. I get so excited to hear them, I don't know what's going on. Golddigger is an amazing song. James Blunt is the worst out of that list. It's the most basic rhyming ever heard in a song.
  19. That was the best gig I've been to in ages!! My mouth was open the entire time Thomas Truax was on because I just couldn't believe the stuff he was doing with what was essentially a bunch of crap. Gatechien were absolutely awesome too, was great to have a front row spot although i found confetti in my shoes this morning.
  20. Bollocks, what on earth happened that I STILL managed to miss it. Fuck fuck fuck!
  21. Because Mothercare is a place where people who've just had babies shop. And babies are breastfed. As were the men in this story.
  22. You are a tit, bring it round and I'll fix it for you while my Mother's sewing machine is here. I've just (like three minutes ago) finished an absolutely amazing dress.
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