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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. Apart from all the usual suspects (Kilau, music shops, music venues) - it's well worth going a little bit out of your way and getting posters in chippers/independently owned shops. George Street for example is quite a goldmine with shops that are quite happy to accept posters, and if you've got the time and patience, you could even go further afield and start postering places like the Bridge of Don. Even one poster in a shop window in the Bridge of Don could pull in quite a few people if you reach the right person - so it's well worth doing. It's also worth doing the trawl of university halls - yeah, it's tedious, but getting people in their own comfortable environment is always a winner where advertising is concerned. One place that doesn't get mentioned very much is the Aberdeen College music centre at Balgownie - that's bound to be a great place to advertise a gig. I'll have a think for other places
  2. Not having a pop at you personally, but - any band considering this should have a read of this thread first. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/gigs-event-announcements/40346-red-stripe-music-awards-tunnels.html The fact that they haven't put the T&C's up this year is particularly telling.
  3. I couldn't applaud you more for securing that - just shows what's possible with a bit of imagination One tip though - make sure that you promote the hell out of the fact that 100% of the ticket sales are going to the charity.
  4. All so long ago, but I think the only time I was involved in any sort of pisstaking with them was when me and Gumpy decided to dance like complete prats to one of My Downfall's songs in the Tunnels one time, though the reasons why are completely lost in the mists of time - though it probably involved drink. A quick use of search and it tells me they were called 'Gone 2 Far'. Oh, how they were fun. Were they a Westhill band? I somehow feel upset that I went to Westhill and was never in a band
  5. Not them I don't think, My Downfall didn't have neds for 'fans' as far as I remeber?
  6. They remind me of some band that I saw in Kef ages ago who were of a similar age, who had a bunch of complete arseholes turn up to watch them (watching 14 year olds smoke and acting like they're hard was hilarious), along with their parents who were obviously proud..and then heckling them to the point of getting their singer to shout 'fuck off' while being on the verge of tears in front of his parents. I wouldn't even have said anything, but given that their 'fans' were complete pricks..well, nothing was funnier than being threatened with 'a hiding' by someone half my size. The sad thing was, any parents who genuinely loved their children wouldn't have let them near the stage, they were that laughably bad. Edit : from the whois of their website, it appears that the phrase 'garthdee mink' can safely be applied to one of them
  7. Get a few corporate sponsors on board, charge a fairly high price and offer VIP packages and secure decent advertising (allegedly, you can buy a page in the EE for not much cash if it interests them enough) and they'd be well on the way.
  8. Wroc?aw for me. Fireworks and Germans lamenting the loss of their land...can it get any better?
  9. Cloud

    House for sale

    You're having a laugh, aren't you?
  10. Whee, another Emergenza! edit : haha, this is excellent... Seriously, why do people bother playing such ripoff events? Those text votes that they offer are equally scammy - 50p a text, they'll be getting at least 30p from each text in pure profit. The 'prizes' are equally hilarious.
  11. Imagine losing to a drunk 12 year old though?
  12. Hah, Cloud comes from the FFVII character, after someone remarked many years ago 'hey, you've got eyes like Cloud!'..and thus it stuck.
  13. Cheers for that. So yeah, bent licence.
  14. None at all? Jesus...how are you coping? The utter lack of local pubs here is driving me mad - yes, it's only 40p for a half litre of Tyskie in the shop in this block, but it's a pain that there's not a local pub here. Going to a shopping centre to drink beer just seems incredibly pathetic, even though it's the best choice without having to go to the centre of the city.
  15. It's refreshing to actually see honesty in this respect - so many people will try and skirt round these issues - but to openly admit it is the decent thing to do But the BNP comparison I made was purely in terms of being anti-Israel - I'm sure if you took a token SWP member and asked them their opinion of Israel, then asked your average BNP member - you'd probably get pretty similar answers, no?
  16. Weymen Bennett, also known as the leader of the universally discredited Anti-Nazi League, mm? The organisation which had participated in so many anti-democratic acts that virtually anyone with an ounce of common sense gave them a very wide berth? Admittedly, UAF was a fantastic way for them to reinvent themselves - but still the same nonsense goes on. It should be noted that anyone attending this event will be putting money towards an organisation with people who have participated in and advocate violence to achieve their political aims. (oh, and of course, you're funding them against the struggle of evil capitalists) edit : 'Roots of Israels violence' SWP (Britain) Let's not forget how the SWP can be incredibly anti-Israel too. Are they any better than the BNP in that respect? Are they fuck.
  17. I bow down to your superior knowledge of ..well.....just how do you describe him?
  18. Won't be long before the shops end up rebranded as Game, then
  19. Get Steve to burn the place down, problem solved
  20. But you clearly have a problem with 'gay' if you're using such language. There's definitely something wrong with you, though. Definitely for kids? That would be why it's some of the most popular programming in the male 18-34 demographic in America, then?
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