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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. Chris, this article might be of interest to you - it seems to be quite sensible, particularly the comments about correct form. StormWrestling.com - Workout Theory
  2. You're missing the point. Who cares if it's gay or not? What's so unacceptable about something being 'gay'? Insecure about your sexuality, are we? By your definition, you're also calling MMA fighters 'gay'..I'd love for you to call that to Fedor to his face
  3. They apparently turned down a billion dollars between them to reform in 2000 - so it would seem pretty unlikely that they'd reform now.
  4. Cloud

    House for sale

    What's wrong with Kemnay, apart from the rampant underage drinking problem (you're not cool unless you've gotten wasted in primary 7 in the streets), the lack of absolutely anything to do and the fact that it's full of people thrown out of Glasgow?
  5. Obtaining temporary residency was hard enough...I don't even want to think what permanent residency involves I've met enough people who can't even get temporary residency as their landlord won't allow them to register as residing in the flat - and so are here illegally. It's supposed to be changing in the new year, but... I swear, on one hand, it's fantastic that civil servants are easily accessible here, but on the other hand, they seem to specialise in the kind of misery that only the Jobcentre in the UK can hope to rival.
  6. I'm sure I recall reading something about Severn Bridge jumpers, and how up to a 1/3rd of them are found with shoulder injuries. Not a pleasant thought, at all. The impact as far as I know could completely mess you up - but if you executed a perfect dive, then maybe not so. But a belly flop would definitely mess you up, and the shock would probably cause you to drown if nothing else.
  7. Speaking of elections, I have the right to either vote in Scotland, England or in Poland for next year's Euro elections...which do I choose? This bizzare situation arose because although I'm registered to vote in Scotland (as my permanent address is still there), they said that I'd be allowed to transfer to England as I maintain an address there, and yet as I'm residing in Poland, I've got the right to vote in Euro-elections here. Nonsense :/
  8. There's a 'socialist worker student society'? How can anyone take LMHR seriously after they were so proud of getting a conerstone of society like Pete Doherty to take up their cause?
  9. Because running an event for charity, only to pay 'rock stars' a huge appearance fee that eats up most of the money raised isn't quite ethical, non? I'm merely curious, seeing as celebrities will often demand (and get) decent appearance fees from these things. Well done on getting Dodgy to play for free if it's the case, though.
  10. So...how much of the money raised is going to Dodgy, and how much is going to the school?
  11. No no no no, it's absolutely fucking disgusting Zubrowka is just...awful And it's even worse with apple juice Then again, what do I know, the only vodka I can drink neat is Finlandia...say no more. (as an aside, did you know that it was apparently Brezhnev's favourite drink?)
  12. A word of warning - don't go with just anyone when it comes to domain registration. It's not uncommon for the really cheap companies to register the domains in their names, subsequently holding the domain 'hostage' unless the person pays a ridiculous exit fee if they want to transfer to another company. Godaddy.com are well recommended by me.
  13. hahahahaha I think it should be, too Alas, it doesn't work too well
  14. To be honest, you don't even need to spend 50 quid on a basic site - most webhosts will give free webspace, a domain is stupidly cheap and it shouldn't take more than two hours to knock up a simple site, using a free template found online. I'd personally be highly suspicious of the quality of any website done for 50 quid - it's not going to be something handcoded from scratch, is it? To the OP - would you be including an integrated CMS solution as part of the site? A band website is pretty useless without one..
  15. It's the way that all he needed to know was in the article, but he obviously couldn't be bothered to read the article to actually find out. It's a bit pointless asking a question when the answer is already there and linked to.
  16. Google Or alternatively, try reading the article first And no surprise really from the Portman Group - as other people have said, is there a bigger case of self interest than this?
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