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Everything posted by Paulscoconutass

  1. Beside the estaminenet - dont know if it was that, but the bouncers kicked a guy out and he fell - smashing his head off of the kerb, resulting in death..... thats one incident anyway.
  2. And some AH-HA - i asked twice man....... Next week ----> i'm there
  3. YUP - how ace was last night. My team won the drinking comp, even though i was the weak link. I urge everyone to go next week 'cos it kicks ass, free buckin bronco, fun atmosphere and games, totally ace. Do the free drink vouvhers work next week also? I still have one
  4. Knock, knock Whos there? Sorry, wrong door. Okay. Knock, knock Whos there? Federal Express Federal Express who? I dont know. I just deliver packages. Knock, knock Whos there? Tom. Tom who? Tom Buchanan. Hi Tom. Knock knock Whos there? Pizza delivery guy. Pizza delivery guy who? You ordered a pizza? Yes. Im the guy delivering it. Great. Knock knock Whos there? Susan. Susan who? Susan Caldwell. Ill be right out, Susan. Knock, knock Whos there. You might be a redneck if you think tobacco is a vegetable. You might be a redneck if you think tobacco is a vegetable who? I thought this was a redneck joke. Nope. Its a knock, knock joke. Oops. Knock, knock Whos there? Boo Boo who Dont get so upset, crybaby! What? Ha! Ha! I made you say boo-hoo Youre a real idiot. That wasnt necessary. Knock knock Whos there? Creeping penis. Creeping penis who? Im not crazy, I just need to get off this island. The doctors dont believe I invented the chocolate clair. But I did. Im going to burn them all and drink soup from their skulls! Happy soup! Untie me and Ill kill you last! Knock, knock Yo mama Yo mama who? Yo mama so fat, she caught a flesh-eating virus and that was three years ago. I bet youre fat, huh? Im You are, arent you? Fat! Im plumpish. Knock, knock Whos there? FBI! Hello? FBI! Let us in! nobody here Oh. Lets go boys! (Phew!) Knock, knock Whos there? Theres a dead old woman in your driveway. Theres a dead old woman in your driveway who? No. Seriously. Theres a dead old woman in your driveway. Actually, thats just my piss-drunk bar slut of a grandmother. She sells toothless mouth love for mind eraser shooters at the Tysons Mall TGIFridays. Let the whore sleep it off. Knock, knock Whos there? Henry. Henry who? Henry Kissinger. Did you know that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac? Im not opening the door Henry. Damn. Knock, knock Tremble mortal and despair it is I, THE ANGEL OF DEATH! Tremble mortal and despair it is I, THE ANGEL OF DEATH who? Actually, Im here for Jones in #D1 but I need to take a monster crap and I hate to kill and THEN use the bathroom, you know? Its rude and the other way around, well it ruins my dramatic entrance. So You want to use my toilet? Yeah? Go right ahead. Got anything to read? Just the crossword. You finished it. Sorry? Hold my scythe. Hey! Dont forget to light a match.
  5. Thought batman was bitterman..... darn
  6. thers a difference between learning and mastering, and its not a contradiction - Bitterman -i pressume you are learning to paint (in art school) but have you mastered it already??? Its much easier to learn bass than guitar - its a fact (why do you think in standard grade music classes there is about 5 people outta twenty that take up bass cos its the easier option. But like i said - every instrument is difficult to master.
  7. If you wanna learn guitar or bass its gonna take many times more to learn guitar than a bass, so in a way it is easy to learn - but there are no instruments that are easy to master.
  8. Re: Re: Re: Re: Sign In/Out for the gallery??? wher's that when its at home?
  9. Re: Re: Sign In/Out for the gallery??? Well how do i change the default size for the font on the website>?>???????>>?>?>?111!!??!?!!???
  10. When i dont sign out from the gallery the server thinks i've been online for ages and when i go back a day later i'm still signed in..... its only annoying because i cant see the new threads and posts ?( ?( Also have you changed the font size because all of a sudden the pages have all stretched even longer
  11. The Onion Terror drummer can do the lead singing, we practically take a song each or split songs down the middle depending on how high the parts are. But the best singing drummer i've ever seen was in a band called 'No Extit', they were like emo punk and they kicked soo much ass, the drummer was playing off beat, and other supid time signatures whilst singing in 4/4 - it was truley amazing!
  12. Maybe you could just rename the reviews and recommendations forum, just now it just seems to be people saying 'check this band out', when they can do stuff like that in their profile. Its one of the least used forums and i think that re-naming it to 'feedback' or something would be better..... it would also save people posting threads about gig's on the wasteland
  13. oorrr we could watch a proper film - like real people do......
  14. If you're gonna buy the album (dont know how much it is up town) its only ten bucks in sainsbury's. *this is based on the assumption that its gonna be about 15 quid up town* Also, has anyone tried to copy it - thats gonna be my mission tonight
  15. The distortion was up to ten - but the volume was at 5, i play it like that all the time but only on the lemon tree do i get that much feedback ?( Who knows - if i play there again i'll have my amp really low and see what happens. Note: I never got the 'fast' feedback at the soundckeck either......
  16. Problem: At the lemon tree on thursday night i seperienced the worst (and most annoying) feedback i've ever had. My amp wasnt overly loud and my guitar hadnt picked up anything this bad before..... And whats more annoying is that none of the other bands got it on the night. Would it have been the guitar through the p.a? I'm well confuzzled.
  17. I'm upset also 'cos its the scooby doo guitar and it seriously kicked major ass!!!!!!! A picture of the whole guitar in its full glory before the accident wouldn't go a miss.
  18. Its cool - all i really need is something thin and hard so i can get between the side of the entrance and the string to push the ball out. The 4 high strings came out no problem (d,g,b,e,) and low e was strong enough to push itself out, the a string however is too fat for my metal kebab stick to get passed and too weak to push itself out.
  19. Earnie Balls Suck eggs - they've put my 1st guitar out of order. The ball's at the end have stuck into my bridge and refuse to come out, the balls also dont fit 'properly' into most basses.
  20. what about if they tasted like jolly ranchers........ mmmmmmmmmm
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