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Everything posted by -matthEw-

  1. Love and Theft is full of great tracks - namely Mississippi, Po' Boy, Summer Days and High Water. I much prefer it out to Time Out Of Mind.
  2. am I the only one who sees Nashville Skyline and Love & Theft as other essentials? gotta get those two too
  3. is anyone else going to be watching this Scorsese led Dylan documentary over tonight and tomorrow? Documents his career up til the motorcycle crash, part 1 starts tonight at 9pm. Looking forward to it!
  4. that minger that presents Scotsport....actually, im really not sure about her. sometimes i would.
  5. its on Sunday 2nd October. not sure of the time mind you
  6. anyone registered for this? its at Vue cinemas and the winner walks away with PES5 20 days before release!!
  7. Couldnt believe how good it was to be honest ! and this is from someone who hasnt really liked any Macca solo at all, apart from McCartney and Ram perhaps. thumbs up!
  8. yeah i downloa....got hold of it too. well impressed, and i didnt really like their debut at all
  9. this is pretty darn good. really like the 2nd one.
  10. if you know the "rules" it can make it easier to break them. or something like that
  11. im waiting on Shaun's, then hopefully pass onto Alan to get back up to date
  12. Politics and International Relations, Aberdeen. about to start 1st year
  13. Love them. great songs, the singers voice is mesmerising. "Her Majesty" is a fantastic record
  14. Saw them in Edinburgh a couple of days ago. absolutley FANTASTIC live, but i still cant really get into Funeral. I've tried, god believe me I've tried, but its just not happening.
  15. just finished re-reading Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, and last night started Travels With Charley by him - which is very interesting so far.
  16. On rumours there was a scene with Johnny from Razorlight at the Leeds festival, Pete Doherty says: No comment from Johnny still. ha ha ha sorry but that is class!
  17. Souness is one of the worst managers in history - the worst in todays game by a long shot
  18. 1st half excellent from Aberdeen, but we slowed it right down second half...which was dire. but can hardly complain about 3-0. Each Hearts win makes me consider the real deal, but i am still unconvinced they can last the season. I cant remember a season where other teams have taken so much points off the Old Firm, and with Celtic looking seriously shaky, and Rangers not too great either, the rest must realise just how great a chance they have of getting something from these games. For Hibs to go to Ibrox and win 3-0 will give every other team the confidence that sadly lacks in most of these games. I still dont think the Old Firm will be split (this year anyway) but it will be a lot closer this year than usual.
  19. Breath easy people, it is indeed the PoWs parent company in recievership but everyone involved with the Prince is confident it will come through this unscathed
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