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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Nope, it's because they are attention-seeking wasters that have chosen to live the way they do rather it being forced upon them by society. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever and nor should anyone else.
  2. I really wish they would both hurry up and die.
  3. I would have thought more people have consoles and PCs than cars. What's your point?
  4. You shouldn't really try sending anything larger than 10MB as an e-mail attachment. E-mail isn't designed for transferring large files.
  5. That's a fairly niche use of Linux though (it's Red Hat as well if memory serves?) - especially in the case of BP, who I can assure you won't be moving away from Solaris anytime soon.
  6. I have to say in my experience of working with the oil majors they all use Solaris if they aren't using Windows based servers. The only time I've seen some flavour of Linux in use is on workstations. Linux has its place (it's great for web hosting for example - this web site is hosted on a dedicated Red Hat Linux server) but I wouldn't want to have something like Oracle or SAP running on a bunch of Linux boxes.
  7. It sounds like they played a similar set in Inverness as to what they did in Glasgow. I think both these shows were put on so they could try playing the new material live to an appreciate audience. Presumably once the new album comes out there will be a full tour.
  8. You weren't applying for jobs that had a high technical requirement though.
  9. Because they are broader topics and appeal to more people. And has been pointed out before, the topic of cars is particularly well represented in dedicated forums hosted elsewhere.
  10. There isn't going to be a Cars forum people so please get over it.
  11. Another point - as a potential employer I would question why a candidate with no previous network engineering experience and who has shown no interest in that kind of role before has suddenly attained a Cisco qualification.
  12. Cisco - yes (but only if you want to change your IT specialisation). MSCE - no. In your personal circumstances if you went going down the Cisco route then you would be changing your IT skillset which isn't an easy thing to do (if your wanting to do Cisco stuff then you are wanting to become a network engineer as opposed to a web developer). Like most of the Microsoft certifications, the MCSE certification has become a bit Mickey Mouse as it is much easier to attain than it once was. You can effectively buy one if you spend heaps and go on the 5-day intensive boot camp where they guarantee you'll get it. I got half way though mine before I gave up and to be honest I'm glad I did. Because it would have made no difference to my career progression. Having been responsible for hiring a few folks in IT I can speak from experience when I say that if I see someone with an MCP or MCSE on their CV then I tend to think - "that's nice". But I certainly won't hire someone on that alone. Like most things, it's relevant experience that is the most important thing to have in IT. What I think you'd be best doing is deciding where you want to see your career going in IT and then tooling up on the specific skills you'll need to get here. For example, if you want to become a more senior web developer then you might want to go on some courses to become an expert in some specific technologies - Microsoft C# for example. That's a hot one. Microsoft SharePoint 2007 is another one as well.
  13. Nope, I don't. But I'm not the one encouraging people to boycott them on the basis of nothing more than an assumption.
  14. I know that. But you don't know that they support/agree with what the IDF do or the actions of their government.
  15. Well you don't know either way. So who are you to assume? And as I mentioned in my previous post - I assume you will be boycotting US and UK musicians as well?
  16. Some good legal advice on where people stand if they have any pending orders/repairs in with these companies: Customer Advice For Sound Control / Turnkey Clients | Dolphin Music
  17. I'm getting at that you are suggesting people should not go and see this band because of the simple fact that they are from Israel. So you are suggesting that the people of Israel are responsible for the actions of their government both past and present and should be collectively punished by the rest of the world by the use of such boycotts. If this is the case, then as the US are Israel's strongest ally on the world stage as well as their number one supplier of military equipment (which all go some way to helping them flex their strength in the middle-east), I assume we should also boycott their exports. I imagine this would be especially so considering your previously expressed strong views on the on-going Iraq conflict of which the US takes a huge slice of the responsibility. I also assume you are a British citizen and are of voting age. Like Israel and the US this country is a democracy, and so as you are holding Israelis to account for the actions of their government, then I assume we can hold ourselves accountable for the actions of our government. And we all know what part our country has played in all this. If you think we should be boycotting touring Israeli musicians then following your logic we should also be boycotting US and UK musicians. Including yourself.
  18. I assume you also boycott US exports as well then? Following that logic.
  19. At least try to start some discussion or I'm going to ban you for spamming this thread with links.
  20. Hate to break it to you but you'll find Neds in any city in the UK.
  21. I find this strange as well. What is more curious is I remember when Ross (as in my ex-flatmate / Moshulu / Palace DJ) worked at One-Up he showed me a development version of a full blown online music store that had been designed and built-it by IFB on behalf of One-Up - all at some considerable cost. I have absolutely no idea why this web site never saw the light of day.
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