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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Nope, this isn't actually a joke... Anti-Emo Riots Break Out Across Mexico | The Underwire from Wired.com
  2. Things might be getting a bit better on the 1st of April if this is anything to go by though? Exchange Status Checker
  3. If you know the phone number or post code of where you are/are going to be, then this tool should be able to tell you how fast broadband you should, in theory, be able to get (regardless of provider): BT Total Broadband - up to 8Mb downloads. Test your speed.
  4. *cough* aberdeen-music - the WAP version: http://wap.aberdeen-music.com
  5. I don't really know why we have to keep explaining this to you, but you are entitled to express an opinion - as long as it's constructive. Something you seem unable to do a lot of the time. And you wonder why people respond to your "opionions" with such hostility. You're either pretty stupid or, and I suspect this is the real reason, you just don't give a damn. Unfortunately for you, quite a few of us give a damn. And as much as I'd like to keep this web site online just for people like you to use to vent their anger at apparently everyone in Aberdeen and it's local music "scene", I'm afraid that's not why this web site exists. I suggest you start using your time more constructively because at the moment you're not only wasting your own time, but that of everyone else that reads these posts and people like me that have to reply to them to try and keep some degree of order. This has gone on for so long now I'm seriously wondering why I just don't ban you from the site as you're doing it much more harm than good. Anyway, I've given this thread a chance but it looks like it isn't going to get any better so it's now getting closed.
  6. So why are you still living in Aberdeen and why are you still posting on these forums? And here was me hoping this thread had moved on. *sigh*
  7. Me too. (even though I'll probably be in Glasgow by the time they play Aberdeen)
  8. Might be a long shot this one but this year I intend to go to my first EXIT Festival in July. Here is what EXIT is all about: EXIT - Home EXIT (festival - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Has anyone else ever been to EXIT before? If so, have you any tips to share about the festival or travelling to and around Novi Sad and Serbia in general? Our plan is to fly directly to Belgrade and then, presumably, take a bus to Novi Sad. We're going to try and stay in one of the local hotels or apartments rather than camp. I'm getting too old for that now. I've been about Eastern Europe a bit (Croatia, Czech Republic etc) and so I'm pretty confident I know what the deal is. Any advice or insight would be appreciated though.
  9. It certainly makes more sense than posting "can i have a refund for the 30 seconds i spent watching this before I hit alt-f4 in disgust please?". This is the last I to say about this matter. If you want to continue to argue your point then please do so via private messages. Any further off-topic posts, by anyone, will be removed. Now back to the original topic please...
  10. All triggered by your original comments in the first place. People can say what they think - as long as they do it constructively. If you can't do it then I'd prefer it if you kept your thoughts to yourself, so we can avoid situations like this.
  11. I'd rather you said nothing then. Non-constructive criticism is pointless and isn't helpful to anyone.
  12. I think I'm pretty tolerant actually. You certainly wouldn't still be posting on here if I wasn't. Maybe you could tell me exactly how your comments in this thread have contributed to the discussion on the site then? Because I'm not seeing how your comments in this thread have been helpful to the band, other users, or the online community as a whole. Maybe you should keep your "gut feel" to yourself in the future if you are unable express it more constructively perhaps?
  13. And what has that got to do with their music exactly? That may be so but what you originally posted was not constructive criticism and you knew fine well before you posted it that it would likely trigger a backlash from other people. On one hand I wish people would just see your comments for what they are and stop "rising to the bait", but on the other hand I'm getting pretty fed up with this trolling (because that is exactly what this is). You spend more time on this web site than the vast majority of other users and so you obviously get some kind of kick out of acting this way. But I along with plenty of other people are becoming tired of your intentionally negative and inflammatory posts. So please stop it. Anyway, can we please get back on topic please. I think we've all given Stripey's posts in this particular thread way more attention than they deserved.
  14. I'm certainly not going to spend hours of my life going around closing every thread (and there would be thousands of them) that is over 6 months old. Personally speaking, I don't think this is a big problem. It doesn't happen that often and when it does, although mildly irritating, does at least allow some people to have a reminiscent moment - "Oh, I remember when that was first posted...". Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age, but I don't see this as a problem that needs addressing just now I'm afraid. P.S. As an aside, no threads get deleted after a specific amount of time now. This stopped happening after The Wasteland forum was replaced.
  15. That same dimwit might ban you as well if the only replies you're capable of to this thread are school-ground insults. If you can't think of anything constructive to reply with then please don't bother. Back to the topic everyone and less of the petty taunting please.
  16. And who buys those papers? If people want to change the way press go about their business then people not to stop so happily consuming what they produce. I'm starting to sounds like Stripey now!
  17. Oh, I agree completely. It's just that I can't help thinking that this is one case has the media's attention yet there are many others the media will never cover. Surely the police would want the media to report on all missing person cases?
  18. What I don't understand is that kids go missing every week in this country. Why does this specific case warrant more media attention than the others?
  19. Actually, I disagree in this case. But if we could all refrain from using insults and try keep this a civilised debate then that would be most appreciated.
  20. I can't speak for the rest of the aberdeen-music staff, but no, I've not been actively involved in the local music scene for some years (ironic, I know) and this will not change anytime soon - not least because I'm moving to Glasgow next month! The reason I give for this is due to the fact I simply don't have the time available to get involved. I've also been very reluctant to have the aberdeen-music "name" associated with any specific gigs or events for fear that we will then be accused of becoming biased towards specific venues, promoters and/or local bands/musicians. Indeed, the only "aberdeen-music" specific event that was organised was the very successful Bandwidth Festival fundraiser some years ago, that aimed to raise money to keep the web site online (the web site was much smaller back then - and the web hosting bills were much bigger). It's something that I hope we never to have organise again, but it is good to know that if we did have to organise something similar, then it could be done and done successfully. To be perfectly honest, I think the music scene here has plenty of promoters (if not too many promoters) and we don't need amateurs like me also trying to get involved organising events for no real good reason aside from the fact we can. This web site is run on a non-profit basis and so we don't need to make money from events nor do we want to put ourselves in the position of losing money because of them either. Of course, we'll do everything we can to make it as easy and effective for people to promote their own events of this web site to the rest of the community, but I don't see us, as the staff of aberdeen-music, getting anymore involved any deeper than that. If anyone thinks we're missing a trick or opportunity here then please let me know. I could easily be in the wrong.
  21. I'll be honest with you - I agree with this completely. And I don't know what can really be done about this. I think because of the relative small size of Aberdeen's music scene and because only a portion of this scene use the web site then it will always feel somewhat "cliquey" on here. However, the number of new users registering on the web site continues to grow (2 - 3 new registrations every day) and the new threads and posts keep appearing. So I'm confident that this cliquishness isn't at least causing any lasting damage to the site. But I agree with your observations and would be open to any suggestions on how we try to rectify this.
  22. Sorry, I had to remove the image link. The image is just way too big. Please feel free to re-size and then re-post.
  23. Look harder - there is more posts than that. You might want to have a look at the new posts in the other "music" related forums as well. Such as the Musicians' Corner, Feedback, Networking, Gigs & Event Announcements forums...there is plenty of new posts in them as well. New posts every day in fact.
  24. They are all here: http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/search.php?do=getnew What? This sentence makes no sense.
  25. I'd also like to point out that it was me that banned him, not Dave. Anyway, back to the topic please everyone...
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