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Everything posted by Neil

  1. As a frequent user of the web site you could become a Supporter so you don't have to see any of the advertisements at all as well as help support the web site financially. There is more information on this over here: aberdeen-music - Supporter's Scheme
  2. Well, it remembers it for me. You could always not look at front page of course. No-one's forcing you to look at it all day you know...
  3. Wirelessly posted (Motorola v600: Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 NokiaN82/20.0.062; Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413) You can't disable it, but you can minimise it by clicking the icon at the top right of that particular box.
  4. I'll second that. The best of a bad bunch to be honest.
  5. Filezilla is quite popular: FileZilla - The free FTP solution
  6. I've built a couple of media centre PCs over the years and as these have been sitting in the living room then I've always tried my best to make them as quiet as possible. The key thing I've found is not to try to make what you have quieter, but instead try to eliminate what you have that makes any noise. I've a few suggestions for you. If the desktop machine isn't going to be used for gaming or for running Vista's Aero interface then I'd consider downgrading your graphics card to something that is passively cooled. You'd be surprised at how many different options there are and for pretty cheap prices as well. I've found the small fans on graphics cards to be the noiseiest component in my experience. I'd certainly buy a better PSU and one with as big a fan as possible. Something like: Nesteq EECS Power Plus PSUs, 135mm Fan With the new PSU in place, then depending on how good your computer case is (aluminium cases are ideal - they absorb a lot of the heat - check out the Coolermaster models) you might find you can get away with disabling the case fan as well. There is a lots and lots of options for CPU coolers. Just take a look at some of these: Quiet PC UK - Quiet P4 CPU Coolers for a Quiet PC A lot of these depend on how much space you actually have in your computer case as some of these coolers are huge. But they make a big difference. Obviously, water cooling is the ultimate solution but even that generates some noise (the pump isn't completely silent).
  7. Why do I get the uneasy feeling a fuse wire has been lit somewhere...
  8. Careful. You're not the only one with a private collection. Now if only I could find those photos...
  9. And the full CD can now be downloaded and streamed from this web site for free: http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/news-announcements/49906-exile-studio-vol-1-free-download.html
  10. aberdeen-music is proud to announce that we are offering The Exile Studio - Volume 1 compilation album as a completely free download! The Exile Studio - Volume 1 compilation album was released on the 19th May. It contains 22 bands from around Scotland and is available on limited (numbered) CD for 3 and as a free download (108MB) from this web site. The individual tracks can also be streamed from our Jukebox. Track listing: 01 Marlow - New York 02 Broken Sunshine - Break through me 03 The Sphygz - For a girl 04 Copy Haho - Cutting out the bad (track not available from this web site) 05 Scunner - Morse Code 06 Free Corps - Deception Kills the Mind 07 Patterns in Pavements - I'm Tired 08 The Marionettes - 138 09 For my Next Miracle - Disco-the-que 10 Valentine - This town is a village 11 Static in the City - An Unseen Truth 12 Finniston - Peace of Mind 13 AKA the Fox - Wasted generation 14 The Fire and I - Just Face it 15 Lorenzo Snow Collective - Nightfalls 16 Dedalus - New One 17 AKA Ska - Geno 18 Get in Get out - Rites of Passport 19 Nailcoat - Rockabilly 20 Cuts - The Silence of you 21 Miss the Occupier - Perfect Side 22 Fiction / Action - DCKNs For more information about The Exile Recording Studio please visit their web site.
  11. Because there have been no posts in 30 days perhaps? Just because nothing has been posted in 30 days doesn't mean the forums are empty.
  12. Err...only the Mohare forum is empty and that's because it is the newest forum.
  13. I've been asking the same question for a good few years now. Don't expect an answer from him. Anyway, think this thread has ran it's course - especially when there is another thread discussing this elsewhere. So closing this one.
  14. I'm sorry, but if the only way you can put your argument across is by saying complete nonsense like this:
  15. And I'm all for discussion. Yet you prove time and time again with your posts that all you appear to be capable of producing is unconstructive, deliberately inflammatory diatribes. So sort out your attitude or stop posting here please. I'm getting fed up having to tidy up these threads because of one of your stupid posts.
  16. No, you are trolling and you know it. This thread is a discussion about the latest Indiana Jones film and not about "why all Hollywood films are shit and everyone who watches them is a retard". If you are looking for attention for yourself then please do it elsewhere.
  17. Yep, if there aren't any posts in a band forum for a couple of months I tend to remove them after giving them a weeks notice or so.
  18. Yep, it will be. Just need to check a couple of things with Mark first.
  19. Working fine for me as well. I think the singer is mildy hot in that girl next door type of way, although she looks like she's 16. :O
  20. Nope, it just uses Flash. So as long as your web browser has the Flash plug-in then all should be well.
  21. Can be downloaded for free from their web site: Welcome to Sigur Ros It certainly sounds a bit different from what has gone before.
  22. Cool. Nice find! And just 5 minutes to wait...
  23. This more than any other reason I'd say. What we used to see a few years ago was that the same group of peeps would just sit on the web site for hours and hours when they were at school, uni, work or whatever, as there was nothing else to really do on-line. But the social networks have replaced that need and what you'll find now is that people come to this web site with a specific purpose in mind (e.g. looking for a band members, selling some gear, checking out what's on etc). And to be honest, I'd quite happy with it being that way now. Once I get my ass in gear and get the new site on-line then it will be interesting to see what develops. It will be running on the latest version of vBulletin (v3.7) and that contains a greater emphasis on the social networking aspects of the forums.
  24. You haven't been banned anywhere near 40 times. No-one has. I think you've probably got an IQ of 40 though, if your posts on here are anything to go by.
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