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28 Days Later...


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Let down by the end?

Soldiers turn into testosterone-crazed maniacs,

Main character evades execution, goes on a commando mission slaughtering soldiers left, right and center, completely flipping out. Finally mauls the eyeballs of the most testosterone-crazed "grunt" of them all. Saves teh day.

Oh, and the soundtrack is awesome.

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The shit and piss questions.

1) Shit bag

2) Piss bag

3) He was fed by a drip.... thats what those funny pipes were in his arms ;)

As for the soundtrack.... outstanding... and I'm with the Bitterone for the ending... crazed mail boy on the loose squashing soldiers eyeballs? It's good... and the infected soldier goes about infecting more soldiers... and so forth...

The daughter is wooden though.

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in the alternative ending, instead of meeting with the soldiers they instead find the lab where the virus was first created... and instead of killing the dad they knock him out and tie him up and bag him...

in a hope of finding "the cure" ... once dragging him into the car drive off to the lab... they arm themself with a few weapons they find.. disatch the few infected around and baracade themselfs in... only to find a survivor locked inside a room that wont let them in.. who Knows the "cure"... so after a full on assault happens the man in the room tells them the cure its a full blood transfusion!

ok... so now your thinking PLOT ERROR! one drop of blood was enough to infect the poor guy how a blood tranfusion going to work!!!

so thats why this was scrapt...

but however they do a test to see who could be a doner for the dad... the only one is jim.. so he finally agrees to it... thus becoming infected... and the dad survives so they leave jim on a similar chair as the monkey in the beginning with the video monitors ...

i like this ending a little more as thought a little condictory much Darker!

this was never shot but there is the stills and directors commenty on the DVD about this ending!

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