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I think he should have been dropped by England. Sleeping with a team mate and friends girlfriend is just not cricket. If someone from my intra-murial team slept with someone else on the team's girlfriend I would expect him to be told to get tae. This is obviously the complete opposite side of the spectrum from the england national side in terms of quality and interest etc. but I think the fact that it is such a high profile situation means that he should be taught a lesson. John Terry is an irresponsible cunt and should have been shown the door from the England team when this all came out. Wayne Bridge may be 2nd or 3rd choice at left back but one would expect him to be in the England set up for the majority of games. What would have happened if Terry had boned Wayne Rooney's wife? Terry would have been shown the door. Also, as mentioned earlier, if Wayne Bridge had dicked Terry's wife he would have been chucked.

Basically, I think John Terry is a cunt and he can fuck off.

But, again, I don't care about the England football team.

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Guest Gladstone

If players got sacked for being a bit of a prat in their free time, there'd only be Kalou and Ryan Giggs left. Everyone else would be in the naughty boys corner.

That's kind of my point.

I know he gets paid to do a job, and should be able to do what he chooses in his spare time. But what if he'd shagged Gerrard's missus or Rooney's missus or Capello's missus?

Personal lives can certainly work their way into professional lives if you choose to cross the line, which is what Terry has done. The only reason there isn't more being made of it in the England squad is because Wayne Bridge isn't massively important to the England squad. If Wayne Bridge had shagged John Terry's bird, Wayne Bridge would never again be picked for England, so long as Terry is one of the main players in the squad.

I wouldn't get even mildly worked up about this if it was an even playing field for all of these guys but it isn't. Capello was out in the news this week speaking about the standards he expects from his players in terms of behaviour etc. If I was English, I'd be really really pissed off that England hadn't won anything since 1966. They've had a good enough squad to at least challenge and get to finals for years, but they keep fucking it up because they're a squad full of bell ends.

If Terry was made an example of now by a strong character such as Capello, the rest of the players would have to tow the line, and the squad would be better for it. The message it sends across is if your behaviour ruins the life of someone who is no more than a fringe player, you're all right, you won't be captain, but you can play. I'd love to see what would have happened if he'd shagged someone like Gerrard or Rooney's missus's (apart from the fucking hiding he'd have got from Rooney that is).

All the comparisons to people's jobs is a bit off the mark, because John Terry's employer is Chelsea, not England. It would be unfair dismissal to get sacked for having an affair with someone, which makes no difference to your ability to do your job. Yes, it is Capello's job to pick the best players, but it is also his job to mould the best team, which in turn needs to have the best team spirit, and be fighting for each other all over the pitch. It was quite easy to dismiss this situation because it was Wayne Bridge, and not, say Steven Gerrard or Wayne Rooney, or Rio Ferdinand, but what would the centre half partnership be like if he'd nailed Rio's bird? It would surely have to be one or the other. And you can't really drop Rio because some other prick shagged his bird, can you?

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I think he should have been dropped by England. Sleeping with a team mate and friends girlfriend is just not cricket. If someone from my intra-murial team slept with someone else on the team's girlfriend I would expect him to be told to get tae. This is obviously the complete opposite side of the spectrum from the england national side in terms of quality and interest but I think the fact that it is such a high profile situation he should be taught a lesson. John Terry is an irresponsible cunt and should have been shown the door from the England team when this all came out. Wayne Bridge may be 2nd or 3rd choice at left back but one would expect him to be in the England set up for the majority of games. What would have happened if Terry had boned Wayne Rooney's wife? Terry would have been shown the door. Also, as mentioned earlier, if Wayne Bridge had dicked Terry's wife he would have been chucked.

Basically, I think John Terry is a cunt and he can fuck off.

But, again, not that I care about the England football team.

I'm sorry but that is all pretty stupid.

Once again, what John Terry has done isn't anything to do with his ability as footballer. People are picked for their respective national team on merit of their football performance, not for who's better at Mortal Kombat on the Mega Drive or whether they let their "mates" missus smoke their pole. Obviously him being dropped as Captain makes perfect sense as it reflects upon his status as a leader with his teammates but you lot are banging on like he should be stopped from playing football permanently which is ludicrous.

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The whole back four is fucking crap anyway. Johnson might as well be a striker. Rio is guff. Terry is a shit. Cole is alright, but no one likes him and he's injured. Pick a whole new one, and get rid of the lot.

Gary Nev. Upson. Shawcross. Baines.

Get past that then, Spain. WHO ARE YA?

I'd rather have Phil Neville at right back these days and Dawson in t'middle.

John Terry's not been playing particularly well since this guff started, maybe he should be dropped because of his poor form.

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Guest Gladstone
I'm sorry but that is all pretty stupid.

Once again, what John Terry has done isn't anything to do with his ability as footballer. People are picked for their respective national team on merit of their football performance, not for who's better at Mortal Kombat on the Mega Drive or whether they let their "mates" missus smoke their pole. Obviously him being dropped as Captain makes perfect sense as it reflects upon his status as a leader with his teammates but you lot are banging on like he should be stopped from playing football permanently which is ludicrous.

Nobody said he should be stopped from playing football.

I said he should be dropped from the England squad.

His job at Chelsea should remain unchanged, because Chelsea are his employers, not England.

Playing for your country should be a privilege, and you really should have to behave the right way etc etc.

I'm not massively bothered about it (although it doesn't look that way from my previous posts admittedly), because all this will lead to England players just thinking they're untouchable all the time, and they'll balls up the World Cup again, despite having a very good squad of players.

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I'd rather have Phil Neville at right back these days and Dawson in t'middle.

John Terry's not been playing particularly well since this guff started, maybe he should be dropped because of his poor form.

If I was England manager, I'd have a reasonably strict No-Spurs rule. Alot like that outlandish "you have to play to be picked" nonsense that Capello has.

I can't stand Gary Neville, but the past few times I've watched him play, his crossing has been immense. I guess I do prefer his frankenstein cloned brother Phil though, because he's not a pure bastard.

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If I was England manager, I'd have a reasonably strict No-Spurs rule. Alot like that outlandish "you have to play to be picked" nonsense that Capello has.

I can't stand Gary Neville, but the past few times I've watched him play, his crossing has been immense. I guess I do prefer his frankenstein cloned brother Phil though, because he's not a pure bastard.

I don't trust Gary Neville to be able to do anything defensively useful against a left winger who is capable of running and I get the feeling there might be a few of them at the world cup.

I'll pretend Dawson still plays for Forest and pick him anyway.

How did Clarke Carlisle get on on Countdown today? I see he thrashed some noob last night. It was the best result Burnley have had all year.

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You're right. Defensively he looks a bit sluggish. Hollywood star Landon Donovan ran riot against him on Saturday. Phil doesn't look much quicker, but he's got a bit of strength. Did you see him knock Rooney off the ball, as if he was Aaron Lennon? Boof! If only they could merge into a super Neville.

What other Right Back choices have we even got? Wes Brown? he's the worst Central Defender on earth who happens to be pretty decent at Right Back.

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I think he should be banned from playing any sort of organised professional sport. Also be put on the sex offenders register, and it should flare up on any sort of disclosure that he's an allround BADMAN. I wouldn't be giving him a reference either, not even if it was to work in Farmfoods. I say we just kill the cunt.

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Nobody said he should be stopped from playing football.

I said he should be dropped from the England squad.

His job at Chelsea should remain unchanged, because Chelsea are his employers, not England.

Playing for your country should be a privilege, and you really should have to behave the right way etc etc.

I'm not massively bothered about it (although it doesn't look that way from my previous posts admittedly), because all this will lead to England players just thinking they're untouchable all the time, and they'll balls up the World Cup again, despite having a very good squad of players.

He was dropped from a position of responsibility and leadership, he's also probably lost quite a few friends as well. That was enough along with the inevitable public disdain from the numerous high-horse platforms (it's almost as if nobody has ever made a mistake or done something stupid before, the shame!). His credability as a leadership figure is gone along with prestige of being captain of England which is enough of a reprimand for Capello to be dishing out if we're being sensible about the whole thing.

Capello could always not pick him if he wanted to, it's obvious that he personally doesn't feel that way about it though.

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You're right. Defensively he looks a bit sluggish. Hollywood star Landon Donovan ran riot against him on Saturday. Phil doesn't look much quicker, but he's got a bit of strength. Did you see him knock Rooney off the ball, as if he was Aaron Lennon? Boof! If only they could merge into a super Neville.

What other Right Back choices have we even got? Wes Brown? he's the worst Central Defender on earth who happens to be pretty decent at Right Back.

Yemen, he's also a lot smarter than he was when he was in the England team of days gone by (Euro 2000?). I'd actually put him in there, in a non joke capacity.

Micah Richards or Luke Young. Not much there. I'm sure super James Milner could play there if we asked him nicely. He can play anywhere.

If only Steven Carr was English, then we'd be sorted.

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Guest Gladstone

Your point about "it's as if nobody has ever made a mistake before" is making light of this somewhat don't you think?

I know best mates have shagged their birds before and it doesn't make the national news, but I wouldn't call getting your best mate's bird pregnant, and taking her to get an abortion, and keeping it all a secret a "mistake". Obviously this has nothing to do with his ability to play football or anything like that, but what he's done is morally quite serious. And it's not the first time he's "done something stupid". He's a fucking bell end of the highest order.

(And I'm not aiming any of the above at whether or not he should play for England, just stating facts. I have indeed made mistakes and done silly things, but fucking hell, I reserve the right to take the moral high ground here, because I have never ever done anything as bad as that before, and never ever will.)

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Your point about "it's as if nobody has ever made a mistake before" is making light of this somewhat don't you think?

I know best mates have shagged their birds before and it doesn't make the national news, but I wouldn't call getting your best mate's bird pregnant, and taking her to get an abortion, and keeping it all a secret a "mistake". Obviously this has nothing to do with his ability to play football or anything like that, but what he's done is morally quite serious. And it's not the first time he's "done something stupid". He's a fucking bell end of the highest order.

(And I'm not aiming any of the above at whether or not he should play for England, just stating facts. I have indeed made mistakes and done silly things, but fucking hell, I reserve the right to take the moral high ground here, because I have never ever done anything as bad as that before, and never ever will.)

There are people out there that do a lot worse that your misplaced vitriol would be better directed at. If you think these situations aren't particularly common you are being a little naive.

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Guest Gladstone
There are people out there that do a lot worse that your misplaced vitriol would be better directed at. If you think these situations aren't particularly common you are being a little naive.

"particularly common"

Shagging your best mate's bird is particularly common.

No chance. How many "best mates" are there in the world? What percentage of best mate's bird gets shagged by said best mate? I would reckon a very small percentage.

Even if it is common, it's still very very low and immoral.

Yes, there are far worse things going on out there, and people face the consequences (a lot of the time, but not all of the time, or probably even close to all of the time, admittedly). Doesn't make this okay or somehow minor.

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"particularly common"

Shagging your best mate's bird is particularly common.

No chance. How many "best mates" are there in the world? What percentage of best mate's bird gets shagged by said best mate? I would reckon a very small percentage.

Even if it is common, it's still very very low and immoral.

Yes, there are far worse things going on out there, and people face the consequences (a lot of the time, but not all of the time, or probably even close to all of the time, admittedly). Doesn't make this okay or somehow minor.

I don't recall saying it was a considerable percentage of the worlds population of mates that did that sort of thing, i'm just pointing out that it's not an uncommon occurance. Out of most cases of spousal infidelity it is not uncommon for it to be a friend of the wronged person.

Where did i say it wasn't low and immoral? At no point have i condoned what Terry did.

But Terry has faced the consequences.

It is very minor in the grand scheme of things and has little or no effect on your personal life.

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Guest Gladstone
I don't recall saying it was a considerable percentage of the worlds population of mates that did that sort of thing, i'm just pointing out that it's not an uncommon occurance. Out of most cases of spousal infidelity it is not uncommon for it to be a friend of the wronged person.

Where did i say it wasn't low and immoral? At no point have i condoned what Terry did.

But Terry has faced the consequences.

It is very minor in the grand scheme of things and has little or no effect on your personal life.

You said it was "particularly common" which is different from not uncommon.

You're right, it has no effect on my personal life, but it can still piss me off, and it does. Looking on at these massively privileged footballers (or other celebrities), who just go about doing morally reprehensible things all the time, and seemingly getting away with it just pisses me off.

I still don't think being removed as captain is a big enough consequence. It's just my opinion. I think playing for your country is a huge privilege, and firing into another squad member's bird is just simply unacceptable, and think Capello should have made a stance, saying that every member of that squad is as important as the next, and nothing will be done to come between them. Sorry John, but doing that to one of your team mates is unacceptable, you're out. Since all this has happened the first choice left back is injured and a massive doubt for the World Cup. Bridge has generally been 2nd choice, so would have almost definitely been part of the World Cup Squad if this hadn't happened.

If they want to win the World Cup, they really need to be fighting for each other all over the pitch, and to maintain that kind of team spirit, something that's been massively lacking in the England squad in the past 10-15 years, they need to not hate each other, and be shagging their birds behind their backs and that sort of thing.

But, I'll re-iterate - that's fine by me, because another very good England squad is going to balls this tournament up, yet again, despite having a guy like Capello in charge, for the simple reason that about 80% of the first team are knobs.

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You said it was "particularly common" which is different from not uncommon.

You're right, it has no effect on my personal life, but it can still piss me off, and it does. Looking on at these massively privileged footballers (or other celebrities), who just go about doing morally reprehensible things all the time, and seemingly getting away with it just pisses me off.

I still don't think being removed as captain is a big enough consequence. It's just my opinion. I think playing for your country is a huge privilege, and firing into another squad member's bird is just simply unacceptable, and think Capello should have made a stance, saying that every member of that squad is as important as the next, and nothing will be done to come between them. Sorry John, but doing that to one of your team mates is unacceptable, you're out. Since all this has happened the first choice left back is injured and a massive doubt for the World Cup. Bridge has generally been 2nd choice, so would have almost definitely been part of the World Cup Squad if this hadn't happened.

If they want to win the World Cup, they really need to be fighting for each other all over the pitch, and to maintain that kind of team spirit, something that's been massively lacking in the England squad in the past 10-15 years, they need to not hate each other, and be shagging their birds behind their backs and that sort of thing.

But, I'll re-iterate - that's fine by me, because another very good England squad is going to balls this tournament up, yet again, despite having a guy like Capello in charge, for the simple reason that about 80% of the first team are knobs.

It's not particularly uncommon though is it...

Bridge would've been at the World Cup, barring injury of course, anyway. He's not going to be there out of choice now not out of merit, which is a shame. Baines is a better player in my opinion anyway.

I think out of footballing stupidity most events turn out to be ridiculously over-played, and this is one of them. It doesn't help that Terry is an odious cunt in general and isn't a particularly likeable person. Folks keep saying but what if it had been Rooney or Gerrard's wife, well what if it had been Rooney doing it to Bridge or Gerrard to Bridge?

There is enough time to see how it pans out for the team and morale but i'd wager it won't make a difference. It won't be a massive problem.

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Yemen, he's also a lot smarter than he was when he was in the England team of days gone by (Euro 2000?). I'd actually put him in there, in a non joke capacity.

Micah Richards or Luke Young. Not much there. I'm sure super James Milner could play there if we asked him nicely. He can play anywhere.

If only Steven Carr was English, then we'd be sorted.

Oh aye, I'd forgotton about Micah. I don't rate him much defensively. Good to have in the box when you've got a corner at either end, but he's rubbish at marking.

Didn't Luke Young say he didn't want to play for England anymore? Or am I confusing him with erm... Alan Shearer?

Phil Neville would be a good utility player to take. He's like an English John O'Shea, who can play anywhere. But so can Milner. I guess it could only be a good thing to take 2 players of that ilk. One more attacking and one defensively minded. We're going to win this world cup. Piece of piss.

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Guest Gladstone
Oh aye, I'd forgotton about Micah. I don't rate him much defensively. Good to have in the box when you've got a corner at either end, but he's rubbish at marking.

Didn't Luke Young say he didn't want to play for England anymore? Or am I confusing him with erm... Alan Shearer?

Phil Neville would be a good utility player to take. He's like an English John O'Shea, who can play anywhere. But so can Milner. I guess it could only be a good thing to take 2 players of that ilk. One more attacking and one defensively minded. We're going to win this world cup. Piece of piss.

Nicky Butt and Paul Scholes centre midfield, Andy Cole up front and you're sorted.

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Oh aye, I'd forgotton about Micah. I don't rate him much defensively. Good to have in the box when you've got a corner at either end, but he's rubbish at marking.

Didn't Luke Young say he didn't want to play for England anymore? Or am I confusing him with erm... Alan Shearer?

Phil Neville would be a good utility player to take. He's like an English John O'Shea, who can play anywhere. But so can Milner. I guess it could only be a good thing to take 2 players of that ilk. One more attacking and one defensively minded. We're going to win this world cup. Piece of piss.

Super Jimmy Milner's gotta be in the squad. Probably my favourite Premiership player at the moment - he can do just about anything to a high standard.

As far as English full-backs go, Warnock on the left and Orange Wes on the right. Brown is an atrocious centreback but he always looks decent at RB. Luke Young is a good player but he doesn't seem to get a game at Villa too often. As far as I'm aware, his brother died in August, and he took a lengthy sabbatical from football as a result. When he came back, he decided he didn't want to do internationals any more. Could be wrong. Micah Richards is plop.

I love it that we've reached a point where Phil Neville is now a significantly better player than his brother.

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