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are nickelback shite?


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it's bands like that (and "creed") that make me wince...it's got nothing to do with eliteism, or musical snobbery, it's an insult as they are just hijacking a genre, watering it down and turning it into a souless money making excersise.

I think we've had a few discussions about influnce / dilution..but these monkeys take the biscuit. (and those pearl jam wannabee's "creed".)

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I hate Nickelback and everything they stand for. However, the fact that those songs played together sound exactly the same could be because the Nickelback boys sat down and said "lets make 2 songs that are exactly the same...yet kinda different...and see if anyone notices". If so then it is us that are the fools being led along by their impish games!...I very much doubt that the kroeaugur(i dunno) is that intelligent.

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Guest pop-notmyface
at last! 2 people who actually listened to the mp3 in question :o)

boner (you cant have a message thats smaller than 8 characters you know...)

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  • 1 year later...
Are nickelback shite? Actually that point is not in debate. But are they also unoriginal repetitive shite? Listen to this mp3 (if you havent already) of two nickelback songs being played simultaniously' date=' one on the left channel and the other on the right and make up your own mind... [url']http://styleboost.com/Dbase/goto_news.asp?id=422

Yes - turgid, cliched shite of the highest order...and that mullet :puke:

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