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What is a troll?

From a personal point of view, the only real troll that I've ever encountered was someone who frequented the official Manics forum, who would do some really horrible, spiteful things towards people. But at the same time, he'd make very close friends with some people and use them to get more information that he could use to his own advantage - a truly nasty, evil piece of work. He eventually got banned, but he's still around to this day on his own little forum, preaching to his little band of followers - so I assume he can be called a bona fide troll.

But how can you define trolling? Is it as clear cut as saying that anyone that stirs up trouble is a troll, or is it more complex than this - when does trolling start and opinions end? I've even seen forums where having an opinion different to the majority was instantly classed as trolling by the moderation team and the user warned/banned.

Where is the line? My personal line is when people start being abusive towards other members of the community, be it to individuals or to a the community as a whole - you cannot simply say that someone is a troll because their opinions provoke strong reactions.

And of course, you have to consider people's responses - is it acceptable for someone to abuse a perceived troll in their eyes? The jury is out - if they're a troll, then they certainly deserve it, but if they're not, then they don't. And then the argument swings back to 'what is a troll?'. Swings and roundabouts, really.

To take the question on here - is it possible to troll using other means than mere comments alone? For instance, could it be considered trolling if someone took up all the high scores in the Arcade and clearly prevented anyone from themselves from obtaining any high scores? Or of course, the reputation system - would it be trolling if they went round handing out positive reputation to every user in sight, without rhyme or reason?

Even this message could be defined as trolling.


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Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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Who gives a shit. Seen a lot of moaning on here lately and seems to have been sparked by an increase in your posts.

Why does a discussion always have to be heated or controversial. That's what puts me off starting topics a lot of the time as I know some wank (usually Stripey - is he on a lifetime ban now??) has to stick their negative oar in for the sake of discussion. Takes all the emphasis and drive out of a positive discussion. Having said that sometimes it is better just to talk to people face to face.

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Aw boo, it'll be boring now, what did he do?

He posted "controversial and irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion." one too many times I think.

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