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Well it seems now you can't post any comments and suggestions, no matter how sincere and worthwhile, relating to the way the forums are administrated, because said admins will just delete them or close the thread. So much for the "music scene of aberdeen", obviously the opinions of us mere users who dare to have an opinion are irrelevant.

Any admin care to remind the rest of us what the purpose of this forum actually is?

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Well it seems now you can't post any comments and suggestions, no matter how sincere and worthwhile, relating to the way the forums are administrated, because said admins will just delete them or close the thread. So much for the "music scene of aberdeen", obviously the opinions of us mere users who dare to have an opinion are irrelevant.

Any admin care to remind the rest of us what the purpose of this forum actually is?

Everyone knows that with you it's not your opinion that's the problem it's your odious delivery that irks people. You have the ability to turn "advice" into a condescending mess of pomposity, which is quite ridiculous as you quite often have a very valid point to make.

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No, the issue is Dave selectively deleting posts and threads in a totally hippocritical manner.

I've now read all the deleted posts in question and I completely disagree with this statement. I honestly can't see your grievance. You start posting abusive messages that if weren't removed would have reduced the thread to a horribly predictable "Stripey Vs. everyone else" slagging match - thus ruining the thread entirely. That's why Dave removed them.

I've got nothing more to say on this matter and I suggest if you want to stay a member on these forums then you cease whining and complaining about it. Because all you're doing just now is wasting everyone's time.

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I've now read all the deleted posts in question and I completely disagree with this statement. I honestly can't see your grievance. You start posting abusive messages that if weren't removed would have reduced the thread to a horribly predictable "Stripey Vs. everyone else" slagging match - thus ruining the thread entirely. That's why Dave removed them.

I've got nothing more to say on this matter and I suggest if you want to stay a member on these forums then you cease whining and complaining about it. Because all you're doing just now is wasting everyone's time.

Ah so that's why dave has left in all the posts attacking me without allowing me to repudiate them, yes how even handed of him.

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Okay, care to tell me in which posts Dave is "attacking" you?

What I meant is that he has left in the posts which *other people made* where they are having a go at me and not contributing anything useful / further derailing the thread. So I don't understand why it's ok for people to post that crap while Dave prevents me from replying by deleting my posts.

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What I meant is that he has left in the posts which *other people made* where they are having a go at me and not contributing anything useful / further derailing the thread. So I don't understand why it's ok for people to post that crap while Dave prevents me from replying by deleting my posts.

Okay, I've re-read the whole thread again and I still can't see where anyone has "attacked" you in a post. Disagreed with you, yes - attacked you, no. Unless you are referring to Alex's post where he is telling you to get over yourself? I assume not, as your replies following that particular post remain intact anyway.

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Okay, I've re-read the whole thread again and I still can't see where anyone has "attacked" you in a post. Disagreed with you, yes - attacked you, no. Unless you are referring to Alex's post where he is telling you to get over yourself? I assume not, as your replies following that particular post remain intact anyway.

So it's fine for Twojoe to interject for no reason other than to have a go at me, and for someone to write a 6 paragraph post making all sorts of accusations about me at which point Dave decides the thread has gone off topic and starts deleting any response I made?

If you look at the first page, it wasn't me who derailed the thread, it was actually alex that started turning it in an argument. Fair enough if someone disagrees with me, I don't have a problem with that, that is what the site is for isn't it, discussion. But telling someone to get a grip and so on as Alex did is just uncalled for and bound to elicit unpleasantness.

If Dave actually knew what he was doing he would have deleted *that* post and the thread would probably still be only a few posts long and with no arguments.

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I'll ask again - show me the posts where someone has attacked you. Because I'm not seeing it.

I've just linked you to one, then there is one by twojoe and the huge one by Alex which is nothing but a diatribe against me.

If you think these kind of posts are ok, that's fine, in which case you or Dave ought to allow me to respond in kind to that type of bullshit first of all, and in the future I will be less restrained because I've obviously been overestimating the level of politeness you expect from users.

I don't care if someone disagrees with me, but they can do it without making personal digs at me. That's not my problem, that's your moderators problem, and if they can't do their job properly I suggest you find someone else who can.

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At no point do i have a personal go at anyone in said thread. I will state 'again' that I was referring to the post by Alex and the way he said what he said and nothing more. It could relate to anything and anyone and I also said that I hadn't read much of what 'Stripey' or anyone else for that matter, wrote. If anyone was to consider what I wrote as a 'personal attack' then I would suggest they may be getting a little paranoid!


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I've just linked you to one, then there is one by twojoe and the huge one by Alex which is nothing but a diatribe against me.

Are you serious? I think Alex is right. You do need to get a grip of yourself if you consider that an attack (especially when you contrast it with the contents of your posts).

Here is a tip for you. Posts replying to people with nothing but name calling and making absolutely no constructive contribution to the original topic are liable for removal at the moderator's discretion. That is what has happened here and I think the thread is in much better shape for it (and I'm sure everyone else would agree).

Don't like this rule? Don't use the web site. Simple as.

I've already wasted enough time replying about this, so this thread is now closed.

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