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[GIG] Bonesaw + Filthpact + T.R.I.B.E. @ The Moorings Bar

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While a friend from Notts is gonna make this show, I won't be. Or any other shows of this kind for that matter be they in Aberdeen or anywhere else. Tired and sickened by much of what I see - that is regarding the wider DIY anarcho crust/punk community - the absence of any real politics, the staggering hypocrisy in terms of political inaction, have decided to leave the scene. Ain't been an easy decision, particularly as I've played such an active role in this community for the best part of 27 years, but really, I've had enough. Stickin' with the activist community. While this scene was once exciting, militant, and truly brave and courageous in its actions, it really has become nuthin more than a social club. Politically it's an irrelevance.

Should stress that this ain't an attack on those folks who have chosen to play this show, but on the wider community of which yes, they play a part.

My posting my feelings on this matter may seem a lil unnecessary, but hell, just needed to get a few things off my chest.

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While a friend from Notts is gonna make this show, I won't be. Tired and sickened by much of what I see - that is regarding the wider DIY anarcho crust/punk community - the absence of any real politics, the staggering hypocrisy in terms of political inaction, have decided to leave the scene. Ain't been an easy decision, particularly as I've played such an active role in this community for the best part of 27 years, but really, I've had enough. Stickin' with the activist community, plus (if we're talkin' music communities) there are far more exciting acts/performers out there who I do believe are doin' something. While this scene was once exciting, militant, and truly brave and couragious in its actions, it really has become nuthin more than a social club. Politically it's an irrelevance.

Should stress that this ain't an attack on those folks who have chosen to play this show, but on the wider community of which yes, they play a part.

Its a gig for two guys birthday,get over it.

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Ya mean Nester ain't coming?? Fuck.... i don't think i can play anymore.... There is just NO point. Life is so meaningless. I really thought the Government was starting to listen to us. I'm sure i saw Gordon Brown at the last East Neuk gig, but i could be mistaken.

You're quite the comedian.

You know Baz, I'd be a lil more inclined to listen to what ya had to say if ya gave a damn 'bout either the punk community or its politics, but man, they don't mean a thing to ya.

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for the scene to be worth anything in your eyes, everyone needs to be preaching, protesting and waving anarchy flags.

i have never been a crusty, a punk or an activist and i probably never will be, it seems (correct me if i am wrong) that you are another one of the elitist people that the scottish and uk scene is full of, who judge people on how many flags they have waved in demonstration marches/protests and the like. these people generally resent people who are there for the bands/supporting those who are doing something for the scene, yet arent out there fighting a cause on the streets.

its sad, and its reasons like this that people stay away from shows, dont start new bands and realise that they do not want to get involved in politics, as the community appears to be full of assholes that they dont want to turn into.

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for the scene to be worth anything in your eyes, everyone needs to be preaching, protesting and waving anarchy flags.

i have never been a crusty, a punk or an activist and i probably never will be, it seems (correct me if i am wrong) that you are another one of the elitist people that the scottish and uk scene is full of, who judge people on how many flags they have waved in demonstration marches/protests and the like. these people generally resent people who are there for the bands/supporting those who are doing something for the scene, yet arent out there fighting a cause on the streets.

its sad, and its reasons like this that people stay away from shows, dont start new bands and realise that they do not want to get involved in politics, as the community appears to be full of assholes that they dont want to turn into.

Laughable only coz you have no idea as to what you're talking about. Punk is political. Leftist/anti-authoritarian politics are central to its cause. So, is it all surprising why some should find the political inaction of others quite sickening. Sure, folks got a lot to say, but then shoutin' shit from the safety of a stage is easy. Gettin' your hands dirty - that is taking genuine political action... well, that is something else. Why express such views if ya ain't gonna do shit? Change ain't gonna happen any time soon if folks just sit on their asses complainin'.

And no, I do not think myself better than anyone else. Such a thing would rather contradict my politics would it not? Am only expressing what I believe is a great shame. Despite it's potential politically, this scene is really lil different from any other music community. Like I said, it's lil more than a social club. And I find that very sad.

And regarding your final point, I have berated no one - that is at shows. Shit man, folks don't wanna get involved politically coz really, they could not give a damn. Have distributed political flyers at countless shows over the years, and folks just are not interested despite the political nature of the bands they'd made it along to see. Take the Filthpact/Upstarts show with which you were involved and at which Dissent! Aberdeen had a table. Really, the only folks who demonstrated any interest - that is regarding our table, were The Upstarts + two American friends. Was only when we'd pinned up shirts that folks came over which I think says a great deal. So don't give me that nonsense 'bout how it's folks such as myself - 'bout our so called appalling behaviour, that is puttin' folks off. Most of the folks who make these shows simply could not give a fuck.

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Laughable only coz you have no idea as to what you're talking about. Punk is political. Leftist/anti-authoritarian politics are central to its cause. So, is it all surprising why some should find the political inaction of others quite sickening. Sure, folks got a lot to say, but then shoutin' shit from the safety of a stage is easy. Gettin' your hands dirty - that is taking genuine political action... well, that is something else. Why express such views if ya ain't gonna do shit? Change ain't gonna happen any time soon if folks just sit on their asses complainin'.

And no, I do not think myself better than anyone else. Such a thing would rather contradict my politics would it not? Am only expressing what I believe is a great shame. Despite it's potential politically, this scene is really lil different from any other music community. Like I said, it's lil more than a social club. And I find that very sad.

Here listen mr elitist fucking member of the oh so underground fucking anarcho punk cunt.

I was under the impression the whole ideals of "punk" was to express your thoughts and views in anyway you feel is right ? , correct ?

Doing what your heart tells you and that is essentially going against the grain of society which i aint no fucking professer in the idealology of punk but is this not what the original ideas are?

Such a thing would rather contradict my politics would it not? Am only expressing what I believe is a great shame

To say that people are not out doing anything to stop what they believe is wrong and that , that they would rather sit on here and complain. Sorry not to be a dick but i don't see you actively protesting against "d.i.y" Non profit gigs in Aberdeen?


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Here listen mr elitist fucking member of the oh so underground fucking anarcho punk cunt.

I was under the impression the whole ideals of "punk" was to express your thoughts and views in anyway you feel is right ? , correct ?

Doing what your heart tells you and that is essentially going against the grain of society which i aint no fucking professer in the idealology of punk but is this not what the original ideas are?

To say that people are not out doing anything to stop what they believe is wrong and that , that they would rather sit on here and complain. Sorry not to be a dick but i don't see you actively protesting against "d.i.y" Non profit gigs in Aberdeen?


Shit, this is nuthin more than garbled nonsense, but let's have a look.

So, if expressing whatever you wish is cool and punk, should we then permit fascists to organise, allow those whose message is hate to promote such despicable beliefs via our community? Man, like I said, there are certain values that are central to this community, that make it what it is.

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So, if expressing whatever you wish is cool and punk, should we then permit fascists to organise, allow those whose message is hate to promote such despicable beliefs via our community?

You are meerly as bad as a facist if you cannot allow any person's oppinion or beliefs wether it is like your own or something you don't believe in .

It still the morning and the "community" is all about love and respect for our fellow people so i feel your ideals are full of shit and there is , like many things in life , many contradictions that i think you cannot blind yourself from.

I wish to rest my case and get affy pished tonight and have a good time which is what these gigs are about.

Where is Rune?

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I gotta say that I was somewhat hesitant 'bout sayin' the things I have - that is on a thread of this kind, and should stress that it was never my intention to sour what is by and large a celebratory thread. Indeed perhaps I should have chosen another thread. But, just wanna say a couple of things. Regarding your choice of music, the political message it conveys is an important one. It's links with activism are strong. There can be no arguement about this. So should we, as I've said already, be surprised when folks feel somewhat disturbed by the absence of political activity among those who advocate change as you do ?

Okay, that's all I wanna say. Have a great night.

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