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CSi last night (tarantino directed them)


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Fell asleep about 8pm last night thanks to medication so missed them :( Big CSI fan now....although not as keen on CSI Miami as Vegas...the NY version just sucks I think

yeah, with you there...

I think NY sucks, gave up on that after about 4 episodes, I do like MIami though, Horatio is great !

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you could definetly tell there was something different with the format / dialogue...

I think petersen has been involved in the show more in the last few shows...

it's a great sohw in that it's still inventing things, the deaths are getting quite rediculous now!

I wonder how long its going to be before we see the "CSI LA"...that looked pish (the one where Brass fucked off to LA to help his Daughter).

two of my worst nightmares in last nights show...

good to see that Entemology saved the day (again!).

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Yeah...the buried alive thing is horrible (could only be topped by having a DVD player in the coffin permanently showing Rangers matches *shudders*).

Personally I quite like the New York one (apart from Gary Sinise or whatever his name is), but I'm not a fan of CSI Miami, mainly because of David Caruso.

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Good call, Keilan...he overdoes the 'serious comment' so much it becomes laughable. I can just imagine him doing Pot Black now, or even 'Come Dancing'

(Horatio : "We've analysed the come, and it only dances like this in the Orkney islands....I think we're looking at Cameron Stout as the perp!")

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Good call' date=' Keilan...he overdoes the 'serious comment' so much it becomes laughable. I can just imagine him doing Pot Black now, or even 'Come Dancing'

(Horatio : "We've analysed the come, and it only dances like this in the Orkney islands....I think we're looking at Cameron Stout as the perp!")[/quote']

"Now mr cynic (removes glasses in a slow and stated manner), I'd like to think that you can help me here, can you ? is that alright mr Cynic ?...now, just tell me, what was the last thing you remember ?..."

(cynic sobs)

"it's OK, it's alright, I know, OK...so, he was tight behind the pink, and was looking to cannon off the red onto the brown?"....

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