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Good Condom Deals (14.49 for 100)


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Another heads up for you kids who want to play it safe.

Freedoms (http://www.freedoms-shop.com) do good deals on condoms. The "Mates" brand has an expiry date of 20 years and cost 14.49 (with shipping) for 100. I believe Boots sell 12 for a tenner or something ridiculous.

If you want to buy the "Mates" brand, click on this link:


Aye but have a look around because they have other big brands too with decent expiry dates (we're talking years). A friend of mine has said they are the genuine stuff and are delivered erm... 'discretely'...(in a blank parcel).

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Or you could er... just go to Square 13 and get a pack of 25 for free...

Dammit - Was going to say exactly the same thing.

It's quite funny there... they hand you 25 and say "here's a three month supply". Who's to say we can only have sex 25 times in three months? Or conversely, who's to say I could find someone that'd have sex with me that much!

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Thats a very considerate, responsible post to make considering the amount of sexually active peorple that regularly opst here


You can get a 100 pack of pretty strong duty Sandwich bag from LIDL for a quarter of the price and afterwards, a quick rinse and its still fit for holding some quails eggs.

(not birdman)

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