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Everything posted by FOX

  1. Can't really deny that losing a high-street competitor is bad for One Up, though, really. That said I'll be quite sad to see HMV go, even if I'm only there to rake through their rock/pop section.
  2. Been a Waterstones for almost a year (probably longer). And yeah, either that or the one on that corner will probably turn into a Tesco or something.
  3. Hey I'm looking for a xylophone or a glockenspiel for, well, musical things. I'm not paying the 150-odd Bruce Millers were asking for one though. PM me if you've got one spare/gathering dust, cheers x
  4. PMd, even if I'm not a "band" per se.
  5. Nah, that's spot on. Just look right as you approach Markies' front entrance and you'll see the hill.
  6. I really wanted to like Hot Chip's one. Really did. ):
  7. Love the Independent. They wonder why their sales are dropping but continue to churn out this gash daily.
  8. Was it? Could have sworn I saw it in the summer... obviously not Nah, me neither. Nice to look at but the plot and dialogue were pants.
  9. Going to see Harry Potter tomorrow so will see if it's any good then. Other than Inception I really laxed on the film front this year...
  10. I WAS RIGHT (on a vaguely related note, did you get my facebook message?)
  11. Not heard of these "A Nice Cup of Tea" chaps but they sound FANTASTIC.
  12. May as well go on and talk out my arse for a bit My website is foxhunting . I don't have photos of me. Why don't I have photos? I've had one gig and nobody there had a camera. I'm not getting my mate to photograph me with a guitar in my bedroom either, it just doesn't really reflect my music (in my opinion, of course) and frankly the only photograph that would is live - and if you haven't played live, where the hell are you getting a photo from? I guarantee if I listed influences they'd be the same as everyone else in my genre, so what's the point? It'd be a list of favourite bands, for the most part, anyway. And I thought the idea of album art was to provide artistic context for music? If you want to see their faces, see them live.
  13. Assuming everyone's got MySpace is probably not the best thing to do in 2010.
  14. Merry Christmas, right back at you.
  15. There's a story behind that, but the gist of it is that the first "pre-chorus" (is it the pre-chorus? a bridge?) would have "west" (which is, of course, correct) and then the second would have "east" which is not. I'm not going to go too in-depth but basically the narrator (and his walk partner) in the song get lost. EDIT: Might add that I'm honoured you're listening so closely you picked that up.
  16. WHOA! Capital letters AND three exclamation marks! What an opportunity
  17. One of these days I have to apply for a Moorings Gig or something.
  18. You're not obliged to go on Thursday. Just means it's more walking until you find space.
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