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Everything posted by FOX

  1. Sad news indeed Didn't know the boy but sounds like a top bloke. RIP, and thoughts with his family and friends.
  2. FOX

    Pet Hates!

    PET HATE: APPLICATION FORMS. Such a pet hate I write it in all caps. Most folk know I'm just a young loon and so looking for part-time work. Every single application form I've seen has literally been me writing/typing out my ENTIRE CV AGAIN to them as though they can't fucking read. I can understand the "what makes you a great customer person"-type questions, but not "what was your last job" because that's ON MY CV you dicks.
  3. Showing your age there rather.. I mind when I was in the *target age group* for that bear.
  4. FOX

    Pet Hates!

    When your recording box convienently forgets to record something for some reason. Not because I wanted to watch it. Just now I've got to live with a disgruntled Deal or No Deal fan.
  5. FOX

    Pet Hates!

    Pet hate today is pretty lame. "AW NO TWO RANDOM YANKS ARE SPLITTING UP THERE IS NO REASON TO GO ONNN" On the other hand, my pet hate is a really lovely day with absolutely no reason to leave the house.
  6. FOX

    FIFA '13

    Annoyingly nobody has even uploaded a video of this to Youtube.
  7. 90 pace on FIFA. cannae be wrong.
  8. FOX

    FIFA '13

    Mind FIFA '02, when you slid in on the goalie and the pumpin' house music started playing as you were sent off? Well funny.
  9. FOX

    FIFA '13

    Yes, but I noticed a lot while playing online that you can be utterly trounced by a team made up of real-life no-marks like Craig Westcarr and Oscar Gobern purely because they're fast. It's heartbreaking.
  10. FOX

    FIFA '13

    Yeah, one of the big problems with FIFA12 was that pace was all that mattered. Playing as Chelsea, I signed a lad called Marvell Wynne from Colorado Rapids - 66 overall, and shit compared to my squad. Was my first choice defender due to his 96 sprint speed. It's madness - why play slow-as-fuck Terry if you can just use Wynne and chase strikers down?
  11. Stoke are a good team - a good enough team that I honestly think Owen will struggle to make the first XI.
  12. lol! Mars bars, healthy living, I like it.
  13. Yeah, you could even make a gimmick out of it! A la Truck Festival, I guess
  14. Never! I have the feeling I wouldn't like it as much. I like Pocket Planes because you literally cannot lose, you can only get more and more rich. It's a glorious thing. Yeah. Freaky shit right there.
  15. Pocket Planes on the iPod/Phone is well addictive.
  16. I quite liked TGIs the last time I was there (a year and a half ago now though). I think its position is a bit shit though but I only went to TGIs 'cos we were going to the cinema after and didn't fancy the Hut.
  18. Aye, probably even more frustrating than the Hearts game to be honest. Hayes was looking very good, and Smith was definitely unlucky not to have scored that header. EDIT: Oh, and barring a few gaffes, Magennis was solid, too.
  19. Well he's been pretty clear we're getting nobody... Can't fucking believe that Templeton might be stepping down to Division fucking 3, mental
  20. TONIGHT OH MY GOD SO NERVOUS Also, if you're not living in the country, I implore you to catch Das McManus at Drummons at about 11pm afterwards
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