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Everything posted by FOX

  1. Not any more! Thanks for clarifying. I've obviously got an overly idealised vision of what having a booking agent would be like.
  2. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if he's just resigned himself to the fact that RVP's on the way out.
  3. If you like, give us a shout and you've got an opening act right there.
  4. Why don't you guys have a manager/agent yet? You're good enough...
  5. Gomel? Gomel?! Who the fuck are Gomel?!
  6. Ohai! I think I asked someone for one while I was away but hey. Probably not willing to pay more than about £15 for one, just something to power some pedals.
  7. Ask all the natives to say "fish and chips". They love it.
  8. I'm pretty sure as long as yer pee's nae orange you're fine.
  9. "Beatbox heart scene". I couldn't remember what it was called.
  10. I think this is how everyone feels - but really, what did you think the newco would do? Give themselves a completely separate name? Play in orange? It's not that difficult to see why they're still using the same name and the same kit. I agree though that the SFA is clearly morally bankrupt in allowing Rangers to flaunt this so effortlessly. This clearly is not a new team, this is Rangers with a clean slate.
  11. I was looking for that video all over, swear to god.
  12. Still, too much caffeine is bad for you... Well, um, abnormal heart rhythms sounds, um, lovely.
  13. Ah, cool. I'll look into that. Complete newbie to all this.
  14. Ideally something people have used; some company that I can just give the tracks to and get some CDs made, art/cover and all. Any ideas?
  15. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2179510/Dean-Windass-offers-come-retirement-play-Rangers.html Totally legit yup.
  16. All they'd need would be this guy: Oh, wait, no, wrong one.
  17. Aye, heard about that. Montrose would rip the shit out of him.
  18. I knew there was some reason they were putting the old ones on sale! Bah.
  19. They still have those in Australia!
  20. My childhood was a bit more recent and I think they still make all the shit I liked back then. Boo.
  21. I'm sure the medical staff will be gutted about that...
  22. Aaabody in NYC seems to have an iPhone now so it's not really that big a deal to look at one in public
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