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Everything posted by Gypsum_Fantastic

  1. Was just about to post that, seems pretty good.
  2. The Place Beyond the Pines - Long film but I thought it was very good, a lot of my friends who have watched it described it as Drive on two wheels which I think doesn't do it justice. Don't want to say too much and spoil it but I would recommend.
  3. This looks pretty cool http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1774438/
  4. From NUFC.com PS: post-match tweeters were quick to claim that Peter's late cameo on Tuesday made him the best player to have appeared for Cambridge in their 100 year history, but they're almost 35 years too late! Attempting to win his first professional contract, Peter was invited to Cambridge on trial in 1979 and played in a 1-1 midweek draw at Newmarket Town. However U's Manager John Docherty was clearly less than impressed and sent Beardsley home three days early....
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22259015
  6. Man couple of things I want an it looks like I will have to use the parasites on Ebay.
  7. You might get more of a response if you provide more info.
  8. http://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/dogs-that-will-do-anything-for-kids
  9. He is a shit hot artist. How much will the vinyl be?
  10. Can meet you Friday in the city centre?
  11. It's been pretty good and faithful to the books but there are some changes that just don't seem to make sense.
  12. three for two pound and you have a deal.
  13. No one in the entire population of the world.
  14. http://www.thenational.ae/news/uae-news/youth-smoking-ants-to-get-high
  15. http://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/Article.aspx/3200437
  16. try ramsay travel, walked past it on the way to the dentist and they seemed to have some good deals. http://www.ramsayworldtravel.co.uk/ depends what you are after really.
  17. Awful. Those fans need to get punched by a horse as well, not sure how that would work but it would make me slightly happier.
  18. http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/culture/2013/04/brad-paisleys-accidental-racist.html
  19. Oh he was so angry. I was thinking, you know how when you are with a special lady friend and the wolf is at the door you are meant to picture Maggie to stop you going over the edge. How many woman has Dubya disappointed by picturing her at the vital moment?
  20. We have gotten rid of Dubya now let's hope we can get rid of his legacy!
  21. Where about was that? I saw a woman and her dog in some grass on Balnagask Road but I was too far away to see if it was a female dog pissing or a dog shitting. I must look like a right pervert trying to work that out. When looking after my friends dog I have fucked up once. I took out two carrier bags and he (the dog) ended up doing three shits. These cunts don't even bother. String 'em up.
  22. Well the cunt refused to pick up his dogs shite Jan! What was I to do!?
  23. Torry isn't that bad, I can't stand the amount of dog shit though. A neighbor informed me recently they are known as "Torry Skateboards" I have yet to see a shitting dog but if i see the owner refuse to pick up the shite then I may kill someone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBC40ejRuXo
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