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Everything posted by Gypsum_Fantastic

  1. You could assume that yes. You would be assuming though. The point is it is a thin line but there is a line where it becomes abuse. Also as other people have said it doesn't show the child the correct way to deal with frustration.
  2. Well the article doesn't say exactly what kind of force was used. So until we know that we can't comment too much. Clip round the head is OK punching someone isn't.
  3. Saw Filth last night, really enjoyed it but I hear it is quite different from the book. I think I enjoyed it more than Trainspotting. First 18 rated film I have seen in a while and I think it was a challenge to get made looking at the number of film production companies in the credits! Also saw a trailer for bad Grandpa, looks so stupid but also very funny.
  4. I think it is a positive thing but SteviePearce you can't expect people to not comment on a post on a forum that tries to drum up business. Yes people will use it or not but I can't see a problem with people discussing it and hopefully helping these new guys with their business venture. No one is being critical for the sake of it.
  5. "I'd say he's the best in Europe, if you put me on the fence"
  6. "Denis Law once kicked me at Wembley in front of the Queen in an international. I mean, no man is entitled to do that, really."
  7. People certainly have learned to love and embrace new safety technology.
  8. Cornerstone and places like that advertise jobs with no experience needed. With your volunteering experience you could go for something like that for a bit and they may even help train you more as well.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/24220206
  10. When is the demo out for the new one I have seen a few screen shots going round. One thing I have heard is bonuses now come out of your budget. Being Newcastle will be no fun at all.
  11. Gypsum_Fantastic

    You need to delete messages from your inbox.
  12. Gypsum_Fantastic

    Xbox? If so I will take it.
  13. http://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/Article.aspx/3403876
  14. Did you tea stain them to make them look older and more authentic.
  15. No Marnie tit though. Gutted.
  16. Still playing, plays for Hull now.
  17. Thought it was a nice touch that Speed's boys got a run out as well.
  18. It was Steve Harper's testimonial last night, 0-0 but Di Canio played and got a good reception. Harper missed his spot kick and it looks like he turned down the offer to take it again. What a lad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSp3FwLcYwk&feature=player_embedded
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