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Gus Chamber

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Posts posted by Gus Chamber

  1. All candidate smust be Aberdeen-minded. It's the big-club way :up:

    Aberdeen managers are not picked, they are chosen.

    Not easy typing this, but the Huns had better do the business today.

    The alternative is too hideous to contemplate...

  2. Which is almost over...

    Did we decide to start the new season one after the Scottish/English cup final?

    Think that was the deal, but there should be 2 separate threads this time.

    One for Scottish football and another for the Premiership fawners.


  3. 3rded

    I used to get steamboats till 2AM then walk home and get to bed for 3 then wake up and be the first in the office at 9 able to do a fulls day work.

    Now if I stay out and get bleazing till 2AM, I need a taxi home, and will prob need a day off to recover.


    I was still feeling the effects of Saturday night's sesh on Tuesday morning.

    Not :up:

  4. My pet hate is people who make a big deal of not going to meet them for drinks on a Friday after work. I endlessly get called an old man/boring etc by my colleagues (who are generally a little bit younger than me). Oh, I'm sorry that I live 30 miles from the office and have to drive home, and I'm equally sorry that I'm fucking busy all the time. But you know I am getting married in 2 months' time, as well as building a house. These things do tend to take up quite a lot of my time. "Oh, you're so under the thumb." What? No, I'm not. I asked her to marry me you idiot. If I didn't want to get married, I wouldn't have asked her. But I'm not going to jeapordise my future marriage by getting pished with you every Friday after work, and not being able to get home, just so you don't think I'm under the thumb. The worst part of this is that these people are all single. The minute they get into any sort of relationship, the requests to go to the pub suddenly stop, and on the odd occasion that I'm about on a Friday and go "fancy a pint after work?". Oh, sorry, I'm meeting my boyfriend.

    This, spot on. Never really understood the workplace Friday evening thing. Work gets enough of my time as it is without adding any more on unnecessarily.

    Another pet hate is making daft drunk posts on here at stupid o'clock, and I owe Warden an apology.

    Not :up:

  5. New diy gig collective with the aim to deliver top class indie/emo/screamo etc.

    ps, we still dont have a name for it so feel free to suggest anything,

    Oh dear.

    I suggest you don't.

    I also suggest you give up now.

    Honestly, this is a horrible idea. Disgusting. Repellent.

    Emphatically not :up:

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