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Gus Chamber

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Posts posted by Gus Chamber

  1. Milk first in coffee does make it taste better for instant coffee, certainly for me.

    I can't understand how folk can make tea putting milk in first, it just doesn't happen, I tried it once after seeing someone else do it and I was confused. I had to stand and squeeze the teabag to get any sort of colour into it.

    Tried it myself with instant coffee, didn't notice any difference myself.

    Doing it with tea is just insanity, though. It's only when the teabag is out that you know how much milk to add.


  2. Jesus, must have been quite frustrating, yet very sad at the same time.

    It was, there were times I could have throttled the bastard! But drinking literally cost him everything in his life, if I get the urge to go back on the sauce I'll use him as reverse inspiration.

  3. you think going out and getting shitfaced is going to be fun but more often than not its a disappointing let down i've found.

    And that's when you can remember what went on. 20 years of boozing has left me utterly sick of the whole drink thing. Worked with guys with Korsakoff's Syndrome over the years and there's no way I'm going to end up like that. Drink's cost me too much already without it completely destroying my mind.

    Still hate straight edge though...


  4. That's really spooky: both times I said that I'd give up the booze for good, I lasted 6 weeks each time before giving in. It's like a fucking block......

    That's been in the back of my mind. Onto the 5th dry week now and not a twitch. Weekends are boring as fuck though, makes you realise the whole culture seems to revolve around getting pissed...


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  5. Except when my Mum makes it. She puts the milk in before the water. She doesn't make tea for me anymore.

    This is the most heinous of incorrect tea-making errors.

    Some folk insist on milk before water in coffee, they reckon it makes it taste better.



  6. Tea is the fucking best. Milk n 2'n a half, fuck the purists.

    Agreed, none of that silly tea.

    And there's nothing worse than someone making you a shit cup of tea. It's simple to make a good cup and I've never disappointed in the tea-making stakes.

    Teabag and sugar (sugar is optional) in the cup, boil the water then pour in. Swill the teabag around until the tea is nice and dark then give it The Magic Squeeze at the side of the cup with spoon before getting rid of the teabag. Then, AND ONLY THEN, add the milk. Now there's no excuse for making a shit cup of tea.

    PS - NEVER make more than one cup of tea with the same teabag. It's minky and makes me think of Glaswegians.

    Now, where's my fucking tea?


  7. But I decided with Hunter S. that I would only kill what I can eat, and I really don't fancy munching seagull at all.

    Might be worth your while. You'd probably get a fair bit of meat on it, size of the bastards nowadays...


  8. Hideous need a second guitarist.

    This band is cursed, the day we get our drummer a guitarist quits.

    Anyway, if you're a punk who plays guitar and fancy a crack at it then reply here, PM, yadda yadda. Reliability is key, if a weekly practice is too much too ask then don't waste our time and yours.


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