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Gus Chamber

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Posts posted by Gus Chamber

  1. not quite sure how to type this..give it a go

    people (mainly at work) who think just because you're single & socialise through the week for dinner at a friends that you have this totally whacky social life and are ALWAYS out....no I just don't have a husband/boyf or kids.....what do you expect me to do sit at home alone? Also I buy stuff for myself cause I do not have the forementioned people to care for or to fund etc

    Then make you out to be a right alchy cause you have a drink at the weekend grrr I only really drink on Fridays!! (sometime a glass of vino through the week when out for a meal)

    grrr gets on my tits!

    On a similar tack, people making assumptions about your life in general and how it'll go. Just because I'm pushing 34, does not mean I am desperate to get married and be saddled with a kid or two. Fine just as is, ta. Don't need to fulfil social expectations to justify my life. Sorry if you felt you had to.

    Based on conversations that seem to increase in frequency as you get older. *yawn*


  2. Here is my theory:

    If it involves tactics, and each match is different to a good degree, it is a sport.

    Golf - is therefore a sport (though i hate it, i admit it is a sport)

    Snooker - a sport

    Bowls - Juuuust makes it. Though if there were a middle ground between a game and sport, i'd put it there. Its a spame, or a gort.

    Cricket - Deffinately. Also involves running and shit

    Darts - Not a sport. Doesn't matter if your opponent is on the moon via video link, all you ever try to do is reach zero first by getting treble 20 and then whatever is left. Thats not to say I don't respect darts players for their considerable skill and accuracy. They are good at their pass-time/game.

    Pretty much this, I remember a PE teacher at school saying it's a sport if it can involve frustrating the intention of an opponent. Unfortunately, he then radged when he realised that meant admitting snooker is a sport.

    So, as outstanding as darts is, it isn't a sport because there's nothing you can do to stop your opponent throwing a 180. well, unless you shove him while he's throwing.

    The exception, of course, is rugby.

    Rugby is not a sport.

    Rugby does not exist.


  3. I'm sorry to bring it up, but Rottweilers are fashionable in Poland among the nouveaux riche. Twats.

    Blimey, didn't know you were in Poland...

    Just realised, I hate dogs. Stinking, slobbering, snivelling things.

    Put :down:

  4. The crowds of junkies outside the Tillydrone pharmacy waiting for their Methodone sure as hell ain't chubbers.

    Yet to see an overweight meff-head. Shows what smacking yourself off does to you, the amount of sugar these folk chug down themselves is unreal.

    Skinny folk walking very quickly, gesticulating wildly and shouting instead of talking in a normal tone of voice. Guzzling Yazoo milk/Mars Bar drink with Staffie dog in tow. Spot the junkie.


  5. What like is your team now that Wilson, Shields, Gallagher et al have gone?

    Still got Kevin Harper?

    We're, er, giving youth its chance and I couldn't tell you if we kept Harper. Don't see us threatening the top end of the table...


  6. That spooked the fuck out of me as well! I was only about 6 and it absolutely stopped me sticking my head out of the car window when my dad was driving. Every time I'm on one of the trains that has the slide-open windows on the door I think about sticking my head out then I remember that bit and don't do it. Horrible!

    "Do not lean out of the window, I wonder why?" Train siren sounds.............................


    Christ, I'm freaking myself out now...


  7. Referencing the other thread, did anyone actually watch this?

    It's actually rather well done, though it clearly shows him to be what he is. But there is a subtle point made throughout - his right to protest *was* curtailed by putting him in a pen far away from the tourists and the people that he was protesting about. For that reason, anyone with an interest in the rights of the individual should consider watching it.

    Clyde, I'd normally agree with this but it's Peter Fucking Dow.


  8. the original Omen is pretty chilling. The bit where she jumps off the roof with the rope round her neck while smiling and waving is classic scariness.

    Good call, the scene where David Warner gets decapitated is right up there with Mrs. Voorhees losing her head in Friday the 13th. Headlessness/exploding heads freaks me out for some reason, to this day I've never managed to watch Scanners after switching off at the exploding head bit about 10 minutes in. David Cronenberg was a bugger for head destruction, see The Fly 2.

    Even Vyvyan losing his head on the train in The Young Ones spooked me. What a fucking wendy I am...


  9. The Exorcist scares the bejesus out of me.

    Found that to be a bit of a disappointment, but I didn't see it until I was 21. Some corking dialogue in it such as "Do you know what she did? Your cunting daughtaaaaaaaaaaah?" but didn't lose a wink of kip over it.


  10. After a heavy night on the sauce I can expect to have up to three dumps the next day. Usually as soon as I wake up my bowels are churning. It's not healthy dumps either, it's spray.

    Ouch, remembering all that. Come the end of the day your arse is crying out for a drink of water.

    Shithouse paper right :up:

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