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Gus Chamber

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Posts posted by Gus Chamber

  1. Mikyla-Dodd-then.jpg

    That's chloe from hollyoaks, Jake. It was the "larger-lady + strawberry-blonde-hair combo" that I was referring to.

    Christ no, an absolute hound. The fuller figure is just great as long as there's a pretty face to go with it.

    There isn't here...

    Not :up:

  2. The venue MUST have a stage; we don't play on the fucking floor!

    One (1) Local act is allowed as support, but to be honest, its not needed


    1 Hot meal pr travelling member, MEAT no vegetarian crap!

    12 Cans or bottles of sprite or ginger ale (super important, Seth cant sing

    without this)


    God, I love these ones.


  3. When the promoter puts you in a room for your night, which he got through a favour, and the room is located in student halls, and then the band rip the radiator off the wall, chuck it through a window, then trash the room before going to get their plane...it matters.

    Rock n' roll ain't what it used to be...


  4. I wonder what vehement responses i'd get if i posted a thread about my hatred of black people or homosexuals (not that i actually do of course, just for comedic effect).

    Can't have one rule for one thing and another rule for another. Prejudice is prejudice, no questions and you can't bleat on about one and ignore the other.

    Have to agree on this, chimp. Pretty sure the same folk posting these anti-fat cracks would be down on you like a ton of hot horse-shit if you were to rant about "coons" or "poofs". Aye, as a species we're beyond fucked...

    The size of a person is irrelevant. Some of the cleverest, funniest people I've ever met in my life have been a bit on the hefty side. If someone's comfortable in their own skin, doesn't matter what shape you're in.

    Mind you, wouldn't want to balloon up myself and it's the reason I won't give up smoking. I'll take my chances, thanks.


  5. I can't say I dislike their music. But when they're sitting their with swastikas and SS Death-head skulls on all their clothes and being complete cunts to everyone around them, they end up as exactly that, cunts.

    Which they'll keep doing as long as people let themselves get wound up about it.

    It doesn't REALLY matter...


  6. On that note... does anyone know where the tips are? I know there is one up by the prison somewhere, but can't remember what it is called.

    There's a tipping site in the Bridge of Don beside Scotstown Moor/Perwinnes Moss, probably your best bet. Mind you, washing machines are heavier than Bruce Banner in a bad mood so it's worth paying the council to get rid, last time I needed an uplift from them it was "7-10 days" and you leave it in the communal area of the flats, assuming you're in a block? You'd think your Council Tax covers this kinda thing ...


  7. Right.... as the title says..... does anyone know if the council come and remove old kitchen appliances if you call them up and arrange it?

    Or is it up to myself to get rid?

    If so, where are some good tips....?

    Council website gave me no info.

    Phone up the council Environmental Services on 08456080919. It costs 40 quid to get shot of up to 4 items these days, the buggers used to do it for free but they've a few lost shillings to recoup these days...


  8. I'm trying not to sound insensitive here, but I really think that chucking a net under the bridge is not the right answer. If someone is really that driven to commit suicide, they'll find a way even if the Union Bridge option is unavailable.

    Exactly, if you've decided to throw a seven you'll find a way to do it regardless. The cliffs at Nigg would be a good spot.

    Mind you, I think I've said before that part of the "appeal" of chucking yourself off Union Bridge is the conspicuous nature of it, one last dramatic gesture for your existence to be recognised/validated. It's a horrible thing to subject people to, but if you're that far gone mentally you won't care.

    And as for the ghoulish fuckers filming it, that is beyond fucked.


  9. Personally I dont give a rats ass about wackos death, but what really pisses me off is the public outpouring (mostly american) of grief and flowers, much open wailing, etc! Then theres the endless run of wacko jacko documentaries and music being played on radio stations! Would people have had the same reaction if he'd been found guilty of his crimes?


    Likewise, couldn't give a tin shit about it myself and the recreational grievers are in full hand-wringing flight. Thank fuck I don't listen to the radio.

    These folk need to get themselves a life, and if their next-door neighbour had been suspected of half the shit he was accused of, there would have been a baying lynch-mob in no time at all...

    Not :up:

    • Upvote 1
  10. News to me buddy... If it was a choice of the Elgin or Glasgow show.. i'd pick Glasgow, as it has CAPTAIN CLEANOFF (Oz) & FUBAR (Hol) on the bill.

    Elgin - 1st Aug - NewElgin Hall

    Glasgow - 2nd Aug - 13th Note


    ps. Jake: did ye like the "Peel Session" version of ENT then?

    Ah right, just assumed Ablach'd be a stick-on for the 25th gig, can't think of many others who'd be suitable other than Uncalm. Dates duly noted for August.

    PS - Indeed, strongly approve of the ENT cover! Thought it'd be "Carry On Screaming" when it was announced. And tell Toasty he's still playing the wrong version of "Unchallenged Hate"...

    Resounding :up:

  11. There was more in yesterday's EE, apparently he's always wanted to be a policeman but got rejected when he applied. His flat is filled with police gear, uniforms, etc. In addition to these three arrests for impersonating an officer, he was arrested years ago for disguising his car as a police car and pulling someone over because he knew the guy was a dangerous driver and wanted to scare him. It's like he thinks he's some kind of vigilante. Definite nutter.

    Reminds me of Alan Partridge's No.1 fan...

    Not :up:

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