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Fraser Mac

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Everything posted by Fraser Mac

  1. This show looks good, but the Fat hippy show looks really good
  2. IMO, I would go to Glasgow to Forevermore tattoo's or Edinburgh - Red Hot And Blue, The guy at red hot and blue has done most of the bassist in graders new stuff, like his hands and neck and they all look awesome, I would say its worth spending the money to get travel and get an excellent tattoo, its something permanent, so why no make a trip out of it?
  3. The Book of Love - Peter gabriel. on the last episode of Season 8 scrubs, Greetfest,
  4. Should this thread no be called "Keynote needs more Money" ?
  5. While watching Wangan Midnight this morning,
  6. Hasnt Arrived yet, as soon as its here, there will be a review,
  7. Someone prob used it before you somewhere though, unless you made it?
  8. Dongle leads are the ones that are basically a jack with a fat bit after it with the transmiter in it, the pack ones are the one that are a Jack, to a little lead, to a box that attaches to your guitar strap, from memory yours is the little jack with no box, Dont quote me on it mind you,
  9. I Ended up getting the 100watt, got it for less than the 50watt, prob stick a maxxon tube screamer in front of it and see how it plays out,
  10. Play guitar? See this. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/musicians/58179-possibly-looking-guitarist.html#post783453
  11. So i kind of shot myself in the foot when we recorded and recorded leads parts and stuff, the songs arent sounding as decent live as they do on the recordings, but at the same time, we dont want to jump in and get a guitarist they we'll later regret getting, so basically looking for a guitarist that; - Own there own amphead and guitar (Obviously) - Like Hardcore, Like Playing Hardcore, Like Writing Hardcore, - Have a good stage presence, - Be able to fund band practices, Merch, Petrol For out of town shows (Not vital, To an extent) Go onto Myspace.com/gradermusic and have a go at the tunes, There in C and not very difficult, PM' me if your interested and fit the above
  12. Outbox is the band Michael gordon is in, with his wife/girlfriend? He was one of my lectures last year and i can vaguely remember him saying something to that effect, possibly...
  13. all i know about this band is that the singer sung on one of the new a day to remember songs, and sounds exactly like Haley williams,
  14. MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
  15. Yeah dude, Kev has all the tunes, get him to msn them or somthing, ill set up a megaupload just now,
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