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Fraser Mac

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Everything posted by Fraser Mac

  1. Cheers for not boring us with detail.
  2. Only a small part of the BMTH Remixed album is listenable, The Sleep with one eye open mix has grown on me,
  3. I like it, it is however very cold, cant wait till it quietens down a bitty,
  4. End of. Its not even really sham 69 anymore, imo
  5. I See there was a flash mob today, which is pretty cool. if i find the video ill put it up, Cant comment on the place as i havnt been yet, but i think it will defiantly make that part of town look alot better,
  6. Im in the same boat as you, i would go out tonight, but i havnt got a stitch to wear,
  7. Not advised are good dudes, They have a four year strong vibe, which i was digging at YM@6, Hate to say all forgotten are ding though, and iv'e never heard of any of the locals,
  8. Time to get "Up in dem gutz guuuurl."
  9. Nintendo wii + Wii Sports and controller + Nunchuck 70 ono, CAn deliver to city centre,
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