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Everything posted by keeno

  1. Gigs that I really want to go to are always scheduled at the worst of times. This looks like a great lineup too. Canaya always sounded like a slightly less insane Tangaroa which makes sense to me now that I know they have ex members of the same band!
  2. keeno

    Pet Hates!

    When you buy something off ebay then you randomly get your money refunded after 5 days of no communication. Could have at least told me you were selling it elsewhere in all the time when you could have posted the thing to me!
  3. I checked the red white and kop forums for lulz and it wasn't until post 57 someone came in with "Bitter fucking pill to swallow. We were fucking shite until the big man came on and scored. Then we woke up and realised this was the FA Cup final and decided to try and win and we could have fucking done so until Dowd and his linesman turned a blind eye to a clear goal. The sooner we get goal line technology the better. Robbed." http://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=293099.0 is the thread Surprisingly most seemed to be saying Downing, Henderson and Spearing aren't good enough and they didn't deserve to win overall - and that not all of the ball was over the line therefor no goal. Maybe I just stumbled upon the one sensible Liverpool forum?
  4. Points 2-5 can usually be fixed with a setup though. Things like height of the strings are heavily based on preference so looking for a set height is maybe not the most indicative thing of a 'bad' guitar unless found in conjunction with other problems (not only those mentioned in the guide). It is worth pointing out to someone new to the game that a problem with one will usually lead to problems with the others too. If your neck isn't straight (usually fixed with a simple truss rod adjustment) then that will impact on the action and intonation and if the action is too low that may lead to fret buzz/rattling strings. Indeed a bad nut may also lead to problems with 3-5 and that is also a very simple fix. The bridge also needs inspecting with regards to 2-5. For point 6 that is likely to be a grounding issue which is also a fairly simple fix if you or someone you know is confident at soldering. I think the main thing is to just trust your instincts. If something seems a bit off and you're not confident what the problem is and how to fix it - don't buy it.
  5. There is a coach that goes to the festival from Aberdeen if they don't find anything else. Costs about £80 return and takes around 8 hours each way but they do have a couple of breaks for toilet/food and to stretch your legs. There are coaches on Wednesday from Edinburgh and Glasgow I think but when I went to the festival the Aberdeen coach only left at 7am on the Thursday. We were pitching our tent by 4pm. http://www.nationalexpress.com/coach/destinations/events/musicfestivals/download-2012.aspx
  6. As a pre-meditated piece of skill, the first goal was undeniably better. The second was just a majestic strike of a football. Shots struck with the outside of the foot which curve like that are great to watch. Probably why the Roberto Carlos free kick against France is regarded as one of the best goals ever. 3rd clip here. Brain melting swerve on that ball- probably not as mind blowing these days but boots and footballs are designed to be much more conducive to that, when that was scored I don't remember seeing anything like that). Chose this one due to the music. Proper music on a football video, none of this modern chart pish. I love watching any free kick scored by Alex for the exact same reason. Screw placement - just a mighty BOOF. 3rd one against Arsenal is the best. Riise was great at that too, he just needs to learn to use the outside of his foot like Alex does! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymrZDWD93ag Lets not forget this majestic BOOF either. Unlucky for Modric, he scored a belter last night too and doesn't even get a mention. Cisse did do it twice though! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqaV-L0_RSQ
  7. Raven West is gone. Feel free to make offers on the rest!
  8. In a guitar shop in Inverness today and saw one of these. I generally don't like Fenders but this was the nicest guitar in the shop. I love a bit of spalted maple. Will probably be getting one of these too - a Zilla Mini Modern. Not sure which colour tolex to get though. A couple that were offered to me but one is in 'rough blond' which I really don't like the look of!
  9. It's a modded version of one of these http://www.thomann.de/gb/jet_city_amplification_jca50h.htm Exact same circuit used on the Soldano Hot Rod which I love the sound of. Damn, was hoping it would push much more air and as a result be much louder with two speakers. Still would it affect the tone of the speaker much?
  10. I've never been to Toms so I'd probably have to book a room which is overkill for what I want to do and rather expensive as I'm never really free daytime Monday-Friday. Another question. If I buy a 2x12 and disconnect one speaker would it sound OK? http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_g212_vintage.htm is the cheapest way to get a cab with a v30 but I really don't need that much power handling in this flat. Would it sound really unbalanced if one was unwired or taken out altogether?
  11. keeno

    WTB Cab

    Would like to buy a cab as title suggests. Following requirements - 1x12 or 2x12. The head it is being used for is 25"/64cm wide though! 1x12 preferred but I realise generally only customs are wide enough for that. - Celestion V30 and closed back configuration preferred. - Must not be awkward to carry and heavy. This is possibly the most important requirement as the staircase leading to my flat is a deathtrap. Spiral staircase with very narrow steps. Budget is up to £200. Can do trades with any of the guitars listed in my thread. I do realise the best option is to get a custom though. Ideally a Zilla Mini Modern/Modern/Fatboy but a bit out of my price range atm!
  12. Anyone in Rosemount have a cab I can plug a head into to test if it is working? Literally just a few minutes fiddling with controls to make sure everything is fine. Have a head arriving this week and am currently without a cab. Looking to buy one but probably going to have to get a custom which will take a couple of weeks to arrive. It's a 20kg beast and I don't drive to going anywhere non local with it presents a problem.
  13. I should really check this thread more often. Didn't realise someone even replied - if anyone wants to discuss anything or make offers, PM me please! Usual ONO/trades deal applies. SZ320 £260/£300 with case Raven West £200 Aria Pro II £70 Since I have had no luck shifting those may consider selling these. No definite asking price though as I'd probably rather keep them. Some stuff has to go though! Agile Interceptor Pro 27" scale 7 string with pair EMG707's. I bought it new and it has been stored in a case when not being played so it's totally mint. The only way to get these is to import them and that model is not in stock anymore so i don't know if/when they will get more. If you were to import the same spec guitar it would cost you £700 with case/shipping/taxes. Nothing wrong with this at all, I just prefer my other 7. An old Honde LP style guitar from the mid 1980's. If you wanted a worn effect guitar, this looks the part! Tuners could maybe do with replacing and likewise the tune-o-matic. Electrics have been totally redone by fatboy with one of the LP orange drop wiring kits from axetec, although there are 2 redundant mini toggles as we couldn't find the correct size switches. Pickups are Iron Gear Hammerheads which are really great. The guitar was pretty dull black before so I got white pickups w/black pole pieces and white control knobs. Looks pretty slick now. Still plays nicely if you don't mind a chunky neck, new bridge and tuners would make it a great riff machine. They are on the front right of picture I posted earlier in the thread(this) and the others for sale are in the back row. I have more pictures available on request for everything.
  14. http://www.heavyblogisheavy.com/2012/04/25/members-of-deftones-and-isis-form-latest-supergroup-palms/ This is full of win.
  15. I still need to buy this! Bought the Witcher 2 last week so can't justify spending £30 buying points this week. Plus I haven't even finished all the extra DLC on original trials and as for the expert tracks I finished about 3 of them so far. What's your best score on the icarus game? On the demo I got 410 metres after a few attempts. I don't like that skill game either... the most important skill there is how fast you can spam the X and Y buttons. The Witcher 2 is ace. Combat is much more tactical than Skyrim where by the end of the game I was so powerful I didn't need to bother blocking and could just steamroller every enemy with minimal effort. Not as hard with regards to timing as Dark Souls though, which is also good as I gave up on that after a few hours. I should really go back and attempt it again!
  16. For anyone wondering I did indeed order the One S and it arrived today. Got it from http://www.buymobilephones.net/ for £21 a month with 100mins+unlimited texts+750MB internet on T mobile. Basically the exact same as my old SIM only contract with a just released £410 phone for £5 a month extra. The big networks are only offering it free on £30+ contracts! As for the company, was a delay as apparently the address I gave didn't match what my bank holds (which it really should have - I phoned customer services to check the address and it was correct) so I had to scan a letter from my bank and email it to them and it was then approved. I originally applied for the phone on Thursday and arrived in my hand today though so not too bad a delay.Other than that no problems at all with the company. Other than if my phone breaks in the next month shouldn't have to deal with them again either as from there on out phone problems are dealt with by manufacturer and my contract is with T mobile. Based on that I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a good value contract. They have loads of tariffs available with every company so even if you want a more expensive one with more minutes and all inclusive internet it should still be cheaper than elsewhere. There is another company that was offering the same deals - Mobile Phones Direct but all the review sites suggested they had shocking customer service and things could go missing. Buy Mobile Phones feedback was much better and the main criticisms directed at them were over the 'free gift/cashback deals' which I was determined to avoid! They still have better ratings than a lot of the larger companies such as phones4u and mobiles.co.uk(Carphone Warehouse brand). Hopefully that helps people who may be looking for a new contract soon.
  17. I make that Terry, Ivanovic, Ramires and Meireles suspended. Any more? If Cahill did his hamstring he may not be fit either. Who will they put at CB? They may have to put sideshow bob back in his least effective position. I will wait for another replay of the JT incident. I only really saw one slow motion replay and the clip on the previous page and neither of them made it look like there was much force in it. Defenders have been doing that for decades though. To Alessandro Nesta that was probably the equivalent of a romantic dinner.
  18. Amazing. Torres scores the winner. He's about the only Chelsea player not suspended for the final!
  19. I hope Chelsea hold this out. I still can't see why it was a red card for Terry, definitely naughty and probably a booking, but that stuff happens all the time and isn't punished. hardly on par with dangerous tackles/leading with elbows/raising hands in my opinion which are the other straight red offences. Fabregas' dive for the penalty was shocking too. No contact at all. I try to like Barcelona, but a lot of their antics really annoy me.
  20. Yeah they qualify for Europa League due to winning the lager cup. Same reason Birmingham were in it this year. EDIT: Beaten to it. They could realistically finish outside the top 10 if this run of form continues. That would be hilarious!
  21. Based on one guy who I think does the best pedal demos on youtube (so very subjective as I haven't played either!) I don't think they sound that great at high gain. TightRock sounds the best IMO and it's £55 cheaper...a mere £170! Plus the effects loop built in and sidetrack feature is ace. The guy who makes them designed the 5150 so it wasn't going to be bad at high gain sounds! I wonder if there are any good videos of the Blackstar HT Metal. That pedal looked really flexible with the 2 channels but it's still just the company demos up. That comes in around the £179 mark.
  22. 8 quality goals. Probably the best match I have watched all season. I wonder if Everton might sneak this now!
  23. Take the iphone IMO. The Samsung Galaxy S3 is being unveiled on the 3rd of May so it will be out in the next month or two, at which point prices of the S2 will plummit. Plus pretty sure the iphone is better in almost every way aside from maybe the wifi tethering. At the end of your contract, you'd probably still get a couple of hundred pounds selling the iphone too!
  24. The other funny thing is that I was considering the HTC One X and One S so thoroughly researched both and several reviews said that in some benchmarking tests for performance, the dual core One S outperformed the One X! I've opted for the One S myself largely because it's a bit smaller and has better battery life. Should hopefully have it on Monday or Tuesday..
  25. From the reviews I have read they say it is much easier than HD but the last 10 tracks are of the 'impossible variety'. Also there are platinum medals but I think you have to unlock gold in everything first? The multiplayer looks really distracting though. Sure it was this video that said that If you wait a while you will probably see people chucking up insanely hard levels using the level editor so definitely no reason to abandon it yet! EDIT: found sauce for medals comment -> http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-04-17-trials-evolution-review
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