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Everything posted by keeno

  1. I raise you this. Not even private stock and surprisingly affordable http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PRS-Modern-Eagle-25th-Anniversary-Private-stock-quality-quilt-/200765504774?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ebe8e7d06 On a private stock note, these are all fap worthy. this without scratchplate would be one of the nicest things I had ever seen. Considering this. Been eyeing a custom 6 for ages but it's pretty close to what I would get. Neck is from an Ibanez S series though which are trem equipped so neck will have unnecessary locking nuts at the end of the neck but mainly a cosmetic problem! Would get dual humbucker too but I don't use neck pickups much anyway so again far from offputting.
  2. If you are just interested in building stuff - FortressCraft on the xbox live indie games channel is maybe better. Way more textures and I don't think you need to mine things either, you can just build away. Plus it is much better resolution too. Depends if you like the pixellated look of minecraft. It's only 240MSP. Even minecraft players say it is better in that respect than minecraft if you get past the obvious name and idea copying. If you like the survival and resource mining then minecraft is your game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzbGJRn0Dgc They have updated it 9 times since it was released adding new features but don't ask me what else differentiates it from Minecraft on xbox!
  3. I just checked the times and they have changed a lot. it used to only be Wednesdays and Tuesday evenings you could donate but it seems it is a lot more open now. Unless these are only the opening times of the center and not when they accept donations. Monday, Thursday and Friday were previously used solely for the vans going to community centers and other sites around the shire. http://www.scotblood.co.uk/aberdeen.aspx I haven't given in the best part of a year actually so I should head along. I'm O- so get a special gold card! Giving blood is about the only time I am made to feel special I've never actually seen the vans around though. When I was in Edinburgh one came to my school and another was at a church near where I worked so the first 2 times I donated were at the mobile centres.
  4. keeno

    Pet Hates!

    Go listen to Tales Don't Tell Themselves and tell me they are a metal band! it barely even gets into hard rock territory. They have had songs on their Ep's and first and fourth albums that could maybe be classed as verging on metal (like Broken Foundations from Welcome Home Armageddon - released last year, which will possibly alleviate any doubt they have gone soft) but Hours and especially Tales Don't Sell Themselves were not heavy at all. This is the 'almost metal' song on the new album this is the main single from Tales Don't Tell Themselves. Post Hardcore must have been a term polluted many a year ago. When I started to get into heavy music about 10 years ago post hardcore was used to describe bands like Glassjaw, Poison The Well and Hopesfall which all featured screaming - and no metal riffs. It's probably just a term that changed as the meaning of hardcore shifted. The early hardcore was more like punk than todays hardcore which is more metal than punk. I think you should invent the genre neo post hardcore to describe anything with screaming Djent was an onomatopoeia to describe a certain guitar sound. It was not initially used to describe a genre. but lots of bands heavily incorporate it into their music and as such have become known as djent bands. I find it funny people are getting so pissed over djent these days. To me it is already outdated and stale.... but I was listening to bands like Periphery 5 years ago when they were putting out demos. I literally probably have heard the same riffs being recycled 10 times in this short period. It is one of the things that will hopefully end up like metalcore. All the crappy imitators get forgotten about and a few bands doing something different and creative will outlive the rest which are pretty dull and sound almost the same.
  5. keeno

    Pet Hates!

    I am sure a common pop listener can hear a difference between http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mHe6FMs46o and Besides sub genres are for fans of the music anyway so that is not really a valid argument. I couldn't give a shit if it's europop or classic pop or whatever and I don't expect a non metal fan to care about the subgenres of metal. I still think they are a great idea for discovering similar bands to ones you already like.
  6. I know nothing about the new player but he is described as an attacking midfielder. Don't think Danny Guthrie is? Can't remember seeing much of him though.
  7. keeno

    Pet Hates!

    Neither of them are metal bands! They do have some stuff full of screaming but not that much. Don't really like Silverstein but I will defend FFAF. A couple of duff albums but their first and most recent were great. Welcome Home Armageddon has a couple of songs that aren't far off being thrash though. Not metal and closer to the original meaning of post hardcore than a lot of todays fringebreakdownautotunecore bands. also not metal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg8SAFlNKBc Metal covers everything from Iron Maiden to Dying Fetus. They sound nothing like. It is one of the few genres where you REALLY need genres. Some are daft but I think they are useful for knowing what you are listening to. If it's mathcore you know it's gonna have lots of dissonance and time signature changes, if it's thrash you know it's gonna be fast with the triplet 'galloping' riffs etc. I don't mind djent as a term, onomatopoeias are ace
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18165334 Newcastle sign French midfielder shocker. I wonder if it is to strengthen the squad or a cheap replacement for Cabaye (let's face it, Newcastle are going to get interest in quite a few players and Mike Ashley has a price for everything!).
  9. As a kid the only thing I used to order in Italian restaurants was spaghetti bolognese. Not enough garlic! If you're not scaring people with garlic breath the morning after then there was not enough in it! I am not a fan of subtle flavours though really or british food in general. I don't understand the cheese and onion obsession! Bland cheese and onion at that. Raw onions (especially red onions) and strong cheeses are ace on sandwiches and salads and things but people think that is weird too.
  10. There are some things I never order in restaurants for similar reasons. Macaroni cheese usually just takes like flour, spaghetti bolognese usually just tastes like tomatoes (I like it with enough garlic to make vampires extinct altogether!), chilli and generally anything 'spicy' in British restaurant. If you go to an authentic restaurant of the cuisine being made they generally do make things spicy if you ask. I think the worst thing in restaurants though is the lame excuse for spicy food that is jalapenos stored in brine that are served so widely! It really pisses me off. I ordered something spicy, you gave me a salty pepper.
  11. This is a good read - a brief article about Montpellier triumphing over PSG. The president promised to copy the haircut of one of his players if they won the league and here is a picture of him sporting an orange and blue mohawk. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18156868
  12. SZ320 is gone. New thread for remaining stuff is here -> http://www.aberdeen-music.com/threads/gator-abs-hardcase-and-cheap-aria-guitar-for-sale-swap.52578/
  13. Most of the things from the other thread are gone so might as well stick up a new one with less crap to go through for prospective buyers so for sale/swap I have A gator ABS hardcase. Bought from Amazon for £65 and has a few minor scuffs on the bottom but it is pretty much mint. Perfect for strats and similar guitars. £40 or should you have a baritone case (suitable for a 27" neck guitar) I'd do a swap. Aria Pro II RS Wildcat guitar. 1985 Matsumoku (famous for Westone guitars but also made for aria, washburn and others) made superstrat. h/s/s pickups, push/pull coil tap for the humbucker on tone control. Alder body (i think! not sure), maple neck and rosewoood fretboard. double locking tremolo system. Note trem arm and the nuts for the locking nut are missing but very cheap to replace. Quite a lot of buckle rash on the back and top and generally could to with a paintwork touchup . Ideal if you want to mess about and modify a guitar. £60 ono I'll happily take better pictures for the guitar or take some of the hardcase if anyone wants.
  14. Probably 13 mins of premiership football then. BBC article mentioned 13 mins of football so I probably just forgot exactly what it was.
  15. While that is definitely true, I have never been to a restaurant where they make it like that! Any more stories from America about decent chilli? At home you can make anything as spicy and flavoursome as you want, but it's one of the dishes that are always underwhelming in restaurants over here. Unless you know of any good places that serve it!
  16. Owen Hargreaves released by Man City having played 4 times and a full 13 mins of football for them.
  17. http://www.hot-headz.com/chilli-sauce/super-hot-chili-sauce/ I discovered this looking for the blairs 16 million reserves (which was £300 a bottle here when it was in stock!). Might do some shopping here! Sauces will be chosen by the best name though, the ONLY way to judge hot sauces as they probably all taste like crap anyway. Even normal tobasco sauce has almost no taste to me, it's just pure burn. That is part of the reason I love proper spicy Asian food. Hot as hell but tastes nice too and it creeps up on you as opposed to the full frontal tastebud assault of American hot sauces.
  18. Yeah sounds like that is the one you are referring to. Teabags what is the distance needed for platinum on that Icarus minigame? Just curious. It seems to be the only thing I am much better than everyone on my friends list at!
  19. I did it once and it took me 20 minutes with about 30 faults, There are 2 sections I find really hard (one is a slope with a rock on top - shock horror) and one was a jump where you had to bunny hop to cross it. Would try and improve it but it is a soul destroying track! Since the checkpoints are so far apart, you can easily fault right at the end of a section and have 20-30 seconds of track to redo. Eventually you get so pissed off you make silly mistakes on easy sections, or at least I do!
  20. The making or the drinking? It's really easy to make. All you need is this Brewing kit - http://home-brew-online.myshopify.com/collections/starter-kits/products/home-brew-online-starter-kit Optional but the heat varies in my flat a lot so got a heating mat -> http://home-brew-online.myshopify.com/collections/sale/products/25l-fermenting-vessel-heater-tray cider kit -> http://home-brew-online.myshopify.com/collections/cider-making/magnum and some brewing sugar -> http://home-brew-online.myshopify.com/collections/ingredients/products/youngs-brewing-wine-making-sugar-1kg The only thing you need to replenish from the kit is the steriliser. It is expensive to start up with if you need a heating mat but after that the booze is really cheap and pretty good too. I bought my sister a wine making kit for christmas but she is currently preggers so it is unused. Due at the end of July though so I expect them to start brewing at the beginning of July and drinking after the baby is born so will report back after!
  21. Had a look ant the menu looks pretty good. They don't have desserts on there other than lunch menu though. Just says 'check the boards in the restaurant'. I think we may end up going there. Cheers for the tip! Think it will have to be the early evening menu though. £35 for 2 courses is a bit much after drinks until I get back from my break from work. I've been to The Kitchin in Edinburgh and that is a michelin star restaurant and you can get 2 courses there for around the £50 mark in the evening. (I went for lunch though.... was only £26 for the 3 course set menu!).
  22. Provide as much as you want but you will be drinking it The chilli thing is becoming increasingly a good idea! I made 23 litres of strawberry cider for xmas and still have about half of it left in the keg. They say it lasts for 6 months and that time will come at the end of june so it needs drunk soon! Need to go check it is still fine to drink but had some a couple of weeks back and it was still ok. After that can get brewing the elderflower cider! The sauces you bought sound amazing! I need to take a trip to America it seems. The source sauce sounds hellish. Pure capsaicin which is the active ingredient in chillis is 15-16 million scoville units. No wonder it is so expensive though, probably need an epic chemistry set to get an extract that strong! The names of the sauces on the website are quite upfront too, featuring such delights as 'anal angst x-hot sauce', 'ass blaster', 'ass reaper' and 'assplosion'. Ace-ic packaging on this one!
  23. Can anyone recommend a restaurant with 'good desserts'? Anniversary on Wednesday and this was my gf's main stipulation it seems. I want to go to Yorokobi though so may depend on whether I can convince her that mochi is good or not. Also I am guessing their set menu is price per person? That is usually the way but I added it all up and it is essentially the same price as ordering everything separately which seems a bit strange.
  24. For those who saw my post about very spicy food challenges , I found a jar of this in my cupboard Made with bhut jolokia/ghost chilli which was the hottest chili in the world until last year (it appears chillis are like beer, they just keep making em stronger to outdo each other!). It better not disappoint! "this fiery curry made using one of the hottest chillies in the world, the Bhut Jolokia. The Bhut Jolokia chilli is 400 times hotter than Tabasco sauce, so is great for those that like their curry HOT!" The reviews actually state it needs fresh chillies to make it hotter but those may just be total spice fiends. Now to find someone willing to join the macho crusade of errrr..... sweating and hyperventilating,
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