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Everything posted by Kaizen

  1. YouTube - TECHNOVIKING! (Captioned) Go technoviking!
  2. Agreed. Highly entertaining. In a kinda cruel way... like holding a stick up for a dog just higher than it can jump and laughing as it gets immensely frustrated...
  3. I must say im more likely to be able attain a pea shooter than a shotgun, AK-47 or grenades... however. death by pea shooter sounds a little too slow and painful. Im not that mean.
  4. umm... The cheapest setup yet! You take whatever guitar is at hand, plug it into whatever amp is at hand, then take another guitar lead plugged into the out socket of the amp and stick a 1/4 inch to 13 mm jack converter (like 1 from maplin) on the end and stick tht in your sound card. Then download Krystal (free mixing software, surprisingly useful considering) and tada! The same thing can be done for any instruments and mics using suitable pre-amps or what-have-yous.
  5. hmm... you do make an excellent point!
  6. All adds to the style my friend.
  7. yeah but an ak-47 rampage just doesnt have the same ring to it you know?
  8. Fire drill at my halls of residence at half 6 this morning. Had to stand outside for half an hour. Have now decided to go on a shotgun rampage a uni. Anyone want to accomodate? I'll give it back after.
  9. Yeah I'm studying computing for internet and multimedia at uni and was thinking about doing similair kinda stuff at some point, just for a bit extra cash/maybe a couple of drinks =P I'd be interested in seeing your stuff.
  10. I dont think he realises that the more he posts, the more everyone else laughs at him...
  11. Thats Bob isn't it! Howdy! It's Greg Armstrong from Edinburgh. You probably won't remember me, I moved up to Aberdeen for uni. Here i might be interested in the position? PM'd =) Greg x
  12. Are you even aware that your a bit of an arse?
  13. yeah sounds like a laugh. What kinda stuff you fancy playing?
  14. Umm... I'm 17, I take influences from all over the place. From Parkway Drive and Born of Osiris to Biffy Clyro and Foo Fighters to Alexisonfire and A Peotic Yesterday to City and Colour and John Butler And everything in between. Moved up a couple of months ago from Edinburgh and I'm dying for a band... I can also play a wee bit of guitar if necissary. Let me know. Greg
  15. i could do it over a period of the next 4 years =P just started a degree in computing for internet and multimedia. Not much use really... i apologise...
  16. Fell over yesterday skating and am now in possession of two excellent examples of grazed elbows. However, despite their great condition, they just arn't doing it for me. Anyone interested?
  17. oo! my whimsical skoda! you could use a skoda van as your tour bus! cheap and energy efficient
  18. dude i was looking forward to the 21 minute long antarctic misadventure epic...
  19. goin back to the first 1. she seems awfully "look at me im a woman!!!!!!!" dressed up in all the videos... take from that what you will, but i, personally, know very few girls that dress like that on a regular basis. either way... s/he can fair shred!
  20. im using a roland mc-808 and its an amazing piece of kit. was a fair bit more than your budget though. me and a mate had to split it between us.
  21. yeah i was plannin on goin for a look tomorrow.
  22. Quite fancy playing happy music for a change... finding it hard to find bands that sound like what i want to play tho... Maybe biffy clyro, kids in glass houses, paige, jimmy eat world, to catch a thief kinda stuff. Music for pretty girls to dance to and their boyfriends to pretend they dont like, but tap their feet anyway while sitting at the bar with a pint complaining about the shit music. sound good anyone? oh i'd prob be playing rhythm guitar by the way. could sing too as a last resort.
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