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Soda Jerk

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Everything posted by Soda Jerk

  1. Your point seems fairly accurate and also quite strange, because Angel&Airwaves are just plain horrible, where as +44, whilst not being my kind of thing, sound kind of fun and jaunty in a latter-day Blink182 kind of way. I guess they haven't helped themselves by barely touring or promoting themselves, whilst A&A have a music video for every day of the week, and Tom makes memorable appearances by prancing around like a bit of a woofter. I never really got Blink182 myself though. They seem to evolve in a strange way. One minute it was all poop jokes and songs about boobs, then the next they are a serious rock band, or trying to be.
  2. The money would have been fine. If Travis was toasted in the crash, they would have traced their old drummer and people would have gone nuts over the ORIGINAL LINE UP! Still though, if the band meant that much to them to begin with, they wouldn't have split. Coming back to something that was once so disposable would just be some emotionless publicity stunt that thousands of kids would lap up. I hate reunions. All reunions.
  3. If he made 15 minute episodes and cut out all the non-Brooker parts (get fucked Lisa Tarbuck) then it would be superb. Instead, it's just pretty good because it's full of filler. The early series were brilliant as it was just him moaning about TV and calling everyone a prick.
  4. Is that a Jazz Chorus? How much are you looking at for it? I'll never be able to afford it, but I am just curious.
  5. The Carlton in the far corner of Castlegate, next to the newsagents/post office shows English football over Scottish football. They'll probably be showing the England game. You don't want to watch it anyway. There's barely any first choice players out there except for John Terry, and he's a shit. You want to be watching Maradonna go nuts on the sidelines whilst some footballing celebrities take on a bunch of part timers.
  6. 16 bin lids? Man, first time I saw them it was 6. They used to dress up and everything, whilst that skeleton guy in a suit danced around all over the shop. More money for less effort. Boo hiss.
  7. The album 'Glorytellers' by the band 'Glorytellers' Members of Karate playing Karate type stuff but quieter.
  8. A hardcore band from down south that never got their act together were once called Diane Spencer Car Explosion. I love band names that plagiarise Jon Spencer's own band name.
  9. Perfect, Muffled = safe! Plus it's at moshulu, so it'll be coupled with folks spewing up on the street and slurring that someone owes them money. GREAT TIME!
  10. The 360 games are far cheaper from his chap than from Gamestation thats for sure,
  11. Best 3 Bands heard this year for the first time Algernon Cadwallader, Dananananaykroyd, Los Camp Best gigs this year I haven't been to a gig at all this year. I should have gone to 30 Fest, but I wasn't too up for the millionth Joe Ninety reunion. Best Releases of 2008 I'm terrible with names. The Algernon record, Dillinger Four - Civil War, and that Los Camp record that comes in a big fancy box. Best Result of the Year Nein Best Purchase of the year Telecaster Custom II YAS MINs of the year New job working with nice people for good money. The gradual fruition of Cap Sant! Biggest Dissapointment The new Bridge and Tunnel record. Looking forward to 2009 Cap Sant! getting off the ground. Hopefully a string of dates further afield will take place and people will bat their hands together when the music stops.
  12. Will I need to buy a ticket, or can I pay on the door? Tickets are for squares.
  13. I'm afraid so man. I hated it too, but I got used to it. Even though I'm used to it, I'd go back to the D-pad any day. The Xbox D-pad is very bad though. I hear they are supposed to be issuing a new controller with a better D-pad, but I dunno if it will come into fruition as most games don't even use it anymore. It's first person shooters that I can't grasp, where I'm using two sticks and the back trigger buttons. I'm just shit at computer games. Except for Feefer. I'm less shit at that. Tonight is the night! Dunno if any League games can happen tonight, as I have to wait for everyone to accept the invite. Hopefully it'll be rolling before the end of the week though. That's if the folks from Punktastic aren't playing Smackdown vs Raw or whatever gay burlesque sim is out at the moment.
  14. I'm pretty sure you just go online and into the league menu and it says who is online and you play who you have left to play if they are online at the time. Alot of leagues seem to have teams with several games in hand because of this, but I guess that's better than having to set time aside to play a game at a certain time.
  15. I'll paint all the black keys white and the white keys black and give you twenny quid for it.
  16. I already included you in the figure even though I didn't get a definite yes from you I was hoping to e-bully you into it. Maybe with a couple of friendly matches where I play terrible on purpose so you think you're dead good at Fifa and fancy your chances in the league! Saying that though. I'm pretty crappy, and even worse with a shit team. Can't wait to get started!
  17. Got about 12 people up for this so far so I'll be scrapping the old league and making a new one to accomodate. If you want in, let me know your tag before about 4:30 today, as I'll be making a new league tonight with the numbers I have. Awesome!!
  18. Radical! My Tag is 'BrutusFire'. Give us an add and let me know if you get yourself a copy of Feefer and I'll invite you to my Elite League. It'll be a right laugh.
  19. Join my league mate. We're all gonna be shite teams so it won't matter if you're useless We're all gonna be useless! Pro Evo skills usually translate quite well onto Fifa. I played against some chap the other night whose tag was PROEVO4EVA and the cunt went and beat me. I felt ashamed.
  20. Yes, I'm playing Fifa on 360, not the Sony BBQ I'll invite you tonight. The invite appears in your Player Hub inbox rather than your Dashboard inbox. Apologies if that is stating the obvious but from the invites I've already sent out, nobody seems to be able to find them! (because they were looking in the wrong place!) I don't think anyone is gonna be great if everyone picks a shitty-to-average team, so it'll be fun and I imagine it'll be wide open for anyone to win. Mega!
  21. I've set up a little league if anyone wants to join? There's 8 places available, one occupied by me obviously, and I've sent a few invites out already. The idea is to keep it strictly 3 star and under teams. No Barca or ManYoo. No Ronaldo being the fastest man on earth. Just fat, wheezing semi professionals hoofing the ball up and down the field. Bad tackles, toe poked penalties and infuriatingly late reactions! If you're interested, give me your gamertag and I'll invite you in. It's a good chance for you Dons fans to play as your team and not get trounced by some 12 year old playing as Brazil. Get in!
  22. Soda Jerk

    The Office

    Ha! That's the one. That's a great episode. I didn't like any others as much.
  23. Soda Jerk

    The Office

    I wasn't into Man to Man much, except for one episode. I can't remember who the guest was, but it has the line "D-E-F-L-E-P-P-A-R-D... BENDERS!" in it, at which I almost wet myself.
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