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Le Stu

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Everything posted by Le Stu

  1. I'll cry them a river. Despite oil riches, I can't believe a majority of residents here are rich. I'm certainly not. I'm a single occupant/owner and I get hammered for this tax.
  2. Google's comic capers: what they really meant to say | The Register Chrome has even improved on previous satire lagtimes!
  3. Salmond Bill To Scrap Council Tax Will Be Introduced (from The Herald ) Huzzah! I have my concerns, but it's high time Aberdeen residents got a frikkin' break.
  4. What ever you do, don't piss the bar tender off and *then* proceed to order an Asian Mary.
  5. Oh pluck, after watching that Pob clip I also discovered: Stupid youtube people, this is RAINBOW 2 THE REVENGE. It scared me more as an adult, though.
  6. I really want to sneak it onto my work computer tomorrow. The cartoon they made to explain it is ace! Much better than reading Apple or Microsoft bumf. Still, not sure if all the features are unique. *oh, I have a G4 mac which is why I was saying I'll have to try it at work.
  7. I've always loved to visit it, but I hated living there with a vengeance. They've got other, for sure, but they don't have anything but...
  8. I'm not so afraid of wasps and bees, like i used to be. However, large fellows waving knives in my face, while demanding fiscal renumeration, has become a newer and less swattable psychological affliction.
  9. Well, the first world is completely open on the demo. I'm not buying it either, 'cos I am cut from buying any more xbox shizzy for now. I was impressed with it though, I must say.
  10. It was a little bleak living there through the Bush presidency, but I still had a great time. Never went to NYC, but I was put off by arguing with the fuckers on the phone constantly! You might want to check out Portland as well, I've heard great things from peeps living there. California made me hella jaded but that can tend to happen... The ladies love a european accent, though!
  11. Horifically twee, but very neat twist on the mario platform games. I think it's the most expensive XBLA game yet, at 1200 pts.
  12. Hawaii sounds nice. I was reading a friend's blog about how he makes coffee, starting from the tree.
  13. I'm thinking Glasgow, myself. Where do you guys dream of moving to?
  14. I have 18 Cadbury's minirolls, a small french baguette, a little bit of gorgonzola and half a bottle of Pinot Noir. Also, I have an Aego M 2.1 system banging out sweet, sweet beats and shit. Admittedly, this would be probably sad anywhere except Aberdeen.
  15. Yes. Now, I know they look a bit ridiculous now but there's an early scene where the main character gets stung, as a young boy, that I STILL can't watch without my hands going up!
  16. Apples notebooks are great... but be sure to get Apple care! In fact, after sales service should be a factor to consider when buying any laptop. Desktops still shit all over laptops anyway, and you can get one of those Asustek EEE laptops for real cheap that'll do everything basic for when you need to be on the move.
  17. Tell that to the 9/11 Commission! But yeah, Stanley blades is what I meant. If you work as a carpet fitter, you can legally carry those ones with the nasty curved blades.
  18. Were they not talking about bringing in the same kind of draconian minimum sentences that they do with guns? (which aren't being enforced anyway) That seems a bit ludicrous. The amount of times I've wandered out of work with a boxcutter in my pocket due to being a bit frazzled springs to mind. Honestly, it's not that bad. Guns are a whole level worse and we thankfully don't have anything like the gun culture in other cities.
  19. I can now get through the first 25 levels and have racked up 49,000,000. I still can't recommend this game to anyone at all, despite not being able to put it down.
  20. Try a computer forum? JOKE. Description of the Windows XP Recovery Console This might help you get to grips with the console, at least.
  21. Another one? What about Glasgow Rangers? (can haz coat)
  22. The father of memetics goes and has a shouting match with Ted Haggard? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. That was worth it, as was the bit where a Rabbi called him a fundamentalist. However, that was the point where I switched off and it's now become almost a reflex. Surely he can do better than this?
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