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Le Stu

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Posts posted by Le Stu

  1. I've not got round to watching episode three yet, but will do so now. Is it bad that I think Patrick, the producer is excellent?

    No, I think he's great too! It's probably because he's a prick. In situations like the zombie apocalypse, everyone else is potentially a prick, whereas pricks are already there and so you pretty much know where you stand with them.

    I'm not sure if that's in the handbook...

  2. I'm sure Baker used to be the voice for when you text a landline. I've wasted many a top-up in the past texting funny phrases to offend whoever picked up. I've since realised this wasn't that funny.

    I think it was just was for Comic Relief (or similar special occasion) one year and apparently BT or OFCOM got a lot of complaints.

    Sounds lovely if you ask me. David Attenborough would also be hilarious, but they need to refit his lower set as he sounds a bit too 'jowely' of late. I think that's why the yanks got Sigourney Weaver to do Planet Earth.

  3. hahahaha

    did they frown upon your previously intoxicated state? or would that be mormons?

    They just looked a bit scared by the sheer intensity of my GO AWAY vibe, actually.

    But I do recall an incident when mormons called and I had a beer in my hand I don't know why but I got guilty and hid it behind my back. So, we went through the whole God conversation when I'm blatantly hiding a beer behind my back. Basically.

  4. Walking up Wellington Road is diesel cancer death at rushhour . I was working there for Royal Mail one Xmas and did it every day for three weeks. And it's awful for pedestrians getting over the Dee bridge with those stupid crossings.

    But First do suck... it's a balance between shittiness only tipped by weather.

  5. has anyone ever got their bank charges refunded? I used to be absolutely disastrous with money, and so racked up quite a lot of charges, particularly during one Christmas where I was so skint I would write out cheques that I knew would bounce :-) I was quite sceptical about the whole refunding thing but my bank sent me a letter saying in so many words that they were not liable in any way, but would " as a goodwill gesture" offer me a four figure sum. Woo hoo!!!

    Which bank, if I may ask? I'm about to dig out my old HBOS statements and send them an itemised prettyplease letter. I think they owe me about 200.


    That, maybe a bit of hip hop like The Roots or Jeru or any of the Def Jux stuff. I also like 80s pop music. I've never really liked indie rock or punk or that music that may or may not be emo. Or bluegrass. I'm a bit lost in this strange new 21st century world, TBH.

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