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Le Stu

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Posts posted by Le Stu

  1. I really want to sneak it onto my work computer tomorrow. The cartoon they made to explain it is ace! Much better than reading Apple or Microsoft bumf. Still, not sure if all the features are unique.

    *oh, I have a G4 mac which is why I was saying I'll have to try it at work.

  2. i've heard good things but i'm a cheapskate and don't want to spend 1200 points on it. bah.

    Well, the first world is completely open on the demo. I'm not buying it either, 'cos I am cut from buying any more xbox shizzy for now. I was impressed with it though, I must say.

  3. If Obama wins the election, I'd certainly consider moving to the states for a bit. Probably Seattle or NYC.

    It was a little bleak living there through the Bush presidency, but I still had a great time. Never went to NYC, but I was put off by arguing with the fuckers on the phone constantly! You might want to check out Portland as well, I've heard great things from peeps living there. California made me hella jaded but that can tend to happen... The ladies love a european accent, though!

  4. Are we talking a proper box cutter or a stanley knife?

    I don't think even a 2 year old could hurt themselves with a box cutter.

    Tell that to the 9/11 Commission! But yeah, Stanley blades is what I meant.

    If you work as a carpet fitter, you can legally carry those ones with the nasty curved blades.

  5. Were they not talking about bringing in the same kind of draconian minimum sentences that they do with guns? (which aren't being enforced anyway) That seems a bit ludicrous. The amount of times I've wandered out of work with a boxcutter in my pocket due to being a bit frazzled springs to mind.

    Honestly, it's not that bad. Guns are a whole level worse and we thankfully don't have anything like the gun culture in other cities.

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